Chapter 2

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A/N: this gifs basically represent Roger's mood in this chapter. Also, thanks a lot for all the lovely feedback on the first chapter. Again, my apologies for it being a bit short, I promise this one will be longer and it's going to be quite intense! And I know Ben has green eyes but I still like to mention he has blue eyes since Roger does too.. hope you don't mind!
WARNING: smut smut smut smut and some aggression?
WORDS: 5.4k


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LONDON, 1975

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LONDON, 1975

"Rog, wake up," A female voice said. "Rog." She tried again, shaking his broad shoulder with her slender hand. The drummer started to wake up slowly, letting out an annoyed groan. "'Time's it?" He mumbled and blinked with his bright blue eyes a couple of times.
"It's ten to eight." Amy said. "You promised me you'd drop me off at work this morning."
"Oh, right..." He said in his raspy morning voice and yawned.
"Well, come on then, I can't be late." His girlfriend pressed and put her shoes on as she sat on a wicker chair in the corner of the bedroom. The two of them didn't live together but she often would spend the night. Especially on weekends. She sighed as she saw Roger had trouble waking up. He sat up slowly and rubbed his tired eyes. "You know what, I'll take the bus."
"No, no, I also have to be at the recording studio soon. I'll get dressed." Roger said and hoisted himself out of bed and put his black flared jeans on along with a black button up. He left the first couple of buttons open, revealing his toned chest and his platinum necklaces. "Did you already have breakfast?" He asked as he threw on a black blazer with gold embroideries.
"Yes, I had some toast and a cup of coffee," she nodded and her soft brown eyes started to show guilt. "I'm sorry, I should haven woken you up for breakfast.. or saved you some."
"It's alright," He waved it off. "I'll grab something to eat on the way to the recording studio." He quickly put on his black boots and ran his fingers through his blonde locks, hoping to fix it a little, but it was still sticking out in all directions. "Let's go then."

The couple walked out of the apartment and got into his little green Mini. They didn't talk much on their way to Amy's work, a general store in Fulham. They only went with some small talk, about the weather, about if she had anything special planned at work today and how the recording sessions were going. This was supposed to be the last week at the studio, at least he hoped so, Freddie was getting on his nerves sometimes and the band had more fallouts than ever before. There was a lot of pressure on all of them. But that was all, they didn't really talk. And they hadn't for a long time actually. At least Roger hadn't, Amy might feel different about it.

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