Forest Monster

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Ban looked at me his eyes wide. He's not saying anything...
"Ban?" I look up at him not knowing what to say either
"I mean I wasn't expecting it so soon but-" he walked towards me and held my hand. "It's a good thing right?"
I stood there in shock. That explains why my head has been hurting and why I've been so hungry and tired, but I haven't felt sick until Merlin said the words she did. Honestly I want kids but I wasn't expecting to find out this way or it to happen so soon.
"Yeah it's good, but I'm not feeling great right now" I put my hand on my stomach from the shock and I begin feeling dizzy from the stress. Ban knelt down his back facing me indicating for me to get on. I did so and he picked me up and carried me out to where everyone else was. Meliodas stood there with his arms crossed smiling at Elizabeth talking. When they seen us everyone stopped and was quiet.
"Are you ok Y/N?" Elizabeth looks at me worriedly as I lay on Ban's back.
"I'm okay"
"Yeah Merlin just doesn't have any people skills" Ban looked over at Merlin with a death glare. She just laughed.
"I think it's time to find the rest of us huh?" Merlin shouted as she led the way.
"Who first?" Ban asked the captain
"Let's start with the forest monster"

Can you guess who we are looking for now? New chapter coming up tomorrow!

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