Chapter 4:

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Later on that day, Dean was coming out of the shower block in the caravan park.

As he approached his caravan, he noticed Ziggy putting a gear bag in her car.

"Zig, you don't have to go," Dean insisted.

"I think we've been spending too much time together. You're clearly sick of me!" Ziggy closed the boot of the car.

"No I'm not," Dean assured her softly.

"It's okay, Dean. I get it. I've been intense and all over the place the last few weeks, but you've been there for me. You've been everything that I needed and more. Thank you so much," Ziggy wrapped her arms around him.

Dean broke away from the hug immediately.

"What's wrong?" Ziggy asked, concerned.

"I know that you're going on a date with that lame I'll pay for your water guy," Dean grimaced at the terrible nickname.

"And?" Ziggy waited for him to finish.

"Don't you think that there's something between us?" Dean wondered.

"Me and you?" Ziggy repeated.

Dean nodded his head.

Ziggy was speechless.

"Say something, Zig," Dean was in hell, as he waited for her to say something.

"I don't know what to say, Dean. I love hanging around you, but I never thought that something would happen between us. If we go there, I'm afraid we would ruin our friendship and that means the world to me," Ziggy said in a gentle tone of voice.

Dean gave a nod of his head.

"At least we know where we stand. Enjoy your date," Dean slipped past her.

"Dean, are you alright?" Ziggy asked but it was too late.


Ziggy was sitting on a chair in Irene's kitchen.

Jasmine was doing Ziggy's hair for the big date.

"Are you excited?" Jasmine quizzed her.

"I mean, I guess so, but I'm mostly nervous. It's been such a long time since I've been on a first date. Brody and I never did anything like this when we first started dating. It feels weird," Ziggy confessed as she folded her hands across her lap.

"Are you over Brody?" Jasmine dares to ask as she picked up a hair clip.

"I don't think that I'll ever be over Brody. At one point, I thought that we'd be together for the rest of our lives and that's hard to forget, but I'm ready to put myself out there and move on," Ziggy replied.

"Well I say good on you for getting back out there and taking a risk," Jasmine was smiling.

Jasmine's words made Ziggy think back to Dean .

"Yeah, it's hard to admit how you feel," she mumbled.

"Are you okay?" Jasmine stared at her.

"Yeah, all good. Let's give me a mirror," Ziggy brightened up.

Jasmine handed her a mirror.

"Aw, Jas. It's great. Thank you," Ziggy smiled as she twirled a curl of her long blonde hair.


Ziggy's date was in Yabbie Creek.

She decided to stop at her family home on her way.

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