Memorable night

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I put my hand in front of my face before his lips could touch mine. His eyes opened and the look of confusion on his face made me laugh.
"Do you think I will submit that easily? I bet you do this with all the girls you meet."
He chuckled his fangs showing making me fall for his good looks.
"Nah not really. But when I do they don't act like this." He says taking my hands in his and pinning them behind my head.
I look at him and smile cunningly, he looked at me confused as If he's never seen a woman act like him before. I stared into his eyes, his looks turned me on so much and I felt something as if I've recognize this feeling with him. It took over and I yearned for him.
"Fine lets do it, but on one condition." I say smiling widely.
"What's that?
"We play by my rules." After I said this I've never heard the kind of laugh that came out of his mouth..ever. It turned me on it almost sounded like a growl.
I got up hopping on on leg over to the desk where I found a pocket knife. He came over to me, I turned around to face him, flipped the knife open and licked it not breaking eye contact. He gave me the same laugh with lust glossing over his red eyes, his tongue moving across his fangs slowly.
He picked me up and brought me over to the bed and climbed on top of me. He leaned down and his lips met mine slowly, he bit my bottom lip asking for entrance and I allowed it. His tongue fought with mine as his hands traced from my cheek down to my torso and my hips, he pulled me closer to him and I could feel his erection touching me. He grinded against me and I pulled back from the kiss. I flipped him over so I was sitting on top of him, my broken leg dangling off the bed. I took off his shirt and threw it off the bed then I did the same with mine. Once he seen my body his eyes became wide and he grinned. He reached out and undid my bra for me letting it fall exposing my breasts to him. His dick instantly became harder and he bit his lip showing me he was ready. I then leaned down and took the knife to his bare chest and played with his soft skin letting the blade cut it, blood trickled down but it instantly healed. I took it once more under his chin. "Listen to me, I'm only doing this once. Got it?" I say seriously
"Mmmnn...we'll see" his sexy raspy voice made me horny and mad so I drew the blade once more from his chin down to his collarbone. I threw the knife on the floor and I grabbed the sheets by the sides of his head I then went to his neck and licked until I found his spot. I then took my teeth and bit hard and began sucking releasing a moan from his mouth. He grabbed me tightly then threw me on my back to repay the favor. His fangs felt so good and the pain was making me grab his bare back with my nails. He pulled off my pants and underwear until we were both completely naked. The moonlight glowed revealing his body to me.
"Whoa..your dick is bigger than I thought."
"And your body is even sexier than I imagined" he replied.
He lowered down my body and began licking my clit causing me and moan a little. He then put two fingers in me and began thrusting them back and forth slowly. The pain of temptation was excruciating and I moaned again asking for more. He laughed as if he was humored by my suffering. I then sat up and brought my face down to him. I put my mouth around his erection and began sucking slowly causing him the same pain. I twirled my tongue around his tip while I sucked his shaft and he moaned even louder. He pushed me down roughly and shoved his pulsating penis inside of me.
"Ohh~Ban!" He covered my mouth with his hand so I then became muffled. I made eye contact with him while he thrust inside of me. It began slowly so my walls could get used to his huge cock. I threw my head back in pleasure and my back arched allowing him to thrust in again harder this time and faster. He then let go of my mouth and put both hands on my hips pulling me into him until both of our hips were touching. He groaned and growled. Our skin was slamming into eachother making smacking noises.
"Don't. hold. back" I say between thrusts
This gave him permission to go even harder and faster.
"Fuck Y/N.. you're so tight!"
"Ah Ban! " he lifted my hips up higher which allowed him to adjust to my g-spot
"AAH. There! Don't stop!" I say as quietly as possible
"Y/N I'!"
"Me too..fuuuckk" both of us letting out our moans then lightly thrusting in me to ride out our orgasm. It all took at least 50 minutes and by this time he was sweating and panting.
He laid down next to me and looked at me confused. He felt my head and watched me for a second.
"What Ban?"
"How the hell are you not sweating or panting?? I know I did most of the work but damn ! "
"Haha" laughing I punch his arm lightly. He pulls me in and we fall asleep together.

Alright I hope you enjoyed that! I'm a weird person so you'll see that through my writing :) !

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