Keefe's fabulous prank day

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A/N Okay, I know this is sooooooooo late, but, happy(belated) April's Fools day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I look forward to hear about your awesome pranks!!!!!!!!! Also, I just saw that I had 154 views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, I realized that I forgot about Dex in the last few chapters.................OOOOOOPPPPPPSSSSSSSS

Anyways, I'm sure you guys want to read the next chapter, especially after the SoKeefe kiss! Anywhoozles, here you go!

(Sophie's POV)

I can't believe this! Me and Keefe are kissing! I just, I just-wow. Everything is just so great right now..... but I guess this means that I'll have to tell him about my MatchMaking list. I haven't told anyone else about it yet. Soon enough, we come up for air. " Hey!" I say, "what about not interrupting me? Huh?" I say with a goofy smile, obviously not really angry.

Keefe looks at me, a sheepish grin on his face, "oops," he says. "I'm sorry I just really like yo-" This time I cut him off, with another kiss. "Hey! No fair," he exclaims.

"All's fair in love and war," I say. Then I smile, but the thought of my MatchMaking list, and my smile wavers. But then I realize that maybe I can down-play it a little, I don't know, say they're working on it?

"Hey," Keefe says, trying to act all cool, "tomorrow's April fool's, right?"

Wait-what? Elves don't celebrate April fools. "How do you know about that?" I ask.

"I have my sources," he replied. "They're a secret, though."

I thought for a minute, "sooooooo, Dex?"

Keefe's smug smirk is gone, but it gets replaced by a smile, " I've decided to rename it, to Keefe's Fabulous Prank Day! Annnnnnnd, I want you to take part in it!"

Oh great. Waitaminute, I can pass the MatchMaking thing off as a prank. Yes!

"Of course I'll take part of it, although, I have a feeling my body guards will not be happy about this."


I'm running around, trying to get everything set up for my pranks. I've already warned Grady and Edaline and told Sandor & bodyguard crew. It had to take some MAJOR convincing, but I was finally able to make Sandor take away all of the Keefe-proof things around the house.

I hear a pounding on the door, and walk over to it. As soon as I open it, I get hit in the face by a projectile.

"KEEFE!' I shout, although I'm laughing. There's goop all over my face, green goop. Bo pulls out a handkerchief, from who knows where, and starts wiping down my face, earning an annoyed look from Ro.

They step into my house, and boom, the get hit by little flying balls of fluff and glue which immediately gets stuck to them. All through the hallway, they get pranked, water on doors, iggy flying into them, everything. It was hilarious to see their expressions, especially when the banner that Keefe made - the one that says Keefe's Fabulous Prank Day! In huge messy writing- got tattered, although all the pranks came to the end when we reached my door. Ro and Bo left us there, and we went in my room.

"Keefe, there is one thing I have to tell you, and it's not a prank," I say, "I don't-and can't have a MatchList, I'm so sorry."

A/N I know, I know, this chapter is just filler, butt I'll make the next one good, I promise!

-The Kotlc Dork

No match, no flame ( a KOTLC fanfiction) book 1 of the FIRE seriesWhere stories live. Discover now