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I'm so sorry this isn't what you think but I just wanted to say I'm real depressed because my dog died right in front of me I've been crying for the past two days it happened Sunday I'm so upset. his name was Bear I loved him he was a puppy 11 months old but he was huge I loved him so much.....I miss my baby so much! he was one of three of my dogs I miss having him around its weird I'm still adjusting but I can't cry in front of people because then they feel bad for me and I hate that. I never want someone feeling bad for me especially because it happened in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it. it breaks my heart that my puppy is gone now :( I know some people would shake their head and say "it's just a dog" but he really wasn't he was my friend and my dog I just want him back so much it hurts my heart is literally broken :( I'm crying right now actually.....I'm sorry if I made you cry I just miss my puppy really bad I would trade places in a heart beat.

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