Chapter Sixteen

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//AN: Some mature themes in this chapter :)

27th August London, 5:45 pm- I was sore when I woke up, causing me to lay still in the bed. I turned my head, red eyes staring at me widely. I nearly jumped out of my skin, until I calmed, remembering it was Dexter. He looked at me with such love, putting his hand back on my stomach, his ears wiggling cheerfully. He was preppy this morning, maybe last night did both of us good. He rested his chin in the middle of my chest, rubbing along my sides before pulling me into his arms.
"Do you feel a little better?" Dexter asked softly, closing his eyes as he nestled his face into my cleavage. I gave him a nod, before rubbing my hand along his hair. The way Dexter looked at me was no short of adoringly, it made me feel as if I was royalty of some sort.
"So, what is on the agenda for today then? We have had quite the eventful week, I vote to have an easy, relaxing day just in bed." Dexter agreed, his hands squeezing my sides playfully. He looked rather cozy all wrapped around me. I grabbed his hand and played with his sharp nails. I wondered if he would let me paint them sometime. I will ask him later. I ran my finger along his pointed ear, causing them to twitch and wiggle about. That earned a laugh from me, making me wonder if Dexter controlled the wiggling of his ears or not. Dexter's hands moved up, and he began to play with my hair, running it through his fingers and twisting the locks around.
"Nova, are you happy?" The question took me by surprise, my eyebrows raising a bit. I looked at Dexter, who was toying with my hair still.
"I am very happy yes. Where did that come from?" Dexter rested his hand on my shoulder before twisting and squirming, until he was on his back, his head resting on my chest like it was a pillow. He put his hands on his stomach and sighed.
"This past week has been a mess. I caused a lot of problems for you that I did not even realise. Even family problems. I like you a lot Nova, but I also want you to be happy. I have been worried that you have not been as happy as you act." I felt a bit sad that Dexter blamed himself for the bad things that happened. I shook my head quickly, playing with his sideburns. I thought for a moment before speaking.
"I am not unhappy Dexter. You had no idea Mina would be up your arse after a century at sea, and you didn't even provoke my sister's actions. Those things aren't your fault dear. I am perfectly happy. I like you a lot, my worry is not placed in my happiness because nothing has threatened it. Are you happy?" Dexter fell silent for a while, his eyes staring at the ceiling for what felt like ages before he blinked.
"I am happy. But I don't know about a lot of things. I have not dated a human in a very long time without them being absolutely bonkers. You are like an alien to me. You are human, yet you are kind and have nothing but innocent curiosity about my kind. Mina even feared me a bit at first, but you had no terrifying stereotypes about me. It was refreshing, but, at the same time I must ask, are your intentions to stay human? It is torturous to spend decades with a human, only to have them die in front of your eyes. I have had friends that were human, and it hurt when they died. I could not imagine if it were a human I was in love with. I do not want you to think I am pressuring you, but I don't want to have these high hopes only to be hurt in the end." He continued to stare at the ceiling with wider, sadder eyes, like a hurt animal.
"I do not wish to see you lowered into the ground in a casket." He mumbled. I frowned, rubbing his cheek softly, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to his lips, I wanted to comfort him. He was such a lonely fellow, he has had a unique heartbreak in his everlasting life.
"I do not mind the thought of immortality. My family wants to learn of what lays beyond life, no human really knows. My family doesn't fear death, but I certainly do. While I think this transition should happen in the right time, I do think I want it to happen." Dexter looked at me, giving me a goofy smile. I felt such a happiness looking into those bright red eyes of his, a happiness I don't think I felt before. I felt my stomach rumble, and in that moment, I realised how dry my mouth was. I crawled out of the bed and put on my robe, looking back at Dexter and nodding to the door.
"I am absolutely famished. Care to join me for a snack?" Dexter nodded, putting on a pair of his pants. We walked down the steps, the windows were open, and the sun was still up. Dexter was able to walk in the shadows of the room. I looked out of the window, wincing in pain. My retinas felt like they were burning. I must have been staying in my room too much during the day, I needed to go out more. I decided on a fruit smoothie for a yummy sweet snack, so I wandered my way over to the fridge, digging around to find some good fruit. My hand grazed a pack of steaks, four, uncooked. My eyes glanced to it. They looked absolutely different than meat usually looked to me. There was an odd thump in my chest, not quite a heartbeat, but something happened. I tore my eyes away from the meat and grabbed a container of strawberries, tossing them onto the counter. I grabbed a banana from the counter, tossing it next to the container of strawberries. I began to feel a bit dizzy. My neck hurt, it felt like it was swollen.I felt a lump in my throat, tears brimming my eyes. I coughed slightly, tears brimming in my eyes. I huffed softly, blaming the pollen in the air. I coughed again, wiping my eyes. It was odd that my eyes were tearing up so much about this. I had no idea what was going on, but I brushed it off, shaking my head and going over to the counter and grabbing the blender, grabbing the milk from the fridge. Dexter and I began to hold a conversation about modern appliances, and soon, that odd feeling was gone. I grabbed some strawberries, a cutting board and a knife, then began to get to work. I was telling him about the microwave, when I felt a sting on my finger. I continued to talk until the stinging got worse. I glanced down, pulling my hand away quickly. I had sliced the side of my finger, nothing too bad, but a thin paper cut like slice with small droplets of blood welling up in the slice. I felt a hand firmly grasp my wrist, causing me to jump. Dexter was staring at the cut, leaning down and licking along it slowly. I let out a quiver, laughing nervously. I could have just gotten a bandaid, I should have gotten a bandaid. Dexter's feet began to move towards me, mine moving back from him, until I was pressed against the wall of the kitchen. He pressed a tender kiss to my lips, which just drew me in more and more. I grabbed his shoulders, his hands sliding down my sides, his nails digging into them. The kiss deepened, and began to grow more and more intense. I felt my chest begin to heave as his hands grabbed at my body, rubbing along it. He began to kiss along my jaw, a soft whimper passing my lips. Dexter kissed down to my neck, targeting a certain area, biting and licking at it. Soon, I felt a blissful pain pierce through my body. He had bitten me again, he was not tempted by my blunt asking, but instead from just a small amount of blood on my finger. The biting this time was more rough. He grabbed me and yanked me closer to him, grabbing the back of his head as he bit harder, deeper. There was a sudden warmness that shot through me, it caused me to moan. Without him even touching me further, I climaxed, the feeling washing over me as my legs quivered. Dexter took a lot of blood, only pulling away when he was satisfied. I trembled, grabbing onto him as much as I could. The moment was intense, more so than I remembered. He pressed a kiss to my lips. The metallic taste of my own blood made me a bit queasy, but I refused to pull away. We stood there, kissing each other for a solid six minutes before I heard the front door begin to open. That's right, I was in a house with other people. I shoved Dexter away from me, wiping my mouth and neck, pulling up the collar of my robe. Dexter wiped his mouth as much as he could, hiding his bloodied hand in his pocket. We both acted as normal as we could as my mother entered the kitchen, raising her brows at us. We must have not been acting normal. She moved along after greeting us, going up to her room. I heard the door shut, and I was flooded with relief. That would have been embarrassing. Arms wrapped around my waist, Dexter pulled me closely to him. He tugged down the collar of my robe, kissing the bite marks he'd left. He pulled away, wiping his mouth again. I felt dizzy, my heart pounding from the sudden show of aggressive affection.
"I am terribly sorry...I suppose I am a bit greedy. Human blood is so sweet and I simply cannot resist when you tempt me so." He motioned to my finger. I gave a soft laugh, nodding. I was flattered he liked my blood so much, and I certainly did enjoy the affection. The bites were a bit deeper this time, perhaps today was a turtleneck day. I completely abandoned my smoothie idea, and decided just a banana would suffice. I grabbed the banana I left on the counter, peeling it and chomping into it. I felt a lot better now.
"You don't need to apologise, I'm happy you like my blood, really. It is nice to be...needed?" I finished the banana, throwing the peel away and motioning for Dexter to follow me. We went back up to my room, me to my bed. I sat down, patting the spot next to me. I had a sudden idea, jumping up and rushing to my vanity. Dexter watched me, raising his brows as he sat down on the bed. I sat down a bag, it was my beauty materials.
"We can use this stuff! Since there's nothing else to do..." I hesitated, before grabbing Dexter's hand and grinning.
"If you let me paint your nails I will let you do my hair." Dexter pondered this for a moment, before agreeing. I knew he wouldn't mind me painting them, plus being able to do my hair, he seemed fairly content. I pulled out my bag of nail polish, there wasn't a huge array of colours, but the standards. I picked out a plain black polish, though part of me was tempted to grab the pink to see how he would react. I looked around for my remote, locating it on the ground. I turned on the telly, leaving it on whatever channel it was on. I began to paint Dexter's nails, my shaky hands did not help with this task, but I was determined. After about half an hour, I was happy with the results. The middle finger on the right hand was smudged a bit, but not too badly. Dexter looked at his nails, giving a brisk nod. He seemed to like them.
"You are lucky you know! Women go to salons all the time to get their nails shaped like that." Dexter gave me a confused look, furrowing his brows and looking at his nails.
"Why on earth would a woman pay to have claws?" I put my hand over my mouth, trying not to laugh. It was funny how much Dexter really didn't know about modern day.
"It is all about the fashion. The aesthetics." After a while, his nails were dry and he eagerly told me to turn away from him. I dumped the bag onto the bed, handing him my comb, my hair oil, and my brush. Dexter grabbed the hair oil and looked over it.
"My hair is different from yours, that gives it the good stuff it needs to look healthy! I usually put it up top and on the ends." It occurred to me that it had been a quite a while since I washed my hair. I leaned away from Dexter, a displeased grunt sounding from him.
"Do you want to help me wash my hair? It really is a two person job." With the request, Dexter hopped up and nodded, sounding his absolute delight in the task. The tub was the best place, so that was where I went. I grabbed a towel and draped it over the side of the bathtub, turning on the hot water and kneeling down in front of the porcelain tub. I pointed to my shampoo and conditioner, and Dexter gave a wave, he knew how to wash hair. I leaned my head over the side of the tub, my hand reaching over to grab the removable shower head. I pulled on it, but it was swiftly taken from my hands. Alright then, perhaps I just needed to keep still. Dexter wetted my hair, before I swore he dumped the whole bottle of shampoo into my hair. The smell was so strong, it had to have been at the very least half the bottle. He massaged my head for a while, which was nice. I kept my eyes closed, nearly dozing off at his massage. The rinsing of the shampoo took a long while, a series of irritated growls sounded from behind me, likely from Dexter not being able to get all the shampoo out on the first go. Next was conditioner and again, half the bottle went into my hair. He scrubbed my head vigorously, and it felt lovely. I almost didn't want him to stop, but all good things must come to an end. Dexter grabbed the shower head and rinsed my hair, a soft hum filling the room. It was a nice, relaxing time. I helped Dexter wrap my hair up, and we made our way back to the bedroom. I was about to put up the nail polish, when Dexter gently grabbed my wrist.
"May I paint yours?" I was surprised, but happily agreed. I sat on the bed, and Dexter began to file through the colours, settling on a deep red. I held out my hand, his cold, long fingered hand wrapping around mine and pulling it a bit closer. He squinted down at my nail, his steady hand making a perfect stroke. He painted my nails beautifully in about fifteen minutes. I couldn't help but praise him, his ears wiggling in pride as he thanked me. After my nails were dry, I held up a pile of face masks. Dexter of course had no idea what they were, so I explained.
"These are face masks! They are really popular right now. There's some for dry skin, acne prone skin, oily skin, or there's some to just make you feel all fresh and clean! Vampires don't have skin problems do they?" Dexter rubbed his cheek and forehead, before shaking his head. I figured as much. His skin was absolutely flawless, which I will admit I was a bit jealous of. I handed him a mango smelling face mask, taking a moisturising one for myself. I opened it, placing it on my face to show Dexter how to do it. He hesitated, but placed the wet towelette on his face. He blew a raspberry, some of the solution probably got in his mouth. I leaned back against the headboard, Dexter following suit. We laid in a comfortable and relaxing silence for a while, the telly drowning out as I floated in my own thoughts. I felt a hand grab mine, pressing soft kisses to it. I peeked open my eye, seeing Dexter peppering my hand and arm with kisses. He'd taken off his face mask, it probably was not his thing. It was something I did to make sure my skin wasn't dry, it was really not my favourite thing either. I giggled softly, putting my free hand on his cheek in a playful attempt to stop him. He moved his head and kissed my palm, leaning in and wrapping his arms around my waist, pushing me down as he attacked my face and and neck with sweet kisses. I let out delighted squeaks and squeals, squirming as his beard hair tickled my neck. I opened my eyes, seeing Dexter hovering over me, his piercing red eyes staring into mine with a surprising intensity.
"I think I love you." I was stunned, my heart melting at those words. His cheeks began to turn a deep red, my mind drifting to how on earth does a vampire even blush? I snapped out of it, realising I had not responded. Dexter gave me a nervous look, his ears lowering. He thought he'd made a mistake, poor fellow. I grabbed his cheeks and smiled, rubbing my thumbs along them.
"I think I am falling for you as well." I assured him. He leaned down, pressing his face into my neck. We stayed like that for a long while, before I sat up, pulling Dexter up with me. He moved behind me, his hands on my shoulders. He began to rub them, sliding down my robe with his hands. He massaged my shoulders very nicely, my eyes fluttering shut. I didn't ask for this lovely rub, but I not mad. He pressed loving kisses to the back of my neck, running his long nails down my back and giving me a great back scratch. I let out a happy groan, grinning at this special treatment. He finished, lowering me down onto my back and curling around me. He must have wanted me to sleep, or at least nap. It was not hard, after all of that relaxing fun, I could doze. In about 20 minutes, I was out like a light. What a calming day. It was so much fun! I hope we get another day like this...

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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