Chapter Eight

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Bucky... Bucky...Bucky 

What if he is hurt?

What if he is in trouble?

What if he is-

Don't think about it 

But what if?

Last night I didn't sleep. 

After Tony went to his room I went to mine. 

The bed is empty and I can't sleep. 

So I stayed up all night, my head crowding with crazy situations. 

Tears burn at my eyes. 

Don't cry, not now. 

Bucky won't be able to help me. 

I'm also worried about Steve. 

Will he be ok?

What if he gets hurt?

Bucky would be devastated, 

and so would I. 

I push the covers off the bed. 

I need to go, I need to get out of here. 

I need to take my mind off things. 

I walk over to the closet and slip on my suit. 

I then push open the window. 

I haven't been on patrol in a while. 

After the whole HYDRA thing taking over SHIELD, we have all taken precaution. 

Even if I didn't want too. 

I shoot a web to the nearest building.

The wind whips around me and I smile behind my mask. 

The fresh air feels nice. 

I hear a scream coming from an ally below me, quickly I drop down to the street and run over to the noise. 

A boy is in the corner of the ally and two men dressed in black are holding guns at him. 

Black... HYDRA. 


Don't think about it. 


The boy sees me and I motion for him to be quiet. 

I stick out both of my hands and shoot a web at them. 

The web sticks to their back. 

They both turn around in surprise, 

but they don't have long before I fling them against the wall. 

I then web them up. 

I look at the boy.

"You were very brave today," I say taking a step towards him, he is curled up in the corner crying. He looks to be no older than seven, "Do you know where your house is?" I ask the small boy, concern in my voice. He shouldn't have had to see that. 

The boy shakes his head. 

"What about your parents?" I take a step closer than crouch down in front of him. 

I don't want to get to close, 

I don't want to scare him. 

"Home," he says in a small voice. 

I sigh slightly and think of a different approach. 

"What's your name?"

He sniffles and wipes a tear away from his cheek, "Sam Roberts," 

"Ok Sam, I will get you home, your parents are probably worried sick." 

The little boy nods his head. 

"Hey KAREN, can you look up Sam Roberts and tell me where he lives?" 

I look over at the two villains to make sure they are knocked out. 

I don't want them to find out where Sam lives. 

After Karen tells me where he lives, I reach a hand out towards the small boy. 

"Do you want to go on a ride?" He nods his head and takes my hand, "Hold on tight!" I say. 

I wrap a web around his body and mine just to be sure he doesn't fall off. 

I swing through the city, people below me look up at me and clap. 

I smile. 

I start off slow and stay lower to the ground than I normally would.

I don't want to scare him. 

"Can we go faster Spider-Man?" The boy says in an excited voice. 

"Sure," I respond webbing us through the city faster. 

Before I know it, we stop in front of a brick apartment building. 

I grab some web desolvent, and careful get him out of the webs and set him back down on the ground. 

His hair is messed up from the wind but he smiles. 

I grab his hand and together we walk inside the building. 

He leads me up a flight of two flights of steps then stops before a door. 

I knock on the door and a middle-aged women answers, her cheeks tear stained. 

"SAM!" She exclaims and bends down to hug him. I let go of the little boy's hand and smile at the two. 

Sam wraps his arms around his mom as well. After a moment they both stand up. 

The women throws her arms around me, tears leaking her eyes.

I don't like hugs. 

Unless they are from Bucky or Steve.

But I awkwardly hug her back anyway. 

"Thank you so much Spider-Man! Oh my gosh, thank you! Sam say thank you, can I get your picture with Sam?" She gushes. 

I smile slightly as she lets go. 

"No problem, and sure," she takes her phone from her back pocket. 

I crouch down so I am the same height as Sam. 

He puts his arm around my shoulder and I put my arm around his waist. 

"Thank you Spider-Man," I smile and ruffle his hair. 

He walks around his mom and back inside. 

"Ma'am, " I say right before she goes in, "Two men cornered him in an ally. They were both pointing guns at him. I heard his scream. I webbed them up and will call the cops, so they won't be a problem," She smiles and thanks me once more before stepping inside of the apartment.

At the end of the hall is a window, so I walk to the end of the hall and push open the window and swing back to the ally. 

I want to make sure they are just two criminals. 

Both the figures are still knocked out. 

I see a small thing of red peeking out from behind his black jacket. 




I pull back his jacket slightly.

It's not a red star. 

But it is a red octopus, with a circle around it. 



I need to tell Bucky.

But he is gone now. 

Panic raises inside of me. 

This can't be happening. 

So instead,  I call Tony. 

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