Petals in the Pond

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Alright another lemon for y'all!!!! This is romantic style :)

I went outside as Ban followed me.
"Y/N, are you alright?" He came up from behind and put his arm on my shoulder. He turned me around to face him, tears falling down my cheeks. How could I forget him? Last night, it felt so nostalgic and I guess I know why. There are some gaps that need to be filled in but why was I remembering them now? Why did I forget?
So many questions ran through my head as Ban came so close to me our chests were almost touching.
He wiped the tears off with his thumb.
"I remember you Ban. I don't remember all the details but I remember the most recent memory of you." I look up at him and I see he is holding back his emotions. He pulls me in for a kiss. This kiss was unlike last night- it was so gentle and kind.
"I want to show you something" he took my hand and led me through the forest down through the village to a small pond. Hidden past the village it lay in the middle of the forest. It was surrounded by beautiful Cherry Blossom trees. The pond was so clear and blue, I've never seen water look so picture perfect.
"You loved this pond. Came here all the time together." He smiled reminiscing.
I looked up at him. His gorgeous eyes and perfect jaw line, something came over me and I stood there in front of him looking up into his eyes. I drew closer letting my hands trace his sculpted body. His breathing became heavier, he leaned down and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him passionately just like last night. Ban set me down and removed his clothes throwing them on to the grass that surrounded our feet. Walking into the water he stood there waiting for me, he grinned slightly giving me goosebumps. I immediately stripped myself of my clothes from yesterday and began to slowly reach him. Ban bit his lip waiting for me like an impatient child. I followed him to where he stood, the petals falling off the trees touching the water around us like snow. How could this get any more romantic?
In that moment his hands touched my arms, his lips touched mine and all I could do was melt into his arms. The water was cold but his body was so warm it made me want to be as close as possible.
The silence surrounded us except for the movement of the water and the sound of our breathing, everything was perfect.
His hand traced from my arm to my hip and then reached my womanhood, he let his fingers tease my clit getting a slight moan out of me. Smiling he then put two fingers inside of me making me gasp. I could feel his dick becoming harder as it was against my hip, he kept pumping his fingers into me making me moan. I let my hand fall to his member as I gripped it and started to slowly tend to him. I earned a few groans from him before he then looked me straight in the eye "you are insatiable, you know that?"
I laughed slightly then whispered in his ear "then satisfy me". This turning him on even more he lifted me up a bit and lowered me onto him. He entered slowly and began to kiss over my neck and chest enhancing my lust for him. I then began to bounce on him slowly, torturing him until he grabbed my waist and made me slam onto him faster. This made me throw my head back in pleasure moaning loud enough that I'm sure I scared some birds.
"Say my name" he demanded, making me feel a bit embarrassed.
Slamming into me harder than before I couldn't help but call out his name from the pleasure
Damn he was hot
I positioned myself to where he then hit my sweet spot. He seen what I had done and then went all the way in, us touching hip to hip.
"B-Ban! Oh~you're gonna make me..ah~!"
"Yes Y/N! Mmnnn"
"Oh God~Y/N I'm gonna cum!"
Releasing himself into me he thrusts a few more times then pulls me into a hug, leaving himself inside of me.
"Y/N, I've been waiting years for us to reunite, I've missed you"
"Ban, I don't remember much but I remember the feelings I felt, every time I'm around you they seem to flood back to me like they never left." I look up at him and smile.
"I want to remember everything. Tell me?" I ask lightly hoping he knows the answers to my questions.
He just nods then leads me back to land. We lay on the grass to dry off.
"It all began about 12 years ago"

I hope this wasn't too cringey!!! Alright well hope you enjoyed !!! More to come!

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