5: Calling Taylor

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After Aaron and I finshed lunch, I decided to just have Aaron drop me off at home. So I'm now setting on my bed, in my pajamas, watching Orange is The New Black on Netflix, waiting to get the nerve to call Taylor. I mean sure, we talked a lot after Magcon ended, but then we kinda just lost contact, almost like one of us fell of the face of the Earth. I've been tempted to call Aaron, make him call Taylor and tell him to call me, but I decided that I should do this one my own. I mean Aaron did say that he wanted me to call Taylor, not make him call Taylor for me. But part of me is scared. I don't know if it's because I'm scared he won't answer, or what if he doesn't want to talk to me. And then what Aaron said at lunch flashes back into my mind, "I just want you there, Mia. And I feel like someone else does too. Maybe someone that you would like to see. And I know for a fact that they want you there too."

That just keep replying in my head, was Aaron talking about Taylor? Who else could he be talking about though? Why did Taylor want me there? Did he like me? Did I like him? I always had a crush on Taylor but that died down and now I just look at him as a friend. At least I think.

My phone ringed, breaking me away from my thoughts. It was Aaron.

"Hello." Aaron said as soon as I picked up the line.

"Hi, Aaron."

"So, have you called Taylor yet?"

"I'm getting ready to. I'm just scared."

"Mia, what is there to be scared of?"

"I don't know Aaron. What if he doesn't pick up?"

"He will. I can assure you that."


I've been setting here for the past hour, waiting on Mia to call me. I've kind of given up on that call now though. Aaron texed me after they had lunch said I should I been getting a phone call any time, but I still have not received that phone call. And I'm starting to give up on ever receving it. And then my phone rings, and I think my heart stops, but its just Aaron.

"Hey man, whats up?"

"Waiting in Mia to call me. I'm starting to give up."

"She actually the reason I'm calling. She was scared to call. So I told her I would call and make sure you would answer the phone. Girls."

"Yes. I can answer the phone. I just really want to talk to her."

"Alright. Let me call her back."

"Bye Aaron."

"Bye Taylor."


It's been about 3 minutes since Aaron called and I'm starting to get nervous. Nervous? Taylor it's just a girl. But a girl that I really like and miss so much. And then my phone rings, breaking me from my thoughts. ITS MIA.


"Taylor." her voice is perfect, I've missed it so much.

"Mia, I'm so glad you called."

"Me too. I've missed talking to you."

"So, Aaron said you were scared to call?" I say.

"How did I know he would tell you." she said with a chuckle.

"So, Aaron told you I was going to sunsation?" I ask

"Yeah, I'm really excited to get to see everyone."

"Me too. I feel like I haven't seen any of the guys in forever, well only Aaron, Matt, and Carter are going out of the original 9 of us, but I'm exited to get to see old faces and yours."


Mia and I talked on the phone for about 3 hours, and the texted each other all night. I think I'm falling for her. Hopefully she feels the same way about me.


This probably sucks. Sorry I haven't updated I've had writers block. And I had a test everyday last week. School is killing me.

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