So that just happened.

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    A/N Ok, so I know that I haven't written in a while, but I like suspense!

also, this chapter goes out to @Elwintho Because I lovelovelove coments ( u guys have no idea) 

I also dedicate this to basically anyone who's reading this right now because, you guys are  awesome! (plus you like Keeper, soooo) 

anywhoozles, here's the story!

     " You should never ever ever make a deal with the Neverseen." Sandor finished. He'd started his rant around 3 hours ago. Before that, all my bodyguards gave me lectures, it's dark out now.

     "Sandor's right," it's Keefe's turn now, apparently. "But...... I get it. If you think this is the right decision, then I'm ok with it." He sits down next to me, and I lean on him. Ro and Sandor are both giving us a weird expression, but I ignore it. 

       "What am I going to do?" I ask I hadn't really thought about this until now. "How are they going to take away my powers?"   

     " Honestly, I have no clue, and I don't now when it's going to happen, you've gotten yourself into quite a predicament." Sandor answered. His frown didn't match his squeaky voice. Maybe it's the horribleness of today, maybe it's the fact that it's been so hard for me, but I started laughing,I laugh so hard I actually fall off my bed. Everyone's looking at me like I've goon crazy, and their horrified faces just make me laugh harder. My laughing fit finally ends, and evryone takes a moment to look at me, and then gets back to planning. They're all talking over each other, trying to be heard. 

After a few hours, they've made a decision. They are going to surround the house, and my room. I'm also not allowed to leave my bedroom, if I need something, one of my bodygaurds will get it for me. I fall asleep right away, not wondering where Keefe will stay.

                                              { { { } } } { { { } } } { { { } } } 

I'm having a dream, no a vision, where I'm strapped to a white cot and being gagged by a black cloth. There are no people in the room, but I hear voices. "Send her in," they say "we don;t have time to spare, get going" they say. 

       Then a figure walks into the room. Oh no. Oh nononononono. Her cloak was on, but the hood was pulled off. It was the woman from the first vision I had. Her expression was the same as last time, the room was the same, except this time she's holding an ability restrictor. In her eyes there's fear, but also resolve. She gets closer, close enough to touch me, she leans in.

     My eyes fly open and I sit up. I swing my head back and forth, trying to see what room I'm in. I breath a high of relief when I see that I'm in my room, I even smile when I see Keefe sleeping on the ground, but my smile stops when I hear, "I am so so so sorry Sophie, they gave me no choice." Just as a mound of shadowflux is thrown at Keefe.

     I turn around again, and there in the shadows wearing a black Neverseen cloak is Tam along with two other figures.

A/N I'm sorry, but I love toying with your emotions!

-The Kotlc Dork

No match, no flame ( a KOTLC fanfiction) book 1 of the FIRE seriesWhere stories live. Discover now