Chapter Fifteen

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22nd August London, 5:09 am- I jumped awake rather quickly, my eyes wide and my breathing fast. I had had the absolute worst nightmare in my life. I will record it so I that I can tell Dexter, as he has fallen asleep beside me, and is still quite unconscious. It was an awful dream, I was back in the mansion. There was some party, it loosely mimicked the masquerade I attended, but twisted. The guests were all wearing twisted and disturbing, their outfits covered in old brownish stains, the floor stained just the same. I remember walking around, I was very discombobulated, my senses were all over the place. I felt someone grab my hand, with such a grip it actually hurt me. I felt the pain throughout the dream actually, it was unpleasant. The person who grabbed my hand was dressed in pink, it was obvious to me that it was Mina, but she looked so much more angry, evil. She led me onto the dance floor, twirling me around and staring at me. Her blue eyes were similar to a dead fish eye, cloudy and pale, peering up at me with such disdain. Mina opened her mouth to speak, long, sharp fangs now apparent. She gave me a twisted smile, reaching up and running her hand along my cheek slowly. She never did say anything, not that I could hear anyway. She tapped the tip of my nose, before leaning in, going right for my neck. I could not move at all, my body felt like it weighted a ton. The feeling of her fangs sinking into my flesh was much less pleasant than when Dexter did it. She continued to bite deeper and harder, ripping at my flesh. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to push her away, when finally, she parted on her own volition. I blinked, Mina vanished. She was replaced with Constantine, which sent me in a panic. I rubbed my eyes, seeing Elizabeth now in front of me, blinking once more, Draven, and with a final rub of my eyes I saw Dexter staring down at me, his face not like how I saw it in the real world. His eyes were emotionless and cold, hateful and hungry. I shook my head a bit as I looked to his mouth, which was covered in my blood. He reached out and grabbed my wrist, yanking me close and biting down on the other side of my neck. I screamed and cried, I felt like I was choking, either from the pressure of his bite, or from my own blood. Dexter pulled away and threw me to the ground like a nobody, and that was when I woke up. I was trembling something awful by the time I wiped the sweat fro my forehead. I felt involuntary tears run down my cheeks, my face lowering into my hands. I hated that dream, then it occurred to me. I had not had a nightmare involving vampirism, not at all, but when I meet Mina, I suddenly do? I will have to ask Dexter about that.
It was unbearable to be awake alone, it was only about 7 am, my family didn't budge until a healthy 9 am. I looked over to the window, getting out of the bed and grabbing a blanket from under my bed, and a few thumbtacks. I hung the heavy blanket over my window and soon, I was plunged into darkness. I felt my way over to the bed again, clicking on the lamp and grabbing Dexter's arm, laying next to him and rubbing it softly, shaking him a bit. His eyes fluttered open, he looked very sleepy. I bit my lip in embarrassment, looking away from him.
"Nova? It is morning isn't it? Why am I awake...?" He mumbled, scooting closer to me, wrapping his arms around me slowly. He stared up at me. The eyes were so much kinder than in the dream. I began to cry again, Dexter sitting up quickly and trying to wipe the tears away, but he was sleepily clumsy.
"Nova why are you crying? It's okay I'm here." He spoke quietly, taking my hand and rubbing it softly. I threw my arms around him, telling him all about my dream. He was silent for a moment, before letting out a rumbling growl. I pulled away in shock, looking at him with wide eyes. He looked angry, like actually angry.
"That damned witch." He spat, shaking his head as he clenched his teeth together. I shook my head a bit in confusion, raising my brow. He took a look at me and decided to explain.
"Vampires all have a unique power to them, besides the standard of shapeshifting, flying, speed, and hypnosis. Mine you saw yesterday, teleportation. Mina's is likely something to do with dreams. I always had dreams about her when I was with her, and they stopped when she was gone. That means she has locked onto you and cursing your dreams..." I shuddered at the thought of someone invading my privacy like that, it made me upset. Dexter looked less angry and more worried now. He ran his hands through his hair, shaking his head. I then had a thought.
"If she is just trying to get back at me through dreams, can't I fight back? I mean, at least I could talk to her. If she's actually in my dreams right? Or a dream catcher..." Dexter gave a look, I could not tell if it was a negative emotion or a positive one.
"She is a vampire Nova, you cannot just talk to her. She will kill you! I haven't a clue what impact dying in your dreams repeatedly would have on your mortal psyche..." I waved my hand softly, shaking my head and closing my eyes.
"Hush now Dexter, I am more than capable. I know you think she is a big bad vampire, but she is no more than a hundred pounds! Worst comes to worst we get into a fight." Dexter grabbed my hands, holding them close to my chest, squeezing them a bit.
"No, you are underestimating her, that is a dire mistake. You cannot underestimate a vampire. They hold more power the angrier they get, and she-she is livid." I knew he was worried, but I was done backing down from my problems, I would not let this situation any different. I laid back in the bed, situating myself until I was comfortable, pulling the blankets around me. Dexter scooted closer to me, stroking my hair. He did not try to stop me, which was nice. He believed in me at least. I closed my eyes, and in about half an hour, I was back to sleep.
As most dreams, I had no sense of time, so I did not know how long it took for me to end up in this twisted dreamland. It was my home of course, but bloodied and ageing. I walked out of the room, looking around cautiously. I decided to check every room, to see if she was lurking. I went to Natasha's room first, opening the door. She was in her bed, decapitated with scratches all over her. I nearly let out a scream, but that would alert fear, and to a vampire, that seemed to be the go ahead to attack. I calmed, reminding myself that this was just a dream. I pulled out of the room, going into my parents room silently. They were both hanging by their throats with belts on from the ceiling fan. I backed out of the room and walked down the steps, seeing a bloodied Dexter sitting on the armchair. He held the hair of Elizabeth in his hand, her head was detached from her body. I was beginning to see Mina was not very creative. I deduced that since Mina was only one person, she had to be the living person in the room, so, she was masquerading as Dexter. I looked at this dream Dexter. He did not move, he did not speak. He only stood up, and immediately went for my throat. I jumped back, falling and cracking my head on the wall behind me. I squirmed to my feet, darting into the kitchen, Dexter letting out a laugh behind me. I crawled to the table, grabbing a chair by the leg and slamming it into the table as hard as I could. The leg splintered off, just as I heard footsteps coming closer. I looked over to the doorway, and Mina was now standing there, looking as she did when I saw her in real life. She peered at me, and I began to feel like I was shrinking. I looked down, noticing how short I was becoming. Soon, I was but the size of a mouse. Mina began to try to step on me, but I dodged thankfully, squirming under the fridge. I crawled for a while, until I suddenly fell, letting out a scream of surprise. I fell for a long time, and when I finally hit the ground, I was in the mansion. I stood up, Mina some distance in front of me, and I was back to normal size.
"I just want to talk!" I called to her, for some reason thinking that this would work. She ran to me, punching me square in the jaw. I stumbled back, my hand on my face.
"Why on earth would I talk to a pitiful mortal? One that is trying to seduce my Dexter?!" She screamed at me, her voice ringing in my ear hellishly. I covered my ears in pain, looking at her in confusion.
"Weren't you human once?" I yelled over the noise banging about in my ears. She glared down at me, grabbing my throat and slamming me against the wall with a death grip.
"Do not act as if you know me! I was mortal once. Once. But that matters as much as you! Not much!" Her insults were childish, it made me think, Dexter never told me the age Mina was turned. She acted violently, confused and rashly, she was emotional and unstable, immature. Was she a teenager? She looked to be about 18 or 19 now that I had a closer look at her. I shakily reached out, putting my hand on her shoulder. This was my dream, not hers. She began to shrink. She gave me a look of confused hatred, and soon, she was about the size of a 2 year old. I reached down and picked her up, which earned a lot of screams and scratches, bites, and spitting. It hurt, a lot, and there was a lot of swearing coming from her.
"I-I know you thought Dexter was your soulmate, but you've got to understand how long you have been gone! He has moved on, and so should you. I know it feels like the end of the world, and I know it is scary, but you have to move on alone! It's going to be okay. Things will be fine and you'll be happier knowing that you didn't chase after the same person forever." Mina dug her nails into my face, growing back to her normal size, likely in rage.
"But I love him! I loved him first!" She cried out. I grabbed her wrists, hissing in pain as my knees began to shake. I pried her hands off of my face, just long enough to make eye contact with her.
"That may be but things change Mina! He doesn't love you like that anymore! If you love him so much, don't you want him to be happy? Even if that means not with you?" She fell silent for a moment, as if processing what I said, before gripping my throat and glaring down at me.
"I hate you, I hate you more than anything in the world! You took Dexter away from me. But you're a human. Dexter would never make another human a vampire. I was his first, and I know he remembers that. He'd think of me the whole time. So, I'll let you have your fun. But once you're dead, he's mine." She threw me to the ground and lunged at my throat, then things went pitch black.
I opened my eyes slowly, looking around the room. It was dim, but lit by the moon. I must have slept all day. I sat up, feeling a tug at my arm. I looked down. An IV cord? I took another look around the room, realising I was in the hospital. I was alone. Was this another nightmare? My heart began to race as I thought about how that could be. I did not want to go through all of that again. I struggled to rip out the needle, which was more painful than I expected. I jumped out of the bed, yelling in pain, my legs were shaking. I looked down at them, they were bandaged up. I shook my head, crawling for the door. I gripped the handle, yanking the door open and forcing myself to stand. I wobbled out into the hall. I was petrified, my eyes wide at the low lit halls. I began to cry. It felt off, the tears did. I reached up, wiping one away, looking at it in the small light I had from the moon behind me. Blood. I screamed in terror, why was I all alone? Why was I in a hospital? Why was I crying blood? My legs moved as fast as they could as I ran down the hall, the doors in front of me suddenly opening. A bunch of people flooded in, lights turning on. I covered my face, the light hurt my eyes. I screamed and ran from them, my mind was foggy, I was stressed and in pain, I could not think straight, I could barely even see. I was grabbed, tugged back into a room. I flailed about, screaming and thrashing as much as I could. I felt a sharp pain in my arm, looking over to see a syringe pulling away from me. I felt my body start to grow heavy as straps went across my body, pinning me to the bed. I felt things begin to fade out, and then, there was nothing.
My eyes opened, quickly this time. I looked around the room, it was night again. But I was not alone this time, no. My parents were sitting on the floor, snoring loudly. Natasha was kneeling beside me, her head resting on the bed as she slept. Elizabeth was huddled in a chair, covering up with a blanket. I shakily looked down, a form resting on my chest. A bat. It was Dexter. I let my head fall back against the pillow as I let out a loud exhale. That must have been enough noise to wake up Elizabeth and Dexter. They both looked at me, dexter crawling off of my chest and thumping onto the floor, turning into his human form. He flicked on the light, my parents were awoken, Natasha was stirred awake as well. I was confused, this was a shock, to wake up in a hospital twice. I raised my brow, rubbing my head slowly. I immediately looked to Dexter, knowing he likely knew what happened since he was the last to see me awake.
"What happened? Why am I in a hospital...?" Dexter moved closer to me, grabbing my hand and kissing it, holding it close to him.
"About 20 minutes after you fell asleep, you started mumbling, then tossing and turning...I tried to comfort you but you threw me off and knocked me out of the bed. You had adrenaline strength. You tossed me aside and kept trying to make it to the door. I tried to stop you, but I did not want to use my strength, it may have hurt you. You ran out of the room and out of the door. I woke everyone up, Elizabeth and I got umbrellas and we all ran outside to look for you, but you were gone. We searched around for a while, but we couldn't find you at all. We started searching hospitals, and we finally found you. It took us 2 days. The doctor said that you had been brought into the hospital by a woman who nearly hit you with her car. She said she walked you all the way here because you refused to get into the car. You were checked in, you must have done something before getting into the hospital because you had deep cuts all over your legs and throat, and about 3 hours after staying in a room you ran out, screaming and yelling, nurses had to sedate you and strap you to the bed. You were suffering hallucinations, saying you were crying blood...we have been waiting you to has been about 3 days...we were so worried. Mina must have caused this, perhaps you were sleepwalking..." I was in shock, I had been out of it for 5 days?! I stared blankly at the people in my room, my eyes growing a bit heavy in exhaustion.
"I want to go home." I said, looking at Dexter. He gave a look to my parents, and they called in the nurse, talking to her out of earshot. Soon, my mother came back in, kneeling beside me.
"The doctors said you can go home, but they advise against it." I gave a hiss of annoyance, sitting up more and looking at the doctor who just walked in. I was taken aback immediately. He looked out of place. He had long brown hair and unearthly green eyes. His skin was pale, a smile on his face. He walked over to me, holding out his hand to shake.
"Dr. Alvantin. A pleasure Miss Evans." I reached out to shake his hand, but my wrist was grabbed. I looked up, Dexter was gripping my wrist firmly, looking at the doctor. Dr. Alvantin retreated his hand, squinting at Dexter. He reached over and carefully took out the IV, and after a few tense moments of some paperwork, I was released.
27th August London, 6:54 pm- We all went home as soon as we could. Mum and dad stayed down in the kitchen to cook dinner, and Natasha was in the garage with her band friends. Dexter was sitting on my bed next to me. He looked rather grumpy, and I called back to the way he looked at the doctor. I put my hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump a bit.
"Dexter are you okay? I know things have been stressful but you look... angry?" His eyes looked over to me, leaning over and resting his head on top of mine. I asked him why he didn't let me shake the doctor's hand.
"He was trying to mark his scent on you. He wore gloves to take out your IV." I raised my brow, tilting my head. Dexter cleared his throat.
"He was a vampire. An old one. He was trying to scent you so he could come for you later. He wanted to drink from you." I stared at him. This whole time of knowing Dexter, I never took the time to realise that there was more vampires, not even after hearing about his ex's. I took a second to think, before speaking up again.
"Oh...well, thank you then. I really had no idea, I am glad you were there then." I hugged his arm, but was swiftly brushed away and pulled into a tight embrace. He buried his face into my hair, huffing softly.
"I cannot imagine anyone feeding from you except for took all I had not to throw him out of the window for trying to harm you like that." I rubbed his back, pulling away and kissing his jaw softly, leaving a trail of reassuring kisses up to his cheek.
"Okay, you can calm down now dear, no one is going to get me..." He looked at me, smirking playfully and pulling me close, leaning in and pressing the tip of his nose to mine.
"I'll get you." He chuckled, and I giggled, reaching up and wrapping my arms around his neck, leaning in and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips, closing my eyes. He returned it, moving in closer as his hand began to creep up my shirt, as if he thought he was sneaky. I was happy to have the affection, after all that fear it was nice to feel the love of the real world. Dexter rested his hand on my back, snaking it up to my bra and fiddling to unhook it. He gave a frustrated grunt before finally succeeding. He pulled away, kissing along my neck, licking it and moving his hand to my front, groping my breast, massaging it slowly, he was always gentle. I let out a soft sigh of content. I wanted so much to consummate this relationship, but Dexter always cut it short, maybe from his old fashioned ways. We had an intense hour and a half make out, but as expected, he pulled away, leaving me breathless, my hair a mess. My shirt was still on, but my bra was tossed across the room. I squinted at him. The next time he was going to rile me up so much, I was going to be honest and see if he wanted to go further. Dexter and I were called downstairs, and it was there we had a nice meal of meatloaf and green beans prepared by my father. Dexter explained he could not eat human food, but thanked my father for the consideration. My mum began to ask me if I was going to give her any grandchildren, and this time, I assured her that eventually she would have a them. The response must have caught her by surprise because she fell silent for a moment before resuming conversation with my father. I looked to Dexter and smiled, scooting closer to him and resting my hand on his thigh. Perhaps it was letting him drink from me, or the fact he cared for me so much, but I really began to fall for the man beside me. Dexter returned my gaze, giving me a sweet smile. After dinner, Dexter and I returned to my room upstairs. We both changed into our usual night clothes. I gave him a smile when he sat on the bed. I was going to make a move. I crawled onto the bed, sitting on his lap and giving him a timid smile. Dexter looked up at me and blinked, returning the smile. I put my hands on the sides of his cheeks, kissing him once again. He kissed back, pulling me closer and wrapping his arms around me. I felt my heart flutter. Tonight was going to be a fine night.

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