(A/N) I need help and advice.

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I need some advice and help with deciding on what I should do, in regards to my relationship status. I also posted this same thing on my wall.

First off, my girlfriend broke up with me two weeks ago, on Monday, because her feelings for me were no longer there. This hit me hard because she was my first girlfriend and I had never gone through a breakup before. So I gave her some space and didn't talk to her for the rest of the week. Then I was on spring break last week, so I knew I wouldn't have to worry about running into her during the day. But since I had volunteered to help out at her colorguard competition (I had volunteered to help at all of them back when we were still dating), I knew that I would have to see her on Saturday. To keep my mind off it, I did a couple live streams on YouTube during the week.
Then on Saturday, I knew that I couldn't handle staying at the competition for 6 hours since I didn't have any other reason to want to stay (since my girlfriend broke up with me), so I got a ride back home and told my ex-girlfriend (via text) that I wasn't feeling good. Then I remembered that she had wanted to talk in person on Saturday so we could be friends. When I got home, I texted her and said that I regretted not talking to her. She said she understood that I still needed more time. Then I decided to live stream in order to get her off my mind. She got notified through YouTube that I was live streaming, and she left some comments on the live stream that made me feel like a complete asshole. The thing is, I still love her more than anything else in this world.

But I don't know what to do. Should I move on and find someone else who makes me happy? Or should I give the both of us more time and try to get her back?

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