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Gerard and Frank have been having the best time. Today they're going to the island of Capri and spend a full day, night, and partial day there.

After getting off of the ferry, the two headed over to the guided tour group. They were the first ones there and decided to make conversation with the two guides, Logan and Patton.

"Hi, we are here for the guided tour," Frank said. Patton turned around with the biggest dopey grin that the two had ever seen.

"Well, hey there. Glad you could be apart of the group. My name is Patton and my friend here is Logan," Patton started, gesturing to Logan.

"Hello there," Logan deadpanned.

"I like your scarf, Patton," Gerard said shyly.

Patton blushed, but kept the dopey grin,
"Well, thank you so much. I like your shirt." Patton gestured to the Jack Skellington shirt that Gerard was wearing.

The group made conversation until the other part of the group got there and they started the tour.

After about two hours, the tour ended at a perfume factory, that was famous for its unique scents. The rest of the group dispersed, but Frank and Gerard stayed behind to thank the two guides for the tour.

Patton blushed while Logan smiled in appreciation at the two's politeness.

As Frank and Gerard walked away they laughed at the moments during the tour when Logan would exclaim, "FALSEHOOD," whenever Patton said an incorrect fact.

The two were thoroughly entertained and immensely happy that they had chosen this as their honeymoon. The rest of the day went by in a flash and soon enough they were back at their hotel room.

Gerard walked out of the shower and cuddled up to Frank in the bed.

"I love you," he said, nuzzling his face into Frank's neck.

"I love you too," Frank replied smiling down at the adorable man in his arms. Gerard soon fell asleep, but Frank stayed up to watch the love of his life.

He was astonished that someone so beautiful and unique wanted someone as bland as he was.

Then he thought back to his vows and how he had been so nervous that he had completely forgotten half of what he wanted to say. Even though Gerard has never heard him say this, Frank promised himself that he would cherish his husband for all eternity, no matter what.

And with those final thoughts, Frank fell asleep dreaming of the life with Gerard that he would soon be living.

Chapter by Rogue-Alien01, they added the most beautiful fluff I've seen. I'm tearing up.

Any errors that Grammarly didn't catch?

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