Chapter 6

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A/N: the second gif will be something Roger will do in this chapter but I wasn't really sure how to describe it but I marked the scene with a *, so I hope it makes sense haha
WARNING: none? It's mainly fluff
WORDS: 4.5k +

5k +

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Sarah's heart was pounding out of her chest, sweat was lightly covering her body when she had woken up from a terrible nightmare. She lay in bed, her eyes blinking as the darkness surrounded her. For one moment she didn't know where she was but then she remembered she was in Roger's guest room. She took a deep, shaky breath and sat up straight, rubbing her face with her small hands. It was only a nightmare. Non of it was real.

She laid back down again but she wasn't able to go back to sleep, her mind still racing and the images of the nightmare coming back as soon as she closed her eyes. Now that she was awake she noticed she needed a quick bathroom break, so she hoisted herself out of bed and quietly made her way over to the bathroom. Her bare feet touching the cold tiles made her shiver.

The bathroom was at the end of a wood panelled hallway, there was a door on one side that led to the living room and two doors on the other side, leading to the guest room and Roger's bedroom.

When Sarah left the bathroom she saw light coming from underneath Roger's door. She moved her feet from the cold bathroom tiles to the warmer and slightly prickly brown carpet of the hallway, walking closer to the door. She knocked on it twice and opened it slowly, peeking around the corner.
"Can't sleep?" She whispered. Roger looked up, he was sitting up, leaning against his headboard and just putting the bud of a cigarette in the ashtray on his bedside table. He was shirtless and had his sheets covering him till about his waist. He just looked confused by her sudden appearance.
"Are okay? Why are you awake? Do you need something?" Roger asked a little worried.
"Yeah, I just- I had a nightmare. Couldn't sleep anymore after that and then I had to pee." She chuckled.
"Oh, what was your nightmare about?" He asked and frowned.
"I don't remember everything exactly but I was kicked out of my flat and I was walking down the street. It was really cold and dark and I didn't have anything with me. I was completely alone.. and I was just sitting there, on the sidewalk, absolutely freezing. And everyone who passed by just ignored me or they said I was a thief. I just had no where to go... I was completely lost and alone." Her voice cracked a little at the end. Her eyes started to fill with tears. "I don't want to be alone." Her voice full of despair and fear.
"You're not alone." Roger spoke softly. "Come here, you must be freezing." He said and pulled the sheets aside from the spot next to him. She walked over to his bed and got in, Roger pulled her closer instantly.
"Hey, don't cry," He coaxed and slid further down into his bed, so she could lay her head on his chest. "It's all going to be alright, you're not alone, I'm right here. I'm never going to leave you alone, okay?"
She sniffled and nodded a little as she lay comfortably on his chest, his arm wrapped around her shoulder and stroking her arm softly.

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