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Max and his family are moving to Wrightstown partly because his parents got a good deal on a house. They had to move though because his father got a promotion. Big corporate people that wear suits and ties to work every day. Something Max said he would never turn out to be like. Even their own families had to call to make lunch and supper dates. But hey, Max really didn't like the whole concept of leaving certain people behind, like Tatiana for starters. Mom was finally relieved though a better position and a lot more money. That also meant Max could finally start fresh somewhere new. And check out the new cuties. Their old house was so cramped, he had was lucky to have his own room since his big sister was away off at collage. But his twin sister didn't get so lucky. She had to share a room with their brothers and sisters, so that didn't leave much room. The younger ones couldn't even play outside because there was literally no yard. One huge freshly tarred parking lot. He was hoping for no more arguing neighbors, it got so tiring hearing them bicker every day. It was like watching a soap opera on repeat. but was he was going to miss hanging with his boys Wicked, Spider and Lil Criminal chilling at the spot bumping them lowriders with the loud oldies, and the crew parting at all hours of the night? Finally, no more police to harass them about their green cards.

"This is a long dam fifteen miles. It feels like I've been in this truck for days," sighed Max. It doesn't help when I'm crammed with my brothers and sister. It's so tight I can't even move my arms. I hate being stuck in the fucking middle. "Next time I get the damn window seat," he cried out.

"Dad are we almost there yet? I can't wait to get out and stretch" sighed Max.

"Yes Max, down this block!" dad said as he turned down onto the road

As dad started to slow down there was a lot of traffic for a dead-end street people standing at the ends of their driveways socializing with neighbors and kids playing soccer in the street. Some people waved as dad drove by and then others looked terrified. "See take a glimpse. We are here." explained dad.

"Dad you the wrong address, this can't be ours!" cried Brisa as dad pulled into the long bumpy driveway. He put the truck in park shut it off. Opened his door and proceeded to head to the back of the truck. He unlatched the door to the trailer and opened the back. He banged on the side of the truck for everyone to get out.

"Come on, go look around and explore the place!" he shouted. Brisa being scared pushed Max to the door and scolded him to go first.

His brother Emilio took a deep breath and sighed then him and Max pushed Brisa aside as they jumped out the truck slamming the door. they walked slowly to the back end of the truck where dad was already starting to unload boxes into piles on the lawn. Or what looked to be the lawn. Brisa finally got out and asked dad when mom was coming with Arianna and Noelia.

"They should be here shortly," he said.

"Wow a castle from hell! This place definitely takes the cake, huh? Looks like a cut out of the one hundred best worst homes in America," snorted Emilio. The front door was so antique the shit brown was fading and peeling like a banana. The dead grapevines were coming out from both sides of the house. The windows were huge, maybe inspired by something truly alien. The branches from the crab trees appeared to be gigantic arms with little fingers that hugged the house. Leaves and weeds that were kneed high everywhere.

Dad was laughing and joked, "I guess it could use a little work, don't complain we paid below market value for this six-bedroom three-bathroom house but we will make it our own. I'll be putting you guys to work as soon as you're unpacked."

"Yeah- no, dad," argued Brisa.

As dad glanced at the cars passing on the road, he said, "Here comes your mother, perfect timing. Now we can get started! Let's get hauling everything inside."

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