A place to go

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Ban carrying me through the woods wasn't slowed down at all. He was strong and apparently I weighed nothing to him. I started to fall asleep when everyone suddenly stopped, I looked up knowing we must've reached our destination. We seen a girl sleeping on the ground, why is she lying there?

 We seen a girl sleeping on the ground, why is she lying there?

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"Diane!" Meliodas yelled

This wasn't a monster at all, this was Diane Serpent sin of Envy.

She stood up and grew to about 30 feet tall ready to defend. At first she didn't know who we were until she seen Meliodas up close. She immediately picked him up and gave him kisses.

"Haha okay okay!"  he yelled in her large hand as she put him down.

"We need you to rejoin us, we are regrouping the sins." Meliodas stated


"The day we were accused for Zaratra's murder I don't remember anything, I know that we couldn't have done such a thing so we are going to prove who did it." he spoke certainly knowing that someone framed them.

Diane nodded, accepting the offer to rejoin the sins.

"guys what's that?" Hawk spoke in a very quiet and squeaky voice.

Looking up we all seen a cloud, but only one.

A few seconds later a lighting bolt struck down and immobilized us all.

Is that...you have got to be kidding me.

"Elizabeth, we've been looking everywhere for you, we were so worried." he stated through sarcastic teeth.

"And Y/N" coming over to me while I am paralyzed still on Ban's back "don't think this man will save you, I will kill you..traitor."

I looked behind him and noticed that Meliodas and Diane had escaped the tight grip of the spell and before the man known as Gilthunder raised his sword at me, Meliodas stabbed him in the back.

Screaming, Gilthunder turned around and began to fight Meliodas, though he seemed to actually be winning.

We couldn't speak or move but we knew for sure that our captain was hurt badly.

Diane grabbed Gilthunder and without hesitation threw him across the forest. the spell broke and she picked up Meliodas.

"He's hurt badly, we need to go to a clinic." letting him rest in her hand we all headed to town.

"Don't worry I wont let him touch you" Ban said quietly so that only I could hear it.

about 20 minutes or so had passed and finally we made it into town. Ban put me down and held my hand as we all entered the clinic.

The doctor, Dr. Dana, took Meliodas right away. He had him drink a liquid, he said it was a healing formula and that he would wake up in a few hours. He placed a rag on his forehead and left the room.

Ban pulled on my hand and went into the hallway, calling over one of the nurses.

"How may I help you?"

"My girlfriend is pregnant and not feeling well I'd like her to get checked out please" looking over at me I smiled at the word girlfriend.

We entered the next room alone and the nurse came up to me.

"My name is Dr. Grace, if you'd lie back for me I'll start the checkup." she inspected me asked me questions and wrote down vitals.

She then took Ban over to the side and started to talk to him, though they were so quiet I couldn't understand what she was saying.

He nodded a few times and I could see the distress in his face. She shook his hand and smiled, waved at me then left.

He walked over to me with his hands clenched and his jaw tight.

"What's wrong?"


"You're not good at lying to me Ban."

"She said that you need to stay away from any more stress or you could lose the baby." not even looking me in the eye he spoke quietly.


"There is some good news." he looked at me and held my hand helping me up off the bed.

"You're a month and two weeks along."

I smiled, but im also sad because our life is full of stress especially with trying to find the sins and wars we are facing.

"Look at me." he picked my face up with his hand

we stayed like that for a few minutes before he leaned in and kissed me gently, not letting go of me.

"I know of a place we can go until the baby is born."


So sorry it took so long for this chapter but It got deleted and I had to retype it all! Hope you enjoy :))

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