Chapter 11:

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Ziggy was brought through to the Emergency Department.

"Ziggy Astoni, twenty one year old female, collapsed suddenly. Her BP is 140 over 90. She hasn't regained consciousness in 10 minutes," the paramedic explained to Dr. Tori Morgan, Brody's sister.

"Let's take her into the first room on the left," Tori ordered as she put her stethoscope around her neck.

"Brody, Dean, what happened? What was Ziggy doing?" Tori was surprised to see her there.

"Dean and I were arguing and then Ziggy just passed out," Brody told her.

"Is she going to be okay?" Dean asked Tori.

"I'll let you know when I know," Tori promised as she grabbed her iPad.

Dean watched as the paramedics helped bring Ziggy to a bed.

"Okay, on my count. 1, 2 and 3," Tori instructed as she took Ziggy off of the stretcher.

"Ziggy, can you hear me? It's Tori. I'm just checking if you have a temperature," she put her hand to Ziggy's forehead.

Ziggy abruptly opened her eyes.

"What's going on?" Ziggy was groggy.

"Ziggy, you're in hospital, but you'll be alright. We're going to take care of you," Tori explained to her.

"No, I'm fine," Ziggy tried to sit up.

"Ziggy, please try to stay still," Tori pleaded with her.

Ziggy pulled a face and she didn't look too good.

"Someone get her a dish," Tori ordered as she was anticipating what was going to happen next.

Without a delay, Ziggy got sick.

"What's wrong with her?" Brody put his hands around the back of his head.

Dean was about to give out to Brody, saying something that he was the catalyst to all the problems, but he could tell that Brody was worried about Ziggy.

"I'll call Ben and Maggie," Dean walked off.


Brody was sitting on a chair in the front waiting room.

Across the way, Dean was leaning against the nurses' station.

"Dean, what are you doing here?" Jasmine wondered as she came up next to him.

"Ziggy fainted and she's been getting sick," he told her.

"I'm sorry. That's horrible," Jasmine took out a key to open the filing cabinet.

"Tori hasn't given us an update in a while. Do you mind going in and checking on Zig?" Dean asked.

"Of course," Jasmine smiled.

"Cheers," Dean nodded his head gratefully.

Just then, Maggie and Ben arrived at the hospital.

"Hi, Dean," Maggie greeted him

Maggie and Ben noticed Brody and didn't feel so friendly.

They hated what Brody had done to their daughter and they didn't forgive him.

"Thanks for sticking around for Zig," Ben was really appreciative of Dean.

Ben realised how much Dean cared for his daughter and after everything with Brody, he knew that Dean was good for Ziggy.

Dean showed her respect and that was something that Brody had neglected to do for a very long time.

"Dean, you can go see her," Jasmine popped her head around the door.

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