For Starters

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I hope you enjoy thank you for choosing my story! If you have any suggestions or comments please don't hesitate to share them !!! This story contains a lot of sex so I hope you are prepared...this is the beginning chapter sorry for how long it is!

Elizabeth and I were on our way to find the Seven Deadly Sins so we could defeat the Holy Knights. We were wearing armor as not to be suspicious but it turns out we were caught. Coming across a tavern we decided to enter, Elizabeth falling to the ground. We had been chased and hunted down like animals being beaten up and fighting for our lives, we were now traitors. A young man coming up to her looked at both of us, all then men drinking yelled at us accusing us of being the sins. The young blonde called someone by the name of Ban over to us, he came out from the kitchen and picked up Elizabeth. Looking at him he wore an apron over red clothing, sharp silver hair, red eyes and a scar on his neck going up to his chin. His chiseled body popping out of his outfit would make any girl drool. To be honest I myself was caught staring but he was holding my best friend and I had no idea who he was. I drew out my sword and called out to him. "Who are you? Put her down I can take care of her." I felt my body becoming weak but I would not let someone just take ahold of her.
"No need for that! My name is Meliodas!" The young blonde said to me removing the sword from my hands. Meliodas? From..the Seven Deadly Sins? He seen the expression on my face. "Yep that's me!" I was so tired I could hardly make a reaction though I was looking for him anyway. I knew him from years back, though he didn't seem to recognize me. I trusted him.
Ban carried Elizabeth upstairs. He seen my worry and nodded. "I'll take you with" he took my arm and helped me walk up the stairs. We entered the room with Ban and Elizabeth. I fell to my knees out of weakness and pain. Ban rushed over to me and helped me up as we walked over to the bed. I sat next to Elizabeth's feet.
"What's your name? Why are you here?" Meliodas asked.
"Y/N. I was a Holy Knight...trained by you actually..but I know the truth and Princess Elizabeth and I came here together to ask you to help us defeat the Holy Knights. It's a long story but they found us even though we dressed like this. We are wanted now and we can't go back." I say, Meliodas' eyes became wide.
"Y/N?" He remembers?
"Yes..ow." In pain I try to reach my leg but the armor is in the way. Blood coming down my face and cuts and bruises all over my body. Ban comes over to me, helping me remove my armor.
"Looks bad Cap" he says to Meliodas. I looked down at my leg and it is all swollen and bruised. I can't even move it I think it's broken.
Meliodas goes to get bandages and water to clean me and Elizabeth up but Ban just stares at me.
I look at him confused.
"How are you not unconscious? You're losing a lot of blood on your head and your leg is awful...yet you wanted to fight me down there?" He grinned devilishly. I liked it.
"She's my best friend and I don't know you. For all I know you could've taken advantage of her."
"Nah she's not my type. But you, ha! I'd take advantage of you anyday. I mean your long (color) hair, beautiful face, big chest and sexy curves. You're not from here are you?"
His compliments made me blush but angry. I punched his arm but replied.
"No, I'm from America."
"I can tell.. you don't see bodies like that around here!" He laughed again making me forget about my pain. As Meliodas came back he took care of Elizabeth while Ban tended to me.
Elizabeth suffered from some head damage and bruises but nothing major. She would wake up soon.
Ban bandaged my head and took off my shirt and shorts to clean me up. He called Meliodas over to help snap my leg back in place. Meliodas gave me a rag to put in my mouth. All I felt was a quick snap and I screamed in pain. I didn't dare cry in front of these two.
"Strong girl" Ban says as he wrapped my leg up. I got dressed and eventually Elizabeth woke up. Meliodas took Elizabeth to his room and I stayed with Ban. Breathing heavy from the pain Ban came over to me and handed me a pill. I pushed it away. " I don't take pills from anyone." I said as he laughed. He laid down next to me.
"I can make your pain go away.."

SORRY FOR HOW LONG IT WAS! I hope you enjoyed! Ban is soooo hoooottt!! Couldn't help but make a story about him!
I read other stories of him and they inspire me to make my own but one I never seen was a full blown story containing lemon about Ban along with the rest of the story so I decided to make this one! It contains a lot of sex but also your adventure with him! ENJOY !!!!!

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