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"I'm going to run away. I can't get married, I'm too young. Maybe in like, what, five years?" Gerard started rambling and Mikey slaps him in the head.

"You are 26, you aren't too young. It's going to be fine," Mikey says reassuringly as he fixes Gerard's hair.

"But what if I trip like yesterday? What if Frank is only using me to get my money? What if our marriage doesn't work out?" Gerard starts to panic, with waves of regret and anxiety washing over him.

"Gerard, stay there. I'm going to go get someone," Mikey said before leaving the room. Gerard starts to hyperventilate.

"I don't think I can go through with this wedding," Gerard told himself. He looked around the room for a way to escape.

"The window!" Gerard heads to the window and opens up the window.

He gets one leg out of the window before the door opens. "What the fuck are you doing, Gerard?" Mikey exclaims.

Gerard turns around and stares at Mikey and... Frank?

"You're not supposed to see me!" Gerard said dramatically, flailing his arms around.

"Gerard, this is not a traditional wedding. For crying out loud, we're men!" Frank said as he walked over to Gerard.

He grabbed Gerard's arm and lead him away from the window. "Gerard, it's going to be fine. I love you, forever and always. Now, let's go get married so we can go on our honeymoon," Frank said as he hugged Gerard.

"Okay, I love you too. Now, get out so I can fix myself up," Gerard said, pushing Frank away as he giggled.

"See you out there," Frank said, walking out the door as Mikey pushed Gerard back into the chair.

Mikey messes with Gerard's hair for a few more minutes before he put his hand on Gerard's shoulder.

"Ready?" Mikey asks and Gerard nods.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He was still doubting the marriage as he and Mikey walk to the doors of the chapel.

They heard the music start and Gerard looks over to Mikey. "Thank you," Gerard said as he hooked his arm with Mikey's, who offered to fill their dad's spot. He didn't want to come because as he said it, 'marriage is between a man and a woman.'

They opened the doors and began to walk down the aisle together. Gerard's doubts washed away as he saw Frank stand at the altar.

Frank mouthed an 'I love you,' and Gerard did it back. They finally reached the end of the aisle and Mikey sat down next to Ray. Gerard walked up the steps until he was in front of Frank and the priest was in the middle of the two.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Frank Iero and Gerard Way in holy matrimony. Do you two have any vows prepared?" the priest said and they both nod.

"Frank, I know that we say this a lot, but I love you. I have since I witness you get a milkshake thrown in your face and all you did was lick it." People laugh at that little comment as Frank blushes.

"I promise you that no matter what, I will not give up on you. In sickness and in health, I will care for you. I will shower you in love and remind you that you are the most spectacular person that I know. I love you, my angel," Gerard said, tears spilling from his eyes.

Gerard could see Frank's eye water up as he licked his lips and smile.

"Gerard, you are one of the most dorkiest people I have ever met. It so freaking adorable as well. My love for you can not be spoken in words. I vow to protect you from all harm, no matter the cost. To be with you, in sickness and in health. To love and cherish your quirks for the rest of our lives. I love you, my endorphin," Frank said, tears now spilling from his eyes and he watched Gerard smile.

They both giggle at each other before the priest continues. "With the power vested in me and the church, I pronounce you husband and husband. Please give each other the rings and then you may kiss."

Gerard took a sleek, black ring out of his pocket and put in on Frank's finger. Frank also pulled out a sleek, black ring and placed in on Gerard's finger.

Frank dipped Gerard and placed his lips on Gerard's. The kiss was passionate and deep, but hard to manage with the smiles they were making.

The cheers were tuned out as they continued to kiss. They broke apart for air and looked at everyone. "We're married!"


Gerard and Frank both had their hands on the knife handle. Pictures were being snapped from every direction as they cut the first slice of cake.

Gerard let go of the knife and got a plate so they could place the cake on it. Nope. He got a slice of cake straight to the face.

He grabbed a handle full and threw it at Frank. "Fuck you."

The dining continued before the DJ called the couple up for their first dance. Gerard and Frank walked up to the dance floor, stumbling and giggling because they were a bit drunk.

Their song started to play in the loudspeakers. Brendon wrote them the song 'Always,' on their second anniversary.

"It was always you
Falling for me
Now there's always time," Frank sung his part of the chorus and Gerard started to sing his.

"Calling for me
I'm the light blinking at the end of the road
Blink back, to let me know."

They bother kissed again as they glided across the dance floor, under the sparkling lights and only thinking of each other.

Chapter by me. You all are going to like the next few chapters, that we have planned out. Also, if you cried during this chapter, you're not alone

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