Day of Surprises

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It was the day of the baby shower Elizabeth had been planning. Months have gone by and in 2 months we will be welcoming Raiden into the world.
Ban and I have been staying in the Fairy Kings forest for those months while the sins were defeating the 10 commandments. It's not over yet though, a few of them are still out there searching for Meliodas. He was sweet enough to do his best to make it here today, but I think it's mostly because of Elizabeth. These past few months they've gotten really close and it seems like they've known each other forever.
"Let's open some presents!" Elizabeth shouts as she brings me one of many.
There were a lot of clothes, toys and essentials but for the most part I just enjoyed spending time with all of them and celebrating.
"I have one last present for you and our son" Ban stands up, takes my hand and covers my eyes. Everyone followed us, excited to see what surprise he had in store. Ban was a very mysterious man, he was so loving and caring but also so indifferent and reserved on the outside. We must have walked about 10 minutes before I asked, "can I open my eyes yet?" Ban still leading me with his hands over my eyes laughed, "almost there, I promise".
A few more minutes went by and we finally stopped.
"Are you ready?" He asked, "Yes!" I shouted in excitement. The rest of the sins counted down but I could hear them whispering to each other and giggling. 3...2......1!!
I opened my eyes. "Ban...I can't believe it! When did you do this?" Standing there in shock I smile and a few tears start to form. He built us a house! In the middle of a field with trees and flowers.
"Well I never really met up with the others when I said I did, Meliodas helped me too. I figured the kid is going to need a place to grow up, not in a tree".
I hugged Ban as tightly as I could, this was the best surprise anyone has ever given me.
"Get a room!" Meliodas shouts from behind.
I ran over to him and hugged him too, "Thank you for helping so much" He looked shocked for a second but immediately hugged me back too "No problem, Ban did all the hard stuff".
"Wow he really loves you Y/N!" Diane exclaimed happily, her hands on her cheeks smiling wide.
Ban took my hand and led me inside our new home, everyone else headed back, giving us our time alone.
"This is the living room, I decorated it too but if you don't like it we can always change it." He showed me around the room, the walls were a light beige color with a darker beige accent wall. The light grey couch looked so comfortable I had to sit on it. "Ban I love everything I wouldn't change it at all."
"That's not the best part, follow me." He grabbed my hand and led me to another room. He opened the door and inside was our room. The bed was king sized and was covered in rose pedals, there was a fireplace with a tv over it and the fluffiest rug I have ever stepped on. The closet was huge and we had our own bathroom with a jet tub. He thought everything out perfectly.
"I love everything, you didn't have to do all this".
"Your carrying my child and the love of my life, I want to do this for you." He smiled turned me around and ran his fingers through my hair.
"You deserve the best" he gently pulled me in for a kiss, it was sweet and soft but lasted a long time. He moved his thumb across my cheek as he continued to kiss me, then pulled away and smiled.
"Ready for the rest of the tour?" He led the way to the kitchen, bathroom and guest room. "There's one more room I can't wait to show you" he covered my eyes once more and led me to the last room.
He pulled his hands away from my eyes. It was Raiden's room.
"This is absolutely beautiful!" I shouted with delight and excitement as I examined every inch of the room. The crib was against the wall so when you walk in it's the first thing you see, the entire room was made to look like the woods, there was a reading nook by the window that looks like a tree log, fairy lights, clouds on the ceiling, green and neutral toned walls and wooden furniture.
"Do you like it?" He asks, a bit of a nervous look on his face waiting for my response.
I love it!

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