Finding Merlin

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That morning we set out on Hawks Mother's back along with the tavern. Our new quest was to find another member of the Seven deadly sins. Ban decided to make us breakfast - eggs and bacon. He seemed to know everything I liked. Of course he did, we were dating for two years but I keep forgetting that we were together that long. "You okay?" He looks at me as he sets the plate down in front of me. "Yeah, my head hurts that's all." It was true, all the remembering was hurting my brain. He placed a cup of hot tea in front of me. Peppermint? He was so sweet, he cared for me so much I could tell through everyday acts like these. He leaned in for a kiss and I happily obliged. Elizabeth who was eating next to me let out the cute squeal.
A few hours later we made it to where Merlin was, her secret hideout underground where she did her magic. Hawks mom laid down to sleep allowing her to look like a hill. We walked off and entered her lair. Meliodas went first and Ban held my hand while Elizabeth and Hawk followed behind us. Merlin turned around and my face might've given my thoughts away. Merlin is a woman?! All the books I read and stories I was told when I was little depicted Merlin as a man with a long white beard! This day couldn't get any weirder. We stood there as she spoke "well sins, come for my help?"
"We are trying to reunite the sins, we plan on getting our reputation back and defeating the demons" Meliodas replied confidently.
"Haha, you think I want to join you again? With him?" She looked over at Ban.
"And who's this, Bans. girl?" She walked over to me "You know he's fucked every girl in the village" she laughed.
Her laughter came to a halt as she turned to face the Captain. "Sure..I'll join" she said cunningly.
"Why'd you change your mind so quickly?" Ban looked at her with a sense of curiosity.
"Because. She needs my help!" Merlin pointed to me
"Me? Why?" Why the hell do I need her help can she restore my memories??

"Because I'm your only hope at restoring your memories for the sake of that thing inside you"
Thing inside me?
"Yes darling your pregnant. Oh you didn't know? Haha, whoops" Merlin walked out of the lair and left me standing there staring up at Ban who was speechless.
Pregnant? This day definitely got weirder.

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