Chapter Seven

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//AN: Use of brief strong language in this chapter.

15th August Brașov, 4:03 pm- I awoke a bit early due to the massive amounts of texts flooding into my phone. I couldn't ignore the loud buzzing and eventually I just decided to wake up. I grabbed my phone, my heart sinking as I looked to see who it was. Damien, of course, I knew he'd be texting me soon. My phone began to buzz as a call came in, and against my better judgment, I answered.
    "Hello?" I asked, gripping the phone a bit before hearing his booming, already drunken voice nearly bust my eardrums.
    "You think you can just leave you stupid bitch? You are nothing without me! We have been together since high school, everyone knows that! No one else will ever tolerate you! If you don't get your fat fucking ass back here I swear to god it is over! I will torch all of your shit and if I ever see you back in town again I will make sure you regret dumping me! I will give you one more chance. Apologise, and pack your shit, and get back on that plane and get home." I was incredibly tense, I knew he was just using words to frighten me, but the way his voice screamed made me feel the fear he wanted me to. I rubbed the back of my neck, a lump in my throat forming as tears brimmed my eyes. I had indeed built my life with this man, and he wasn't always like this. At the same time however, I knew that in the end, he would never change, at least not for me. He of course, began threatening self harm when I did not answer, his manipulative plans worked so well on me before, but I have grown so tired of hearing the same threats. I pulled the phone away from my ear, hitting the end call button. I let out a shaky breath, flopping back on my bed and staring up at the ceiling. That was difficult, more so than I would like to admit. I felt my eyes water, tears slipping down my cheeks. He used to be so loving, he used to call me his honey, and he used to brag about me. But as soon as we moved in together, he changed so much. It was like he knew I wasn't able to leave so easily, so he showed himself for what he really was. It made me feel worry for what Dexter could do. That made me cry even more. I did not want to think that Dexter would harm me, especially after being so kind to me these past days. I heard a knock at the door, causing me to sit up. I saw Elizabeth peeking her head in, looking to me and gasping when she saw my tears. She rushed over to me, sitting next to me and reaching down, grabbing my hands gently.
    "Mademoiselle what is the matter? What has caused you such pain?" I felt so many emotions welling up, with no outlet but the woman before me. I threw my hands around her and pulled her into a tight hug, my tears falling even more quickly. I sobbed and sniffled, before coughing and finally telling Elizabeth what was wrong.
    "M-My ex, Damien called me and told me to come home, he threatened to kill himself. He used t-to be so nice and we were h-happy but then when I moved in with him he changed so much! I-I'm scared I am doing the same thing all over again. Dexter is so kind but what if he is hiding who he is?" Elizabeth looked at me, stroking my hair softly. She nodded slowly, sympathetically. She waited until I was done before she chimed in.
    "I cannot evaluate this Damien man, I cannot tell you what made him change. But I can evaluate my master. Dexter is a man who was in a similar situation as you, a bit less violent but painful nonetheless. I can assure you, after more than 100 years of service, he has never mistreated a woman. I swear on my heart, and should I be lying, throw me out into the sun." I felt a little more reassured by her words, my eyes closing as I continued to hold onto her. She rubbed my back, humming softly until I pulled away, wiping my eyes. Elizabeth patted my shoulder and helped me out of bed, it was then I realised I was in my nightdress. Elizabeth resumed undressing me and digging around in the dresser drawer before pulling out a new outfit. I lifted up my arms, Elizabeth putting on the corset and tightening it. I did not wheeze this time, I must have been getting used to this. She had quite the taste in fashion, putting me in a shorter black velvet skirt and a Victorian style button up shirt and jacket. The shoes she put me into where very cute, Victorian style to match the shirt and jacket. The final touch was a pair of white gloves. Elizabeth brushed my hair and hummed, when I suddenly had a realisation.
    "Elizabeth, it is still daylight isn't it? Why am I getting ready so early? No one is up usually." Elizabeth smiled, braiding my hair in pigtails.
    "The master has gotten up early to spend time with you. He is a bit drowsy, so if he falls asleep please do not blame him. Biological vampires have a bit of a harder time staying awake during the day. He is waiting for you in the parlour." I blinked, did that mean Elizabeth was not born a vampire? I will ask her about that later. I played with my braids for a moment, I never put my hair in braids before. I stood up and thanked her, to which she curtsied and smiled, walking over to the door and opening it for me. I walked out of the room and down the steps, smiling. My tears had dried, and I had a little pep in my step. I walked into the parlour, my eyes falling a precious sight. Dexter was sitting in an armchair, his head tilted to the side, he was sleeping. His ears wiggled and flicked about every so often. It was very cute. I walked over to him, crouching down at his side and poking his arm gently, before patting his cheek. Letting out a snort, he sat up and looked at me, an embarrassed look on his face as he straightened up his glasses and jacket. He smiled at me nervously, looking away and clearing his throat.
    "Good afternoon Nova. You look lovely, as usual." He cooed out, taking my hand and kissing it softly. I smiled, putting my hand on my cheek and letting out a giggle. I felt like a school girl all over again, my heart making quick beats as he looked at me.
    "So what's the occasion for getting up so early? Elizabeth said this was rather difficult for you. You could have slept you know." Dexter patted my hand before standing up and moving over to the couch, sitting down and offering the spot next to him. I sat down and reached over, grabbing his hands and looking to him to talk. His ears wiggled when I grabbed his hands, a goofy smile on his face.
    "I wanted to spend more time with you is all. Answer some of your questions, relax? Elizabeth is preparing a late lunch, so we can dine together." I gave him a nod, scooting a bit closer to him and making myself comfortable. He looked like he was waiting, likely for my questions.
    "So, do you have powers? Like vampires in movies?" Dexter gave me a bit of a nervous look, his eyes darting to the left.
    "Yes, I have shamefully used one on you already." He pointed to his eyes, giving a worried and embarrassed smile.
    "I hypnotised you to tell your boss to stay a bit longer. I am terribly sorry for that but I was a bit nervous at the time. It sort of happened before I realised." I closed my eyes, recalling that moment and nodding.
    "Ah yes I remember that. Do not worry I am not upset, just don't do that again, you can just ask me things." He gave a small nod, looking relieved. I asked him of his other powers, to which he sat up straight and smiled rather proudly.
    "I have plenty. I can climb walls, levitate, teleport, and turn into a bat." I ooed, putting my hands on my cheeks and looking at him. Another memory hit, and I looked to him, raising my brow and squinting, putting my hands on my hips as I crossed one leg over the other.
    "A bat you say? Like the one in my room the first night I was here? Where you spying on me?" Dexter immediately began to flail his arms in protest, shaking his head quickly, his ears lowering.
    "N-No no nothing of that sort no! I was worried if you had eaten the dinner prepared for you, so I flew in through the open window. I saw the dinner was gone and was going to leave but I got distracted..." I was about to get offended, before he pointed to my hair. I blinked, Dexter had shown interest in my hair before. Is that why he had climbed on my chest? To try and get to my hair? I snorted, giving a small laugh.
    "I see I see. Well, your heart was in the right place." He chuckled and grinned, his ears perking up. He reached over and grabbed my hands, looking at me and sighing softly in content. He rubbed the top of my hands, before another question popped into my mind.
    "So Dexter, about how long do you tend to date for? You said you move a bit faster, so I am just curious." Dexter tilted his head, before reaching up and stroking his goatee slowly, in thought. He squinted before he seemed to come to a conclusion.
    "Well, my family does not date. We are more of a courting family, a bit older fashioned I am afraid to say." I raised my brow, a bit confused.
    "Well, what is the difference? Both are seeing if you like each other." Dexter shook his head a bit, his hands on his legs now.
    "No, they are not the same. Dating is more casual, you have the chance to meet other people along the way and possibly fall for another. Courtship, in human terms, is spending a lot of time together to test and see if your marriage is in gods will. However, for vampires we view this a bit differently. Our definition of courtship is when a vampire finds, in our instance a human. We see if this human is okay with our differences, and we spend time with them, and after a few weeks we offer to turn them into vampires. Then we continue to see each other, and if things sadly don't work out, then the human turned vampire will be free to leave and explore their new life. Though, I do hope things don't end like that in this relationship." I nodded slowly, closing my eyes and thinking. It was so odd to me, I was in this strange hybrid world now, mixing old practices with new ones, it boggled my mind. I opened my eyes and looked to him.
    "Well, Dexter, that is a bit different for me. I will admit I am hesitant to agree to this courtship, but I am not saying no. I believe you are a good man, and I am not getting any younger. I lost my opportunities to date a long time ago, and I am getting too old to adventure around. I want to settle down and have a family, I can't afford to keep dating around. I do not feel very comfortable about going back to London at the moment, so if it is not to much to ask, if we are to do this courtship, I request to stay here for just a bit longer." Dexter's eyes widened a bit, nodding quickly and smiling, flashing his pearly teeth and long fangs.
    "Y-Yes of course! You may stay as long as you'd like. Your company is most enjoyed here." He gripped my hands, giving me that ever so sweet smile. It made my heart flutter. I smiled back, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. He froze up, that goofy smile only widening as his ears flicked quickly. I giggled, lowering my head and brushing a stray hair behind my ear. We chatted for a while, talking about schooling and the different experiences we had, Draven even popped in and joined the conversation, much to both of ours delight. He excused himself to help Elizabeth carry in lunch, which was a tray of finger sandwiches and wine. The four of us began to have a fun chat, before I got that prickly sensation of being watched. I glanced out to the corner of my eye and turned my head. A figure stood in the doorway, bright red eyes glaring at me. I squinted, raising my brow. It had to be Constantine, he seemed annoyed, turning his back and walking out of the room. I shook it off, looking to Dexter as he continued to talk. We all talked well into the night, Elizabeth and Draven excusing themselves as they cleared off the tables. The way they looked at each other made me curious. Elizabeth looked to Draven with such sweet eyes, Draven smiling, and the way he helped her was sweet. I looked to Dexter and raised my brow, smiling. When they left, I grabbed Dexter's hands and chuckled.
    "I think those two like each other. Did you see the way they looked at one another?" Dexter smiled, closing his eyes and nodding.
    "Yes, he has liked her for quite some time, though he will not admit it. Neither of them will. They both are rather shy, but from what I see their arrangement is quite pleasant. They spend a lot of time together. He helps her cook and clean, the both of them go into town together sometimes." I sighed and grinned, shaking my head.
    "That is so cute! I never would have noticed before now." It was just Dexter and I now, which I didn't mind at all. I glanced at him, grabbing his hands hanging my head timidly. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up, giving me a content, soft smile. I leaned in, pressing a quick, gentle kiss to his lips. He jumped, sitting up straight as his ears wiggled quickly. He smiled nervously, his cheeks turning a bright red. I laughed softly, shaking my head at his silliness. After a few moments, we both stood up, walking out to the front door. I peeked open the curtain and nodding that it was dark outside. Dexter opened the door for me and I walked out, my company following me. Dexter grabbed my hand and kept close to me, seemed as though he was a bit clingier, maybe from me saying yes to this courtship idea. We walked in the garden, before he led me to that area with the pond again. I loved this place, it was so serene and calm. Dexter walked over to the pond and grabbed a rock, skipping it on the water with a strong toss. I looked at the pond, slipping off my shoes and grabbing the back of my jacket, hiking it up and giggling, stepping over to the water and tapping it with my foot, stepping inside and looking at Dexter. He chuckled and kicked off his shoes and socks, rolling up his pants and stepping inside. I took off my gloves and tossed them onto the grass, deciding to take off my coat and tossing it as well. I reached into the water and looked at Dexter, gently splashing him. He jumped, his ears pointing up in surprise. His brows furrowed as he snorted, reaching into the water and splashing me back. I laughed softly as we began to have a little water fight. I took a step, my foot catching on the slick sand below, causing me to slip and fall. Dexter reached out, trying to catch me but falling as well, we sat next to each other, now soaked. I covered my mouth, before laughing and closing my eyes, putting my hand on my knee. Dexter soon began to laugh as well, his melodic chuckle echoing through the wooded area surrounding us. I opened my eyes, smiling and leaning in, kissing the tip of his nose. He looked down at me, pressing a kiss to the tip of my nose in return. We stood up and I grabbed my things. We giggled the whole way back to the house, playfully bumping into each other. He walked me up to my room and looked down at me, leaning down and, very hesitantly, kissing me. I closed my eyes, returning the kiss happily. He pulled away, wishing me goodnight and bowing, walking down the hall and vanishing into the shadows. I walked into my room and exhaled loudly, putting my hand over my heart and smiling dreamily. What a lovely day. I walked past the bed, ignoring the buzzing of my phone, all the texts and voicemails from the person I did not need to worry about anymore. I saw my nightgown neatly folded up on the dresser, fresh and clean. I grabbed it and made my way to the bath, stripping off my wet clothes and turning on the tub, humming and smiling, the warm water hitting my fingers. I stepped inside once the tub was full. I looked around the room, closing my eyes and relaxing. A soft knock sounded at the door, Elizabeth entering. She sat some clean towels on the beside the tub and bowed, smiling.
    "Dinner is on the table in your room Mademoiselle. Please enjoy." She walked out, closing the door behind her. I cleaned myself and relaxed in the tub for a bit before getting out and draining it, drying off and putting on my nightdress. I walked out to my room, the dinner looked lovely, a bowl of warm soup and a sandwich, with some white wine. I ate the meal happily, finishing and setting my dishes up neatly. I walked over to my bed, picking up my phone and looking at it, the notifications were from Damien, a few from my boss. I opened up my phone, texting my mom, dad, and sister that I would be going on a small vacation. I shut off my phone and tossed it in one of the dresser drawers, closing it and falling back onto my bed, a grin creeping onto my face as I closed my eyes and scooted under the blankets, cuddling up and sighing softly, hugging the blankets to me as I fell into one of the happiest slumbers in my life.

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