New Quest

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"Twelve years ago I began training you as a Holy Knight when we all got along. We were hero's instead of villains. We fell in love after a few months of working together, two years later we were accused of trying to take over Liones. We were planning on running away but you were sworn to your duty so I had to leave you. They brainwashed you and used magic to make you forget, but I guess memories eventually come back."
I look over at him, confused and curious. I wanted to know more but I would have to remember the small details myself.
"We were so happy" he said looking up at the sky reminiscing.
"We can still be" sitting up I look down at him, he followed my lead and sat up he took my face in his hands and leaned in close so we were touching nose to nose.
"We still are" leaning in all the way he kissed me. We sat there talking and kissing for a while before we got our clothes back on and headed back to the Boar hat.
"Y/N are you alright?" Elizabeth ran up to me a worried look in her eyes.
"Yes I'm fine." I say looking over at Meliodas who seemed to know exactly what was going on.
"We have a quest!" Meliodas broke the silence and hawk the cute pig oinked up from his scraps "quests! Yay!"
"What is it Cap?" Ban questioned holding my hand
"Well we have to find another one of the sins, goes by Merlin I'm sure you remember" Meliodas gave Ban a serious look, I don't remember what happened between those two but it couldn't have been good.

Sorry for the short chapter!

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