Chapter Eight

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15th August Brașov, 2:09 am- I awoke not too long after I went to bed. It was an awful awakening. There was a terrible buzzing in my ears, something so mind splitting it nearly made my eyes cross. I woke up with my head surrounded in a puddle of blood, an awful nosebleed must have struck me in my sleep. I stood up, trying to get my head just a bit more clear so I could clean up and return to sleep, but the most terrible feeling began to sink in. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up, my eyes scanned the room, my tense hand reaching out to open the dresser drawer that contained my phone, so I could use it for a flashlight, but I found the drawer was already open. I swore I closed it before. In fact, strangely enough, when I stepped over, I hit another open drawer. Using the dull moonlight, I peered inside to see them empty. I was confused, my clothes were supposed to be in there as well. I shook my head, frowning. The room itself just felt different, empty and cold. I felt a strong breeze, the large glass doors to the balcony shattering in. I let out a cry, shielding myself from the debris. I slipped on my shoes, walking over the glass and peeking out of the balcony. A figure stood on the railing, his body illuminated by the crescent moon behind him. I squinted, tilting my head a bit. Was it Dexter? My eyes went to his ears, but they were not even close to being long enough. The being was too skinny to be Draven, so that left me with, now that I think about it, the obvious.
"C-Constantine? What's going on? What are you doing?" The figure let out a soft laugh, jumping down from his post, his strides slow and calculated as he made his way over to me. He was visible to me now, that smile still spreading across is face. I couldn't look at it too long or it began to feel like something was crawling all over my skin. I rubbed my arms and looked down at the glass.
"T-That could have hurt me you know! If you wanted to talk you could have just knocked." He laughed a bit louder, shaking his head and taking my hand, pulling me close as he hummed, spinning me around rather roughly.
"You silly human you. I have been watching, and listening. You think you can just worm your way into this family? You mortals just have this way of getting under my skin. Coming off as proper and sweet, when are you going to drop the facade? You practically throw yourself at my master, only a harlot would kiss someone so soon. How many men have you duped by being all timid acting hm? Is this how you make your money? Seduce lonely rich men and steal their money? You infuriated me as soon as I met you, your face! Your eyes. They hold the pity of an old dog. Something that should have been put down before it caught the gift of old age." He let go of my hand, to which by now I was most dizzy, he'd spun me around the whole time he was chatting. He ran his hand along my hair, before grasping a handful and pulling me to the railing, pushing my back to it. He looked down at me with such hatred, something that struck fear in me more than anything.
"N-No you have this all wrong! I would never do that to Dexter, not anyone! You are making very wild assumptions!" I  looked around nervously, trying to see a place of exit, but the only place to go now, was down. I placed my palms against the railing.
"Please let go of my hair! This is all most uncalled for!" Constantine laughed again, that infuriating laugh. He pushed his palm against my forehead, trying to push me slowly, but surely off the edge of the railing. He was trying to make me lose my balance, and my life. I clenched my eyes shut, adrenaline making its way into my body. I raised a foot, pressing it against Constantine's chest, pushing with all my force as I kicked him back. He let go of my hair and fell back, likely due to surprise. I ran, jumping over him, panicking when I felt an iron grip on my ankle. I smacked onto the ground, glass digging into my legs. I hissed in pain, the more I squirmed, the more cuts I got. I felt tears prickling my eyes as I clawed at the ground. I looked back, Constantine's smile turning more to a sneer as he pulled me back, dragging my body through the glass. I screamed, why didn't anyone hear me? It was dark, they should have been awake! Constantine grabbed my hair, much tighter this time, with both hands, and yanked me up. I stared at him, reaching up to grab his hands, to try and pry him off. He looked at my eyes, his smile vanishing, replaced with a look of pure, unfiltered rage.
"I hate humans. The look of pity and fear they hold when death comes for them makes me sick. Take death like a soldier. I must admit you fought more than others, but enough is enough. Enjoy your dirt nap." With the flick of his wrists, I was pushed off the ledge. I didn't make a noise, the cool night air hitting my skin, the cuts stinging even more than before. I closed my eyes, they say your life flashes before your eyes, but I did not see my past, I saw what could have been, happy memories that I would never experience. I opened my eyes, looking around. I was not on the ground, I was in someone's arms. Everything was a blur at this point, and before I knew it, I was being placed down in the old gazebo. My saviour was Elizabeth. She looked at me, looking over my cuts. She shook her head and frowned, an angrier look overtaking her face. I asked, no, begged her to tell me what that was all about, and why it happened so suddenly. She gave me a concerned look, biting her thumbnail before giving in.
"Constantine wasn't always like this. He used to be a great butler! But, I don't think he was ever right in the head. Before he was turned, he was human, he was a hatter. Back then, hatters used mercury, just out in the open. It drove them mad, and many died. I knew him because he was Master Draven's favourite hatter, and I would get his hats on my way home from the market. I talked to the fellow, and it was as if he knew my secret. He told me he admired my eyes, how they were barley even human. He gave me a look that was maddening, it was as if his madness was infectious. It frightened me, and I pleaded for Draven to get his own hats. He obliged, and, as Draven later told me, he went into the store, and Constantine immediately called him out on his vampirism, and demanded he be turned. Draven did so, perhaps for free hats, I would not put him below that. I thought perhaps now that he was turned, he would be rid of the madness, but it seemed to get even worse. He attached himself to master Dexter, and grew a hatred for women, especially human women, the reason for that I found out later, he had a woman he liked, but she left him a few weeks after a romance had budded between them. He must hold grudges so easily. He is a monster, and that's coming from a monster. He also hasn't been drinking blood, likely because he's been busy stalking you, so that's driving him even madder with hunger. I am sorry I could not get to you sooner, my chambers were bolted shut, and the lid to my coffin was weighed down. You know who did that I'm sure. Draven and Dexter are not at home at the moment, they left to see their mother and father to say their weekly hellos. Terrible timing but that is what Constantine was waiting for no doubt. He wants you dead, probably because you're getting so close to Dexter. He's jealous, and his hunger and damaged mind is just making it worse. It is best that you stay with me." I nodded slowly, pulling my knees up to my chest, looking at the cuts on my legs. I glanced at her, deciding maybe now was an okay time to ask my question.
"So, you were a maid before Constantine came into the picture? How long have you been serving the Lucard family then? When did you start?" Elizabeth looked at my legs, reaching over and starting to pick out the glass littering them.
"That is a story. I started with the family so long ago. I worked for Nerine. It all began when I was 20. I was a peasant, very poor, honestly starving. I remember the first time I saw her. I was in the market with my brother, we were browsing, we didn't have the skill to steal. I was looking at some of the fruit, when I started to hear murmuring. I found the source rather quickly, it was a beautiful foreign woman, so fair and with the most intense green eyes. Soon people went about their daily business, and she was left to browse. She was obviously rich, her hair was silky and well kept, her clothes a deep purple, a colour most adored but only accessible to the upperclass. I found myself watching her, but I stayed near the fruit, I did not have the words to approach such a lovely woman. I do not know what caused her to see me, maybe she smelled the blood from the fresh cuts on my feet? Maybe she noticed me because I was the only girl in the fruit area? I am not all too sure. But she came over to me, asking my name and my age. I told them to her, my brother keeping close to me. The way she talked was so smooth, hypnotic, I never heard my own language spoke so beautifully in my life. Her French was superb, though she stumbled on some words. The woman eventually was invited over to dinner by my very nosy brother, which, looking back on it now, I should have known something was going on, my brother was very timid, and this was completely out of character for him. The woman came to dinner, and it was then I learned her name was Nerine, she and her husband were passing through, she was to meet him in the town over tomorrow. She left without eating or drinking anything. When we all went to bed, I could not settle. My heart was thumping, my chest all tight. I felt as though something terrible was about to happen, what I did not know. When I finally was able to doze off, I heard my brother's voice. It was muffled, but it sounded alarmed. We did not live in a big house, I slept in the very small loft, my brother slept in the living room, and my parents slept in a small room with a curtain over the entrance. I climbed down from my room, seeing my brother almost immediately. He was on the floor, his arms outstretched like he was trying to grab someone. I rushed over to him, trying to catch his attention but to no avail. I felt his head, and he was just burning up. I ran to get my mother and father, but they were both on the floor, speaking incoherently. I turned around, and she was standing in the doorway to my home, glowing in the moonlight, her piercing emerald eyes boring into my very soul. She beckoned me to her, and I so slowly made my way to her. I asked her, whatever she was, to spare my family. She thought it over, telling me they would be fine, but she only agreed on one condition, if I agreed to serve her, so, I did. I was taken from my home, my family was spared, and I began my life of servitude. I was turned nearly immediately, at first, it was overwhelming, the world I knew changed so quickly, it was stressful. But I soon fell into a habit, caring for Nerine, helping her through her pregnancy, helped take care of the baby, Alexandria. After Alexandria grew up, Nerine needed me a little less, so I was free to do as I liked sometimes. After Alexandria's children grew to their late teens, Nerine sent me over to help with the work load, more clothing to wash, more food to cook, lessons to teach. I happily helped, and then, before I knew it, I was given to the brothers to help them maintain this mansion. I've been here ever since." I listened to her story, nodding every so often. I was fascinated with her past, I found this everlasting life to be something magical, I yearned to know more. My thoughts were cut short when I heard footsteps. Elizabeth stood up, standing in front of me, peering ahead. She soon relaxed. Dexter stepped into view, raising his brow.
"Constantine told me there had been an accident, I rushed right over but I only found broken glass. He told me Nova was missing? I was worried she fell out of the window but the glass was on the inside. I checked the ground below, but there was nothing there." I tried to stand, but Elizabeth put her hand out.
"Master, we need to discuss Constantine. He is an absolute danger, and cannot be trusted! He is not going to get any better." Dexter put his hands behind his back, frowning and sighing, before chuckling. Then laughing. I tensed, the hair on the back of my neck standing up once more. A shadow slipped in front of Dexter, winding around him, and in his place stood Constantine. Shapeshifting. Elizabeth reeled back, reaching down and grabbing my arm, picking me up and running.
"You think you can run, but her date with death is tonight, I am just his delivery man!" He called out behind us. I looked to Elizabeth, my eyes wide. She was running faster than I had ever seen, I was having a hard time breathing because of it. She looked down at me, tightening her grip. She was soon in front of a building, a stable. She threw open the door, that beautiful black horse that pulled the carriage ran out. Elizabeth shoved me onto the horse, looking behind her.
"I'm going to take care of Constantine. You need to get to the masters. I will be right behind you. Ember, find Dexter!" The horse, Ember I presume, took off. I grabbed onto her neck, bouncing up and down with intensity. I had never ridden a horse before, and this horse was as fast as a hell hound, my eyes clenched shut as I gripped onto the mane. I peeked open my eyes, before carefully sitting up a bit an huffing loudly, trying to catch my breath. We rode for what felt like hours, I began to worry for Elizabeth, I worried that Constantine would trick me and shapeshift. Ember began to slow, eventually all the way down to a trot, before stopping outside of a large mansion. I shakily slid off, falling and landing on my back.
"Bloody hell!" I wheezed out, the wind knocked out of me. I stood up, not all the glass had been removed from my legs, so there was a very uncomfortable, scratching pain creeping up my legs. The open cuts now had gravel in them, so that was great. I limped up to the door, pounding on it frantically. It slowly creaked open, a woman stood at the door. She had long black hair, stick straight, covering one eye. Her sclera was yellow, her iris a bright red. Unsettling to say the least. She had a long nose, and light brown skin, a bit lighter than mine. She was very thin, dainty.
"Good evening. May I help you?" She glanced over me, tilting her head. She pointed out my injuries, as if I had no idea of them. I let out a loud huff, looking behind me nervously.
"I need to talk to Dexter Lucard and Draven Lucard! It is an emergency!" The woman gave a slow nod, opening the door a bit wider. I limped inside, letting out a breath of relief when I heard the heavy door close. The woman led me to what looked to be the parlour room, where I saw Dexter, Draven, and both of his parents. The woman cleared her throat.
"Madam, a guest has arrived. She requests to see the young masters Dexter and Draven." Alexandria looked up, her eyes widening.
"Gracious! Miss Nova what in hell's name happened to you?" She stood up, Ram staring and frowning. Dexter looked over, yelling out in confusion and rushing over to me, looking at my legs, his ears lowering. Draven remained seated, but his look of worry was evident. Dexter gripped my shoulders sternly, looking down at me.
"Nova what on earth happened to you? How did you even get here? What is going on?" He asked these questions quickly, and my attention soon went all on him.
"I-I was sleeping and I woke up, the glass broke, and C-Constantine came in. He told me I was a harlot and that I was just using you, then he tried to throw me off the balcony! I got away but h-he dragged me through the glass and managed to throw me off. Elizabeth caught me and we ran, but h-he shape shifted I think. He looked exactly like you. Elizabeth ran me to the stable and put me on your horse, and it ran here." Draven put his hand on his chest, closing his eyes. Alexandria backed up a bit, holding out her hand, to which the woman with the black hair placed a glass of wine in it. Ram covered his ears, leaning back in his seat. I took the hint, backing up a bit. Dexter's eyes widened, his brows furrowed, his pupils shrank noticeably. I heard a tearing sound, looking down to see that sharp, claw like nails busted through his gloves.
"HE WHAT?!" His voice was thunderous and nearly quivering with anger, his fists clenched. I held up my hands, putting them on his shoulders. I whispered for him to calm down, and slowly but surely, he did, just a bit. There was a knock at the door, the woman, who's name I did not know, walked over and answered the door. I limped over to see who it was, Dexter not even an arms length behind me. He squinted at the door. It was Elizabeth, at least, I thought. Before I saw her eyes. They held that unsettling look, and my anxiety began to rise. There was a loud crash, a small creature flew through one of the windows, landing and skidding in front of us. I rushed over to it, going to pick it up, before the creature began to grow, taking the form of Elizabeth. I held her, looking to the door. That one was Constantine for sure. Dexter seemed to realise this. He let out a loud growl, baring his teeth. Draven was soon behind Dexter, putting his hand on his shoulder. He moved in front of his enraged sibling holding up his hands and snapping his fingers. Constantine immediately took his usual form, his eyes wide, glossed over. He fell to one knee, bowing and closing his eyes tightly. I glanced at Elizabeth, confused. She slowly sat up, wiping some blood from her mouth.
"When a vampire bites you, they have the power to give you one final order before you die. That order stays with you for all time, and, if you were made to be a servant like he and I, it binds you to your master. So even though he is attached to Dexter, Draven turned him, and gave him the order of obedience and loyalty. Rarely does Draven even talk to him anymore, so this is rare." I watched, Dexter moved over to me and knelt down, frowning deeply. Draven grabbed Constantine by the back of the collar and dragged him outside, the door slamming shut. I looked up at Dexter, giving him a pat on the arm. He looked at my legs, his eyes saddening. He began to pick out some of the glass, his sharp nails plucking them out with ease. Alexandria came over with what looked like some ace bandages, sitting down and beginning to wrap my legs. I wanted to disinfect them, but I doubted that a group of vampires had something like that. She held her hands on the bandages, looking rather focused as she pressed down on them. I winced, but didnt say much. After the let go, the pain was much less than before, and I felt like I could walk. Dexter helped me stand, the woman with the pointy nose helped Elizabeth up. I turned to her, asking her name. It was Amoret. Dexter murmured something to his mother, to which she nodded. Dexter grabbed my hand gently, looking down at me.
"We are all going to stay here for the night, there is not enough time to make it back before sunrise. Allow me to take you to one of the rooms." He led me up the steps, slowly and carefully, as if I could easily be broken. Dexter made it to a door, opening it for me. He helped me into the bed, his ears were still lowered. I looked down at my hands, before reaching out and grabbing onto Dexter's sleeve.
"Dexter? I know this is rather awkward but, I am a bit shaken up. Will you ah, stay in here? For tonight?" I mumbled my words, rather regretful. I always wanted to cuddle with someone, it was comforting and to be honest, I was still trembling. Dexter cleared his throat, before giving a slow nod. He walked over and made sure the curtains were closed. He took off his shoes and socks, then his suit jacket.
"Do you mind if I take off my shirt? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." I shook my head, telling him I did not mind. He unbuttoned it, taking it off. He walked over to the bed and sat next to me, so I scooted over to give him room. I laid down, Dexter following suit. He kept his hands stiffly on his chest, nearly falling off of the edge of the bed. I looked over at him, turning to face him.
"Dexter, I know this is very awkward. I'm sorry, you don't have to lay here." He looked to me, shaking his head quickly and sitting up.
"No, Nono it is not that, I understand why you would want someone to sleep in here with you. I would do the same if I was nearly killed..." I scooted over a bit closer, Dexter did not move at first, but he carefully shimmied his way closer. I let out a soft breath, placing my hand on his chest and cuddling closely. I felt so much safer, the warm blankets enveloping me, and someone in the room with me. It was so nice, and I felt just a bit safer. I closed my eyes, feeling Dexter starting to play with my hair. I felt my body relax, I was exhausted, and it felt so good to lay down. I finally began to drift off, embracing the sleep now that I had someone to protect me and hold.

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