Chapter Fifteen

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A/N I don't know very much about court and how it works and it is probably different in different places so sorry for any incorrect information about court and doesn't rage at me if it is wrong, leave a comment and I will fix it in the next chapter. I am using my knowledge of court based on To Kill a Mockingbird soooooooo enjoy

I live in the United States so that  court system may be different than others 

Sorry, this is kinda short


Bucky and I sit at the counter nervously waiting. Bucky has a hand placed on my shoulder and is glaring at his metal arm. I am just staring forward. Clint's kids went to town with Laura and Clint as well as the other Avengers are going to need to talk to the attorney because they will be called as witnesses. 

The front door opens and I practically jump out of my seat at the sudden noise. Clint walks through the door with Tony and Steve following behind. Clint walks over to the table and sits down a chair away from us. Tony sits next to me and Steve sits next to Bucky. 

Moments later the rest of the Avengers crowd around the table and a girl in a pan suit sits across from Bucky and I. Her hair is in a slick back ponytail and she vaguely reminds me of Pepper. Except without red hair and not as cool. 

"Hello, Peter, Bucky, others," she says looking around at the room, "My name is Gloria Rickards, I am your lawyer. I am going to have to ask some questions that you might not want to answer. The truth is... you are going to have to answer any question anybody asks you otherwise it is going to lessen your chance of dropping the charges. So whatever you do, don't plead the 5th." 

I glance over to Bucky and squeezes my shoulder and nods. I look back at Ms. Rickards and she glances at me before continuing. 

"I am going to start by asking Bucky and Peter some questions. One at a time, I need to make sure your answers aren't affected by the presence of others. Peter, we will start with you and when you are done I'll go to Bucky." 

Alone? I don't want Bucky to leave. My breathing picks up and Bucky quickly gives me a hug and whispers soothing words in my ear. Then he leaves. Ms. Rickards shuffles a few papers and then looks up to me setting her hands on the table. 

"Alright, we will start easy, what is your full name," 

Easy she said. More like impossible. 

"I-I... I don't know. H-HYDRA gave me a code name. Bucky named me Peter and for school, I created the last name, Parker. So I guess my name is Peter Benjamin Parker," 

She nods and writes down several notes and then looks back up, "How old are you, Peter," 

"I'm fifteen," I respond in a shaky voice. 

"When were you taken by them?" She questioned crossing her legs under the table and placing her pen back on her notepad. 

"I was 3... well I think I can't be sure because we didn't know dates or anything," 

She writes down some more information. She asks me question after question and I answer to the best of my ability. I want to cry, though. I want to run to Bucky and give him a hug and cry. I don't want to talk about this. I was fine. I was happy!

"Does anyone else know about it?" Ms. Rickards asked. 

"No-" My eyes widen and a curse myself. We did I tell them? My breath quickens and I need Bucky. 

"Peter, it is ok," I hear the lawyer say. My breathing does not slow, though. 

"My-My," I take a deep breath, "My t-t-two friends know," 

"What are their names," No, they didn't do anything! Why did I have to bring them into this? It has nothing to do with them. 

"They don't have anything to do with this, they just heard about it." She nods her head. 

"I know but I need to know everything. I swear they won't be dragged into court, ok?" 

I nod. I don't trust her though, I really don't. 

"Ok. Um- Michelle Jones and Ned Leeds. That is all." I look down at my lap, tears burning at my eyes. 

"Thank you, Peter, you can go," I run out of the room and find Bucky on the porch. I hug him and start crying. 

He runs a hand through my hair and whispers into my ear. Ms. Rickards comes out of the door and asks for Bucky. 

"Don't go, please, don't go..." I repeat over and over. 

"It's ok Peter. I'll be right inside and I'll be back soon, ok?" 

"Soon?" I repeat in a slight question and he nods, kissing the top of my head and then following Ms. Rickards into the house. Tony gets out of his seat and walks over to me giving me a hug. 

"It's ok kid, everything will be ok," He whispers running a hand through my hair. 

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