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So, here are the first two days of Frank and Gerard's Italian vacation. Enjoy! My keyboard is fucking up.

Gerard woke up to the sound of a coffee machine brewing. "What the fuck?" Gerard mumbles and he blinks a few times before getting adjusted.

"Hey, Gee." Frank pops his head out of the bathroom door and Gerard looks over his body.

He had on a dark blue button up, with the sleeves rolled up to his biceps. It was loose, yet tight as well. He had black skinny jeans and worn out tennis shoes on as well.

"Nice look, Angel," Gerard mumbles as he propped himself on his elbows.

"Thanks, now get dressed. We have two places to hit today and I'm not gonna be late because of your lazy ass," Frank says, ducking his head back into the bathroom.

Gerard groans as he sits up and tosses his legs over the bed.  He stared at all the clothes littering the floor and he thought of the night before.

He stood up and stretched, his bones popping. "That's disgusting," Frank said from the bathroom.

"No, it isn't," Gerard sing-songs. Gerard walks over to the sofa where their suitcases were. He unzips the suitcase and pulls out the first two things of his.

A baggy blue shirt and beige cargo shorts that go to the shin. Gerard shrugged and walks into the bathroom.

Frank glances at him before flickering his eyes to the mirror. Frank was, Frank was doing something to his face.

"Are you moisturizing?" Gerard asks as he peels off his pajama shorts.


"Oh my God."


"From our hotel, Grand Hotel Ritz, to the Mouth of Truth, it's a thirteen minute drive," Frank says, not looking up from his phone, "I've ordered us an Uber."

"Coolio. After we visit the Mouth of Truth, where are we gonna go next?" Gerard asks, putting his head on Frank's.

"We're going to Pompeii. It's a two hour and thirty-four minute drive."

"That's so long," Gerard whines and Frank rolls his eyes.

"Suck it up and go on Twitter. Your followers would love to know where we are," Frank says, moving his head so Gerard's fell.

"Fuck you!" Gerard exclaims as he lifts his head.

"I know that. Also, the Uber is on this street."

They collect themselves as a black Tesla pulls up. "Hey, are you Virgil?" Frank asks and the driver nods. Frank opens the door and Gerard gets in, then Frank, who shuts the door behind him.

"To the Mouth of Truth we go!"


"Frank, everyone wants you to give me a kiss so I can show them," Gerard says as we stood in line.

"Fine," Frank whines, looking up from his phone.

He gives Gerard a very passionate kiss and they heard an 'aw' come from behind them. They pull away, blushing.

"T-thanks, Frankie."

"No problem, my endorphin."


In total, the Mouth of Truth experience was great. They witness a little baby start to tear up and cry because she thought the mouth would actually bite off her hand. It was sad, but adorable, if you get what I mean.

"Babies are so adorable," Frank said, leaning his head on Gerard's shoulder.

"Yeah, they are," Gerard lies. But Frank doesn't know that. Frank snuggles in closer to Gerard and slowly falls asleep on their way to Pompeii.

Gerard takes photos of the view outside of the window and of Frank, sleeping peacefully. He made some conversation with their Uber, Roman.

Turns out he and Virgil knew each other. Small world, am I right? "How's it like, living the married life?" Roman asks and Gerard looks down at a sleeping Frank.

"It's great. You can sense it is different from just a regular relationship, it's like something sparkly and lovely has got us tied together," Gerard comments and Roman looks at him from the mirror.

"I wish you two the best of luck on your journey."

"Thanks, I hope you find your special someone."


The rest of the car ride was silent, filled with the sound of Frank's light snores and the low volume of the radio.

They were now currently in the Pompeii Archaeological Park and roaming down the isles of buildings and people covered in volcanic ash.

"I heard that there's one volcano, I think it's in the US, that if it erupts, then the world will go into an apocalypse because the volcanic ash would spread through the air," Gerard says and Frank stops in his tracks.

"Gerard, I know that is probably a lie, but please, please, stop freaking me out," Frank says and Gerard turns around.

"Fine, but c'mon, I wanna go see some more things." And with that, Gerard took Frank's hands in his own and pull him forward, giggling as he starts to run and Frank starts to stumble before catching a rhythm.

Chapter by me.

That little baby was based off me because when I lived in Italy when I was a baby, my family went to the Mouth of Truth and I cried because I thought it would bite off my hand.

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