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Freya stood under the shower, hoping it would drown out her sobs. She wanted Ashton back, she wanted to go home, she wanted the rush.

Everything was about that damn rush and she couldn't stop it.

It hurt her. She wanted to have normal friends, and a normal life.

"Freya, you need to come out soon," Michael said, "if you want to meet up for tea with Luke then I'd suggest you hurry up,"

That grabbed the girl's attention. Ashton. And if not Ashton, at least Luke.

She got out and changed into a hoodie and leggings, putting her wet hair into a bun. Treating Michael so badly wasn't her intention, but she wasn't ready to go without Ashton yet. He was her safety net here.

And she missed the reading, and the talking, and understanding herself.

Michael could do that, but she wasn't letting him. It frustrated him, because the girl knew she had a problem. He knew she was struggling still, but also knew she had recovered quicker than other people he'd seen.

He opened the door and she rushed in, hugging the blonde boy unexpectedly. Neither of them expected it, neither did the therapists, but she just felt like she had to.

"Freya, sit down," Ashton said, less than impressed by his patients behaviour.

"Could you tell me why you've been so horrible to Michael?"

"I haven't swore at him,"

"You've refused to speak, and get out of bed for anything. That's disgusting, and pointless,"

"I want you. I'm not ready to not have our sessions,"

"This is what I've told Luke though, because in the real world you can't see me everyday. You'll be alone making decisions for some of it,"

"Well we all know how that goes," she grumbled, "I want you back,"

Luke said down, realising how much he missed Michael. He'd made progress, but realised it wasn't just because of Ashton. He wanted to get better.

Both of them did.

"Can we swap back?" he asked suddenly, "something has switched in my brain, and I'm ready to get better. Deep down, Freya wants to but she clearly still needs you Ashton until she's hit the same point,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. And can Calum eat with us too because he's at a similar point because it took him longer,"

"We will see," Ashton smiled , "eat up,"

Michael smiled as Luke started eating his food, Freya picking at hers before giving in. Ashton was disappointed, but understood where Luke came from. She wasn't stable enough.

Her eyes had dark circles underneath, her skin was pale and every movement looked like so much effort.

"So how was it staying with Ashton?" the girl asked, both therapists leaving to take the plates.

"Amazing, but I missed Michael,"

"I feel like I'm getting no where,"

"Don't say that," Luke said, taking her hand, "I thought that and look what's happened. You're here because you need to be, you have to face that fact. You've got to embrace it, and let them help because they're doing the best they can. Stop sulking cos you're here, and get ready for when you're out of here, because unless you make a change, the real world will suck way more than this place,"

"Maybe I just won't leave,"

"Then you'll be stupid, and Ashton would move,"

"I don't want to go back to my old life,"

"Then don't. Calum and me will be leaving at the same time, and you could too if you tried. All of us can stay in contact,"

"I can't just become normal,"

"Your dad's fame doesn't define how you are. I like you for you,"

"You hardly know me,"

"But I'd like to,"

The therapists walked back into the room, both kids pulling their hands away as soon as possible.

They walked back to their rooms, and for the first time Freya didn't want a rush.

She wanted Luke.

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