A breakdown in the matchmaking office

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A/N hi guys! this chapter will take place right after the cliffhanger in the 7th book so, if u haven't read the whole series yet, this book will have some spoilers.

Sophie's POV

( Sophie's thoughts are slanted)

( at the matchmaking Office)

No match, I have no match, I will be destined to have a bad match, no matter what. That was what was going on in my head after I heard the news in the matchmaking office. Oh god, Fitz and I won't work out. Because of this. Even though I don't care about matchmaking, honestly, I still felt horrible that I won't be able to have a match.

" Are you sure it's not a fluke?" I ask hopefully. It has to be a fluke, I tell myself. There's no way that I can't even have one match.

"It's no fluke," Brisa said. Her face was pale, and her hands were sweaty. "Something like this has never happened before. I'm sorry, but without your genetic parents, I don't think we can give you a match list. I'm so sorry."

"If you find out who your parents are, we'll gladly help you," Juji finished for Brisa. "But until then, you are unmatchable. We are so sorry." To their credit, they both had the decency to look sorry.

My head clouds with thoughts I don't want. Fitz will never want to be with me now. Everyone else will have their matches, but not me. I'll never be able to get married without ridicule and scorn. And then I thought of something I'm not proud of. Once again, Black Swan has ruined a very personal part of my life. No, it's not fair to blame this on them. I shove that thought in a corner of my mind.

"Can I get you a glass of water?" Brisa said. Then, to Juji, "can you get her parents?"

They both set off, and I'm left alone. I think about all the things I could do to fix this. Could I bribe the matchmaking office? No, that won't work elves don't take bribes. Maybe I could get the Black Swan to tell me who my parents are. That wouldn't work, the Black Swan wouldn't tell me who my genetic parents are, they say it's for my own good, but I feel like it's just because they want to maintain their secrecy. Even though it's crazy, it's the only option I have.

Brisa walks back into the room. She's holding a cup of water. The glass is gorgeous, naturally, it's the Elvin world after all. She sets it on the table, just as Juji walks in with Grady and Edaline. They look really worried. "How are you doing sweetie," Edaline's voice is tentative like she thinks that I'm going to break down in a second. To be honest, I think I might.

Grady looks angry. He looks like he wants to sue the matchmaking business. Is there such thing as a lawsuit in the Elvin world? Probably not.

Before I could respond to Edaline's question, Grady stepped in. " I can't believe that this business is so horrible, first you make Jolie a bad match, now this?"

His anger overwhelms me. I mean, I get it, but why does he have to be so mad? I tell him just that. His answer surprises me.

"I'm sorry, it's just, this place has caused us so much pain. I don't want there to be any pain from here," was his answer. I think that's when it hit me, how was I going to tell this to Fitz? Maybe it was the stress of the last of the few weeks, maybe it was the surprises of today, whatever the reason, that was when my mind got shrouded in darkness, and I fell backwards, fainting.

My last thought was I can't do this as the darkness fully overpowered my mind.

A/N to my nonexistent readers, I'm so sorry that this chapter was soooooooooooooooooooo short! I promise that the next one will be longer! please comment and vote!!!!!!! (what does that do anyways???) Another thing, please check out my account if you like my writing, I have two more published items, also, I WILL be writing more.



No match, no flame ( a KOTLC fanfiction) book 1 of the FIRE seriesWhere stories live. Discover now