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As soon as he saw the girl, he knew this would be the worst. Very few cases here dealt with alcohol and drugs at this scale, and this one seemed stubborn.

"Everyone else leave," he ordered, guiding the girl back to her bed. It was easy, she had no weight to her at all.

She hit her head on the pillow, repeatedly punching it over and over while the man sat on a chair.

He knew he'd have to be patient, and he was feeling generous today so he let the girl express herself freely for a few minutes.

She couldn't understand why everyone was so rude to her, as if she chose to be here.

"What's got you all worked up?"

"It burns. I need something. Please, anything," she panted, gripping onto the pillow tightly and screaming.

The man cringed, the blood curdling scream bouncing of every wall.

This was bad.

"I'm afraid I can't give you what you're looking for, but I can give you some good pain medicine,"

"Where am I?"

"Take this medicine and look at me, maybe then I will be willing to talk to you," he said clearly, nudging her shoulder gently and passing her two pills.

Although he was being patient, he still had to do his role and that required a basic level of respect on both parts.

She pulled her body up, taking the tablets and looking at the man. He was younger than she expected, about 25, and from the little light in here she could tell he had slightly curly hair. Tall, professional and probably evil.

That's what she thought they all were.

Meanwhile, the man was wondering how she had ended up in such a situation. Relying on such things to feel a rush, and almost killing yourself in the process.

"What do you remember up until now?"

"Throwing up, passing out, being locked up in a room with nothing to keep me going. I've been here ages," she grumbled, wanting to go back to sleep. That was the closest thing to bliss right now.

"You've been here one night,"

"Yeah, ages without anything. It's making me itch," she whined, scratching her wrist. It hurt, and she liked that. Even with a bandage on- which she had no memory of.

The only problem to her was that she didn't have anything here.

"Don't do that," he said, pulling the chair closer.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Ashton,"

"I don't care about your name. Who are you?"

"A doctor at Riverside psychiatric hospital," he said proudly. Ashton has worked here for three years now, and helped a number of people go back into the world stronger. He had a great team, and knew all the patients. Once they warmed up to you, and opened up, it was amazing.

"Is it by a river?" the girl asked, wanting whoever Ashton was to leave her alone.

"Once you're allowed on your balcony, you can see for yourself,"

"I don't like your attitude,"

"Neither sweetheart,"

"Then you shouldn't have accepted me. I'm going home to my sister,"

"And how exactly do you plan on doing that?"

He flicked a switch and all the main lights came on, pain searing through her eyes. Of course, he knew that'd happen but perhaps it would be a wake up call- literally.

"You bitch!"

"I want to see your face,"

"I don't wanna see yours. Give me my stuff and let me leave,"

"I'm not letting that happen. That could be very dangerous,"

"I'm not dangerous to anyone,"

So she had no memory, Ashton thought, interesting.

"Maybe not to other people, but you are to yourself so that's why I cannot let you go,"

"Am I gonna have to talk to you every day?"


"For fucks sake, I'm not talking to you until you give me my stuff back,"

"We aren't giving you alcohol, or drugs,"

"Who do you think I am?" she exclaimed, feeling more like an animal in a zoo cage than a human being looked after. To her, nothing was even wrong.

"I don't know yet, I need to get to know you. Your dad is worried enough about you to send you here, and that says enough,"

"My dad doesn't have the time to care for me,"

"But he has the money to get you people who can. Now, why don't we try something to eat and talk more?"

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