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Ashton thought it was strange that the girl was so silent on the way back to her room. He'd expected at least a few comments.

As the got back, she turned to face him, walking so she was leant against the door.

"Why am I in a place with suicidal kids?"

"Who told you that?"

He had to keep it cool.

"That doesn't matter, why am I here?"

"Why do you think you're here?" he said quietly, walking past the girl who stood in disbelief.

"B-but how? When? What are you hiding?"

"You're not in a good mental state right now,"

"I'm in a psych ward Ashton, specifically the suicide one I've discovered, so are you gonna wait months to tell me?"

She couldn't believe she was here- why?

Then it dawned on her.

"Omg," she said quietly, "no,"

"Yes, sweetheart, I think so,"

They both knew that each other knew, Freya suddenly afraid of herself. Of what she was capable of.

"I want you to take some deep breaths for me, and let go of the cover,"

"I tried to...?"

"Do you remember anything?"

She kicked her legs frustratedly and choked out a sob.

"Ok, Michael is going to come and help me right now ok?"

"I don't want Michael I want you," the girl sobbed, wanting nothing more than a hug from her therapist.

Suddenly she felt so alone.

As Ashton rung for Michael, he watched the poor girl trying to connect the dots in her bed before turning to face him. With all the strength in her body, she held her arms out for a hug.

The girl wasn't going to admit that she needed one out loud. After being so rude to him before, and being so stubborn, she felt stupid.

Michael was sat with Luke, who was distraught about the meeting.

"I'm sorry,"

"It's ok, a bit earlier than we anticipated but she knew something was up,"

"Am I gonna be punished?"

"I don't think there's any punishments here Luke," the man said sadly, more than sympathetic for the boy. He hadn't meant to, he just got excited about trying to meet knew people.

"I know you want to be her friend, and she can be, but I think perhaps Calum should go and meet her once she's calmed down so that she knows she's welcome. She starts group therapy soon so I'll make sure she's sat with you,"

"I don't feel well, I'm not eating,"

"Yes you are Luke, I'm working on some medicine that can help your anxiety but other people don't want to approve it,"

"Please can you turn the air con on,"

"Luke, you're already shirtless on your bed. It's freezing in here,"

The boy didn't mind Michael seeing his stomach, even with the scars, because he'd helped him to understand that his body wasn't how Luke saw. And he realised that it wouldn't stay this was if he didn't eat, but the feeling in his stomach was so strong that it was physically impossible.

"I'm too hot, I can't eat the food Michael it hurts," he sobbed, rolling on his side.

Michael's phone lit up- the one they were given by work to keep contact with each other- and he knew he'd have to go now.

"Luke, I'm going to take you to Calum's room where him and Naomi are eating because I have to go to a very serious situation," he said calmly.

"You're taking me to the head? She's gonna tell me off,"

Luke couldn't believe Michael was leaving him however he knew there were some patients in here who properly kicked off. He hoped Freya wasn't like that.

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