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Michael held the young boy close to his chest, letting him speak despite his words coming out slurred and messed up.

He'd never wanted Luke to see such a thing, nor had he expected Luke to leave Calum.

"Did I do that to her?"

Luke knew he hadn't- or at least he was almost certain- but he needed the reassurance.

He was terrified.

"No, Luke, I'm afraid she did that to herself,"

"She has fresh cuts,"

"I know, there's a lot we need to discuss," the man said calmly, still not letting go of the boy who clung to his shirt.

"I'm really sorry,"

"That was nothing to do with what happened before, she's just been taken off drugs slightly early and it's like a semi cold turkey, not nice but we need her clean to get her better,"

"It reminds me of...,"

"When you relapsed?"

The boy ignored the statement, but he wanted to save the girl from pressure.

"Since we are so similar, I've been thinking and on our frames," the boy said quietly, because not even he had admit how he did it.

"There's this piece of metal that holds it in, four small ones but you can easily wiggle one out and,"

He showed the man, freeing a sharp piece of metal that could easily cut through skin.

"That's how you did it?"


"And how many times since?" the man asked softly, "I need the truth,"

Alarmed by the boy's silence, Michael could only assume the worst.

"Luke, I'm gonna need to check,"

"No," the boy choked, "Michael, I don't want to see myself right now,"

"Don't look then, I just want to make sure you're safe,"

The boy took his top off, then slipped it back on and did the same with his joggers.

Satisfied that he hadn't harmed himself again, Michael sat him down.

"I do have an idea though,"

"Don't lock me up,"

"No, no... but recently you're super anxious and more upset ... and I need to know if you want a new therapist,"

"No," the boy shot back, hurt that the man he adored was considering leaving him.

"When Calum didn't turn up to therapy, and you talked to me I couldn't understand and I felt so unwanted,"

"Ok, explain to me why a little bit more. You've been here two months Luke, and I know I'm not family but I'd hope you trust me by now,"

"I miss my mum. I hate the way I look, and how I can't go round without Calum, and how I've ruined Freya's life," he mumbled, hardly any expression in his voice.

Michael nodded, knowing this was Luke at some of his worst.

"You've not ruined Freya's life, Luke, Ashton was wrong in not telling her. Very wrong. I talked to your mum and I'm letting you meet her this weekend but I'm gonna have to be there,"

Luke's eyes lit up again, a small smile peeking onto his face. He hadn't seen his mum since he'd got here, and he was proud of where he'd got to.

But also not.

"And about yourself, what bothers you so much because I think you're a very nice and polite boy,"

"I don't like how awkward I am, or that I can't get along with my brothers anymore, or how tired I get, or my stomach, or the bags under my eyes,"

The man was stunned that he'd opened up so quickly.

"Let's start from the beginning. Everyone is awkward in situations they don't want to be in, and your brothers still love you. They were scared of you getting hurt Luke, and I think you understand that now,"

He nodded, understanding what Michael meant. Often, he couldn't believe how smart he was.

"And you're tired because your body is going through a rough time, and depression can make you have low energy,"

"Doesn't my medicine help?"

"It does, don't worry," Michael laughed, "but why do you hate your stomach?"

"It just doesn't look right. I'm not saying I think I'm overweight, because I'm just a little podgy, but it just sticks out funny,"

"Luke, you're just going through a change so your body is just adjusting. It will work itself out. Is this why you aren't eating?"

"No, well a bit I guess, but my tummy really does feel sick and my tooth hurts,"

"I think I know what we're gonna do, don't you worry,"

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