Chapter Thirteen: What's a "Fourth Wall"?

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The fresh prince of some place on Earth- you know what? I'm going to stop calling him that- did not look happy. His father was dead, his advisor smelled of burning leather and unkempt chest hair, and queen Levana was arriving in her loony spaceship. It was a tragic day for the kingdom.

"Actually, that's not why I'm upset." Said Kai, a little awkwardly.

...Then why are you upset? I thought I was supposed to know everything! I'm the abridger!

Kai perked up. "Well, I just have a question, if you don't mind."

With a grumble, I decided to lend an ear to the first of many inevitable critics.

"The problem is this;" he began (rather professionally, considering the fact that it was him), "I don't understand why you didn't save the plot twist about Cinder's true lineage until it actually came up in the book. You've not only ruined an important surprise, but you've gone out of your way to not talk about shells, and their roll in this universe."

I shrugged. Who cared whether I talked about shells? All they were was another minority to draw sympathy towards. Shells, cyborgs, Earthens (citizens of Earth), furries- discrimination was everywhere in this story.

"While that may be true," he admitted, "it's pretty inconsistent with the rest of the story's events to dismiss it so preemptively."

You want... consistency?

"Well... yes. Yes, that's what I want."

Then what the heck am I doing here?!

Kai seemed to be weighing his responses. "I... don't know."

Whatever! Forget you! I'm moving on!

With a shake of his head, he yielded the floor. "Fine."

Anyway, the queen's ship descended from the heavens, as though angels above had decided that wings were far too mainstream, and had a couple thousand watevs to burn. It was sleek, smooth, reflective, slim, and entirely impractical. In other words, Kai wanted it.

The ship's cockpit slid opened like a mouth ready to intercept a chocolate truffle. From it descended the same beautiful woman Kai had spoken with; hair that seemed to sparkle in the sunlight (though probably dark in color), full eyes that glittered, a smile with perfect cat-like teeth, a neck perfect for tucking one's head in, plush forearms, her famous hourglass figure, lips that curved into natural pout, and slender hands. Indeed, these to Kai were the fundamental traits of attractive women.

Kai bowed deeply, as though the very presence of this angel demanded the foremost propriety.

Queen Levana returned the gesture with a curtsey. "My prince," she spoke to remind him of her soft purr of a voice, "I am honored by your gracious hospitality. How are you feeling?"

The prince stiffened, and squared his shoulders. It seemed that a new sense of responsibility had come over him, under her spell. It was enough for Torin to glance between the two of them in disgust.

"Disconcerted, your highness." Said he. "Without the emperor, the weight of responsibility- over wherever we are right now- rests upon my shoulders. My father and I were very close."

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