Chapter Thirteen

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20th August, London, 8:54 pm- I was awakened by a sudden pressure on my chest. I let out a loud wheeze, opening my eyes and seeing a mess of white hair in my face. Natasha was laying on me, poking my cheeks. Once she noticed I was awake, she sat up and grabbed my cheeks with her hands. I let out an irritated growl, squinting at her and squirming. She whimpered and laid back down to keep her balance.
"Stop being mad at me I am sorry! I am! I was acting really mean and I'm sorry. I shouldn't judge people for being different." She mumbled softly, giving me a pitiful quivering lip, as if that would convince me to forgive her. I rolled my eyes, sighing.
"If you were truly sorry you would apologise to Dexter." Natasha sat up a bit and looked around. She looked back down at me.
"Well where is he?" I sat up, knocking Natasha off of my lap and looking around, before hearing the crinkle of paper. It was a letter. I picked it up, unfolding it and reading.
"My dearest Nova, I have taken Elizabeth to shop for some things. I will be back in no more than 2 hours, please use this time for your family. Sincerely yours, Dexter." I glanced at Natasha, huffing softly. I was stuck with her then. Natasha grabbed my hand and pulled me right out of the bed, hugging me tight. She continued to repeat how sorry she was, it was starting to annoy me, but thankfully my mother walked in. She was always the peacemaker, even in these rougher times. She made her way over and pulled Natasha away from me.
"Natasha told me there has been some tension here. Today is my day off, why don't we talk about it hm? We can all solve the problem if we just talk it out." I sat on my bed and crossed my arms, furrowing my brows.
"Natasha told me to date someone "normal" as if she has the right to use the word!" Natasha scoffed loudly, and I could already tell she was retracing all of her previous sorries.
"Well at least I don't date bloodsuckers that could take me away from my family!" I was about ready to fight now. My mother held up her hands and Natasha and I quieted, glaring at each other.
"Natasha, your sister is older than you, she has worked harder than most of us. This is her life, not yours. You didn't listen to her when you brought that Ozzy Osbourne impersonator and he bit off the head of a stuffed bat at dinner. She told you to break up with him and you only did when he started trying to do that with real bats. Dexter is a perfectly nice and normal, man, he just has different customs. You're being as bad as a racist. And Nova, I know your sister aggravates you often, but she is your sister, and she cares for you more than anything, she was just trying to watch out for you. Now both of you need to see how much you love each other, hug, and shut up because this house is a no negativity zone." Damn my mother's hippy ways. I caved in, giving a soft apology to my sister, her returning it. We hugged, and my mother clapped in joy.
"Now Nova, tell us more about your sweetheart. Maybe if we know more about him we will be less afraid." My mother cooed out every word so softly and delicately I had no choice but to oblige.
"Dexter is just so nice. He always treats me with respect and he even cooked for me!" I began to twiddle my thumbs, looking down shyly as I began to think of him.
"He is handsome and really well mannered. I like to talk to him because he is smart and silly. His ears do this cute little wiggling thing when he is happy, and he blushes even though he is dead. He holds me in my sleep, and he stays with me even if he is not tired. He really pays attention to my feelings!" My mum smiled and leaned on me, closing her eyes.
"You both sound really in love. How did you meet him again?" I smiled and giggled softly, recalling the meeting.
"Oh, he was my client! He was purchasing an estate and I was to stay at his home for the time I was there." Natasha looked at me, her body language seemed surprised.
"So wait, if you've been in Romania all this time, with Dexter, from what you said, almost two weeks, what have you been telling your boss?" I froze, my eyes going wide. I had forgotten I was even on that job until I spoke it. I stood up quickly, rushing over to my drawers.
"Nonono I have to get to the office! Miss Elvira is going to have my head!" I realised all my professional clothes had vanished at the mansion, so I had to throw something together. I settled on black jeans and boots, and a black sweater. I quickly raked through my hair, running around like an ant. I gathered up my purse and yelled an I love you before leaving my mum and sister sitting in my room. I grabbed the keys and ran out to the car, hopping in and starting it. I went as fast as legally possible to my office, gripping the steering wheel tightly. I parked and practically ran inside, going to the front desk and asking for my boss, Elvira Addams. The secretary called her office, then motioned for me to go up. I sped walked to the elevator and rapidly pressed the button. The place closed very soon, so I didn't have much time. The elevator finally came down and I pressed for floor 5, prancing in place anxiously. I finally hit the floor and jogged out, stopping in front of Miss Addams office. I knocked, nervously waiting for a response. An angelic, heavily french accented voice rang through the door.
"Entrer." I opened the door, smiling, I was rather terrified. Elvira was a scary woman. She was powerful, gorgeous, and smart. I had no clue of her flaws. She had lovely skin, pale as snow and flawless, her long crimson red hair was always healthy and combed, and her fashion was only the utmost professional and fashionable. She was staring at me with intense, deep blue eyes, before she motioned for me to sit in the chair in front of her.
"Nova, you are nearly 2 weeks absent from work, with only one request of a lengthened stay in Romania, to which I denied and you simply did not reply. Explain yourself." I took a deep breath, how the hell was I going to explain all of this without sounding absolutely mad?
"Well, you see Miss Addams, there was a small bump in the road. Mr. Lucard and I began to befriend each other and we ended up going on quite a few dates. I was over worked and this was my first time out of London, I was so anxious and I ended up finding someone to console in, especially after leaving my ex." I figured my honesty may get me a bit more points, but the sweet story of me falling in love did not budge her emotionless face.
"So, you are telling me that a client occupied all of your time? Three days turned into four, turning into six and so on? You mean to tell me that because you rather quickly became infatuated with a man you abandon your job? All because a man, how do you say, swept you off of your feet?" I gave her a slow nod, that was what it seemed to be.
"Miss Nova, you have been with this office for years. We hired you as soon as your resume came in. You are such a smart woman. But to be seduced by a man on a business trip? To completely vanish and defy direct orders? That is not smart. I am afraid I must let you go. You can come back to your desk tomorrow and clean it out." I was not shocked, but it still did not feel good to be fired so bluntly. I hung my head before glancing back up and nodding.
"Yes ma'am. It has been a pleasure working with you and my colleagues. I wish you luck." I stood up, making my way out of the building with much less drive than I entered it. What should I tell Dexter and my family? I felt so embarrassed to be fired over such a reason as I had. I didn't even try to come up with an excuse, I could have said I got lost, or my plane got delayed so I stayed or something! Anything, but no, I told the truth. I sighed as I sulked out to my car, my hand raking through my hair as I began to panic. Sure I did not have bills to pay now that I was not living with Damien, but I couldn't leech off of my parents! I shook my head as tears began to slip down my cheeks. I climbed into my car and sat down, my heart felt so heavy with stupidity and guilt that I just sunk into my seat and cried for a good half and hour. I drove towards home slowly, not really wanting to return. I slowed my car down as I passed the bar, before parking and sitting still. Did I really want another hangover? Did I really need to down 4 more pints? I didn't need to but it wouldn't hurt. I climbed out of the car and walked into the bar, looking around. I saw a face I did not want to. What was Damien doing here? All the places to be and he chooses this place. With one look at me, he stood up and sauntered over to me, as if confident in what he was going to say next.
"Where's that emo boy? Did you come all the way here without your skinny little bodyguard? You're lucky I was drunk when I saw him, I could have broken his whole body if I wanted to." I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms and brushing my hair behind my ear, subtly trying to guard it from his hands since that's what he seemed to like to attack. He gave me a snarl, moving closer and grabbing my arm.
"Look, I know you think we are over, but you can't just leave me. We have way too much history together, your be a big whore to just leave me like that. So why don't you just go grab your things and I'll let you back into the apartment and we can make up..." It was then he pulled something that infuriated me. He put his hand right on my breast. I shoved him back quickly, roughly.
"Get your hands off me you damned dirty freak." I spat angrily. Damien did not take that rejection well. He began to go irate, yelling a bunch of things I frankly couldn't even understand. I decided it was best if I just go home. He had turned his back to me for a moment when the bartender began to tell him to quiet down, so I made my escape then. I rushed out of the bar, shaking my head angrily. Why was it that today was just my unluckiest day? I was suddenly yanked back from my car when a chunk of my hair was grabbed. I flailed about and hissed angrily, batting at who I knew was Damien. He flipped me around and began yelling in my face, and I pushed him back with all my strength, but he must have been very angry because he did not even let go. His face was red with either drunkenness or rage, I couldn't tell really. He bashed my head against the car, which stunned me, my eyes crossing for a moment. I yelled out loudly, and finally, after about three more bashes to my head, the bartender came out and pulled Damien off of me, calling the police. The bartender was an older gentleman, with a bushy white moustache and eyebrows to match. He carefully grabbed my arms and led me back inside the bar, locking the doors as Damien began to scream and beat on them. I was trembling, feeling a warmth slip down my face. A droplet of blood hit the floor. My head was bleeding, wonderful. I felt a tad dizzy, but the bartender urged me to stay awake. He sat me down in the bench, making conversation with me to try to ease me. I learned his name was Franklin, he was German, his accent provided me that information. He owned the bar, and he was fairly keen on keeping people like Damien out. He apologised for not helping me sooner, and I waved it off as fine. I hears sirens in the distance, likely the police, and soon, there was a pounding at the door. Franklin went to answer it, and policemen began to pile in, getting his statement, and paramedics began to file over to me, despite me saying I was fine. Soon, there was quite the commotion as I saw my parents running in, shoving aside police and rushing up to me, asking what happened so fast I could barely even understand. I reassured them, telling them I was fine as the paramedics began to patch me up. The door slammed open one again, and that's when Dexter rushed in. His face was distraught, his eyes wide as he moved over to me quicker than my eyes could catch. Elizabeth was right behind him, giving me a very concerned look. Dexter put his hands on my cheeks and frowned deeply, looking over me. He looked dishevelled, his hair was a mess, probably from running. His glasses were crooked, and he didn't even have his suit jacket on. I put my hands on his shoulders, shushing him softly.
"Dexter please I am fine. It's just a little blood I am fine." He gripped my wrists gently, his ears were hidden by his hair but I knew they were lowered in fear.
"What were you doing out here by yourself? You could have gotten so hurt being all alone with him!" I shook my head quickly, I felt as though there was some kind of misunderstanding.
"No no, I was at the office...I came to get a drink or two before I went home." I mumbled, looking at Dexter, Elizabeth, and my family rather guiltily. I bit my lip and looked down.
"I was just upset. I got fired. I was just nervous to go home...I need to find a job and I mean I have never even been fired before! I have always quit, I have always had a job lined up..." Dexter gave me a look, damn him for hard to read emotions. I could not tell if he was worried, upset, or angry. The paramedics told me it was just a couple of scratches and I was free to leave. Natasha would not let go of my arm until I shoved her off, my mum and dad still crowding around me, making sure I was okay. I thanked Franklin, giving him a hug, before waving a goodbye. I walked over to my car, Dexter following me immediately, climbing in the passenger seat. I gulped, watching Elizabeth get in the car with my parents and sister. I slowly got into the car, starting it. I didn't talk for a while, letting my parents drive off ahead. When I finally pulled out of the parking lot, Dexter looked at the radio, the station turning to static before shutting off. I gripped the steering wheel, waiting for him to talk, and finally, after what felt like forever, he did.
"Why do you drink when you get upset?" He asked softly, twiddling his thumbs. I frowned, realising that this was the second time I attempted to drink away my feelings.
"I-I don't know Dexter. I'm not a drunk, I just hate...feeling. When Natasha kept questioning me about you and my plans with you, when I got fired, I just don't know what else to do." I said softly, slowing even more.
"You could have talked to me. Or just came to me for comfort. I know I wasn't there but you could have waited for me...I would have went with you." I snorted softly, yes, I could have done that, but of course I made the wrong choice. I gave him a sad attempt at a smile.
"You probably would have hypnotised my boss to get me to keep my job." He cracked a smile, chuckling.
"You are not wrong. But in all seriousness, please, the next time you feel upset, talk to me. I don't want you to bury your feelings or keep self medicating like this. It is not healthy." I gave him a slight nod, rubbing the wheel with my thumbs. Dexter glanced at me, reaching over and rubbing my arm softly. I smiled and relaxed as I drove, glancing over to him.
"I am really sorry I worried you again, it really wasn't my intent. I was just scared to tell everyone I lost my job." Dexter reached over and put his hand on my thigh, patting it and pulling away.
"You don't need a job. I want you to start having more fun. You are very stressed, I can sense that. You need to take time to relax before you give yourself a heart attack. Don't worry about money." I felt awful that someone had to provide for me, but I could not simply reject his statement, he was not giving me the choice, he wanted to do this it seemed. But, as I began to think, it made sense. He was an immortal man, having someone to spend time with that was fascinated in him rather than scared of him may have been a bit more pleasing. I decided to accept his offer of help, but I would not spend much of his money. I was not a materialistic person, so it would not be hard, and I still had some money in my sock drawer back at home. I patted the wheel, pulling into the driveway of my house, parking and turning off the car, sighing and leaning my head back. I looked over at Dexter, who was looking outside.
"In all of my life, hundreds of years, I did not expect to have someone so sweet in my company. You are so kind and gentle, and I for once, hate smelling the blood you shed. I worry when you get hurt or when I cannot find you." He looked over to me, his ears perking up. I blushed, letting out a little giggle as I leaned in and pressed a happy kiss to his lips. He seemed pleased, his ears wiggling in delight. We got out of the car and as soon as I walked into the house, my parents hugged me and Natasha relentlessly kissed my cheek. I brushed them away, squirming and flailing a bit. They finally pulled away, all of them looking rather tired. I had no idea what time it was, but I assumed it was late. Dexter took my hand and led me upstairs, opening my door for me. I walked inside and hopped onto my bed, delighted to be back. Despite the terrible events of the evening, I felt happy, maybe because my family and Dexter cared so much for me. Maybe because Damien would be off the streets. A mixture maybe? I didn't overthink it, my head turning to look at Dexter, who was digging around in a bag.
"I got you a couple of things, I saw them at the store and I couldn't pass them up." I sat up and tilted my head, wondering why he had bought me something I did not ask for. He sat on the bed beside me and held out a lovely looking leather bound book, with a mass amount of pages.
"I notice you write often in that little red journal, but your pages are running out. So I bought you another one. This one should last you a good while." I felt my heart flutter happily, hugging the book to my chest.
"Dexter thank you so much! You are so sweet, honestly thank you so much..." I said softly, looking down at the book and rubbing the soft leather cover. He then held up another item, it was a box. A small box. I felt myself begin to sweat. Oh dear, I remember him saying vampires moved fast. I looked at him nervously as he continued to hold out the box. I grabbed it, putting the journal down and hesitantly opening the box. I could breathe. It was a necklace, a lovely one at that. I stared at it, taking it out of the box and holding it up.
"Wow, Dexter, this is absolutely beautiful! I can't take this, it looks so expensive..." Dexter shook his head quickly, moving behind me and grabbing the necklace, slipping it on my neck and clipping it. It was a beautiful gold chain with a large pendant at the bottom, made from what looked like a ruby and a sapphire. I looked back at him, and he pressed a kiss to my forehead.
"You don't need to worry about money, I want to give you gifts. I have not had the pleasure of seeing someone else's smile in so long, it blesses me..." he pulled me into a tight hug, much to my absolute delight. I closed my eyes and returned it, nuzzling my face against his neck. After the small display of affection, we chatted for a while, making each other laugh. An unlucky day turned into such a lovely one as I fell asleep in his arms as he played with my hair.

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