Everything I know is a lie. Again.

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guys, I am very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very sorry. I haven't updated in forever..............

*cries, bangs head on desk*

I am SO SORRY!! I've been too caught up trying to read every single sokeefe fanfiction ever. anywhoozles, here's my update.....


Oh god. I hope that this works out. Sophie better make it back to her house. Our base better not get raided. My plan better not fail.

I hear footsteps, and turn around to see Tam right behind me. His shadow stretches towards mine. Is she gone? he asks. I respond with only a nod. Ok, good. Ready to get out of here? He demands. I respond with only a nod again. I take his hand, and pull out another pathfinder. Today we make our escape. I hold it up to the light, just as we hear the word "wait!" But it's too late, we've already made our exit. We're lucky that we don't have to deal with a second path. Tam was able to put a thick shadow over everybody's pathfinders. I just hope it's enough.


I open my eyes. I'd been too afraid to open my eyes, for a fear of getting pulled into different paths. What I see is crazy. Hundreds on hundreds of rooms, all connected to one room. They all have mirrors on them. Hundreds and hundreds of mirrors. It's all very disorienting. The weirdest thing about it is the table. Some people may think that there's nothing weird about a table, and regularly there isn't anything abnormal about a table, but this table? It has eyes. It has a mouth.

"Aaaaaaaaargh," I can't even, this is too weird. Even after all my years in the lost cities, I've never seen a living table.

"Don't freak out!" The table said, which, of course made me freak out more.

"Who the hell are you? Tell me!" I must be crazy. This can't possibly be real. No way in hell. The table starts to morph into something different. Something elf-like. A man. A man with really really pointy ears. Slowly, more parts of his body start to appear. It became a man. A man with purple-y blue eyes. His features are chiseled, and scars are covering his face, like he's faced many threats, but his eyes are covered with happy lines, like he's spent most of his life smiling. All of his features are now perfectly intact. I wish I could say that I know who this guy is, but, frankly I have no clue.

"I'm Night. Yeah, my parents decided to name me after a time. Don't know what they were thinking. Anyways, follow me," he leads into one of the rooms, and this one's exactly like the other, A million of rooms all around this one room, all with mirrors. How can he tell which room he needs to go in?

"I've never heard of anyone who can shape-shift in the lost cities. What's up with that?" I ask. His face shows that he's trying to keep back his laughter.

"That's because nobody knows about this ability that I have. It's been a secret. The last people that have tried to tell the council, they didn't believe them. This organization helps people, and it's made out of people who's abilities are ignored, who are talentless, and so much more." As he's talking, he leads me through a series of rooms, barely looking up, mostly just looking at the ground.

"Um, what kind of other abilities do the people in the Un approved have?" I ask.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and see. It's time to meet the crew." He says, with a crooked smile.

A/N I'm sorry, but I can't write much more right now. So, until next time. Enjoy!

No match, no flame ( a KOTLC fanfiction) book 1 of the FIRE seriesWhere stories live. Discover now