Chapter 9

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A/N: It's a little short but it's probably the most important chapter so far. Hope you will like it! PS there is a part of Drowse lyric in here. Shoutout to the person who sees it first ;)
WARNING: smut!
WORDS: 3.6k +


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The two of them had made their way home from the recording studio and were currently having dinner together in Roger's small kitchen. 
"It's so cool that EMI will produce your next album." She smiled as she cut her carrots.
"It's crazy, isn't it?" Roger replied. "I'm sorry, by the way." He said and placed his fork down.
"Sorry? About what?" Sarah asked with a confused look on her face.
"Well, we got this big news today and you... you know." He said and took a sip of his water.
"Don't you even dare to feel guilty about that!" Sarah replied. "I'm really happy for you guys. Don't worry about me."
He smiled a little smile in return. "What was Freddie talking about actually? That offer?"
"When we were in Oxford he offered me a job as his personal stylist." The blonde girl said.
"Really? But that's great, right? You're brilliant at doing hair and makeup and you have got a great taste in fashion!"
She sighed a little and placed her cutlery down. "I just don't want to disappoint him, that's all. I'm by no means a professional."
"But he feels confident about it. He trusts you with his styling, that says a lot." The drummer replied.
"Maybe you're right." Sarah replied. "I will think about it, really. I just need to get used to the idea."
Roger nodded in agreement. "I understand. But I think you would do great."

They spend the rest of their evening watching the telly and reading some. It had been a long day for both of them and they decided to call it a night. Roger decided to take a shower before going to bed.

Sarah changed into her sleeping shirt, one of Roger's Led Zeppelin shirts he didn't wear anymore. She was also wearing a red thong, the one from the lingerie set she once got as a surprise for Roger. He was absolutely mad for it. She couldn't help but daydream about the moment he walked into his dressing room and found her there, waiting for him on the sofa. As she laid in bed she started to fantasise about what he would do if she surprised him like that again. She felt a weird feeling in her stomach, a tickling sensation: butterflies. She had never felt butterflies before when she had shared the bedroom (or whatever room) with Roger before. But now, the thought alone made her feel it, let alone if it would happen in real life. It was weird, a couple of weeks ago she would just have made her way into his bedroom and waited for him to come back from his shower. Only to be followed by some hot, steamy sex. But she just couldn't do it now. It even made her feel nervous in some way. But she wanted to see him so badly, to touch him, to kiss him. To show him how he made her feel and hopefully make him feel the same way. To just be with him. She was ripped from her thoughts as she heard a door open.

Her door was slightly ajar and she could see into the hallway. A half naked Roger moved along the crack of the door quickly. She felt her heart skip a beat. She normally would never feel that way when she saw his body. Of course, he was very good looking and had a pretty much perfect body, but it never made her blush or anything like that. She just never really looked at him, not this intensely. That was the word she was looking for: intense. All of it had gotten so much more intense lately. And she still didn't know if it was for the fact they spend so much time together now and he had basically saved her arse that she was feeling all these things. But it was worth giving a shot, wasn't it?

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