Chapter Eleven

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18th August London, 7:50pm- Dexter had awoken before me surprisingly. He must have relaxed his muscles himself as he was up and around by the time I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, looking at Dexter, who was getting dressed. He reached into his suitcase and held up a long black dress, draping it over the bed. He finally noticed I was awake, pointing to the dress.
"I picked this one out, since we are going to get your clothes, I only packed one outfit." I nodded, scooting out of the bed and stretching, cracking by back. I remembered I had my shirt off, which made me a tad embarrassed, but not much. I grabbed the dress, looking over it. It was not as cutesy and girly as the outfits Elizabeth had gave me, this one was much more elegant and mature, velvety. I put it on, slipping off the pants to my other outfit and tossing them onto the bed. Felt strange wearing a dress with no knickers, but at least I was clothed. Dexter walked around the bed and sat me down, lifting up my foot and slipping on absolutely beautiful black heeled shoes on them. He delicately put on some black gloves and nodded, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a very extravagant looking broach. My eyes twinkled when I saw it, a smile spreading on Dexter's face as he put it on at my neck.
"This is my mother's broach. She gave it to me many years ago to give to someone I cared for." I nearly wanted to cry, but I held the tears back, thanking him softly. He stood up straight and grabbed my hand, lightly pulling me off the bed. I helped Dexter gather our things, then this time I took the luggage, much to his dislike. We walked out, I made sure Dexter had the key card, and we moved to the door next to us, Dexter knocking. The door opened quickly, Elizabeth bowed and smiled, she still dressed as a maid. That was going to make her stand out quite a lot, I'll have to sneak her out to shop sometime while we are here. Once we were all ready to go, we checked out and I led us outside, catching a taxi. We rode squished in the back seat again, and after a rather stuffy 35 minutes, we arrived at my parents home. It was outside of town, resting in the middle of a meadow, a pond in the back and bird feeders absolutely everywhere. Elizabeth opened the door, looking around and squinting a bit.
"It is very, how do you say, au natural." I laughed softly, climbing out.
"Wait until you see the inside." I mumbled, putting my hands on my hips. I breathed in the familiar air and smiled widely, Dexter at my side already. He was quiet, his brows furrowed as he had a rather constipated look on his face. I nudged him with my elbow, muttering to him to relax. He tried, and now he just looked grumpy, which was better than nothing. The driver went on his way, I wondered if Dexter paid him or just used his hypnosis, not that I really cared which. I marched up to the front door happily, Dexter and Elizabeth following behind rather cautiously. I pounded on the door, bouncing on my heels. I waited a moment, hearing some coughing. The door opened, a familiar, potent smell filling my nose. There was a gasp, and arms thrown around me in a tight hug. My mother was squeezing the life out of me, my only response was a pat on the back.
"Nova I thought you were never going to come see us again! I tried texting you after you told me about a vacation but you never answered. Why are you here honey? Homesick?~" I laughed softly shaking my head slowly and patting her shoulders.
"Let's get inside and I'll explain everything." I looked behind me, seeing Dexter and Elizabeth standing a good 8 feet away from the door. I realised they may have smelled something off, and quietly asked mother to open some windows. After 10 minutes and some air freshener, the smell was faint, and Dexter and Elizabeth entered after me. I led them to the living room and sat them down on the sofa, sitting next to Dexter and waiting for my family to come in. Mother sat in the armchair, staring at my two companions, as if trying to piece our connections to each other. A series of loud footsteps sounded down the steps, and my father came rushing in, running at me full speed, jumping over the small table and nearly knocking me down in the chair when he hugged me. I laughed and patted his back. My father was so nice, it must have broken his heart that I was never around. He told me how happy he was to see me, then shot a confused and suspicious look at my company. He slowly sat down on the loveseat, crossing his arms as he stared, mostly at Dexter, who was looking anywhere except towards either of my parents. I heard more footsteps, and a loud, happy scream. I stood up, strong arms pulled me close, smushing me. My sister was just as clingy as my mother, and loved hugs. She told me how boring things were without me, only glancing at Dexter and Elizabeth, not really caring. She sat down next to father and smiled at me. She still did not trim her bangs, which made me laugh inside. I cleared my throat, standing up and smiling, clasping my hands together.
"This is a rather strange set of affairs I am going to line out for you but I hope you will get them." I looked at their reactions, they mostly stayed the same, but Dexter was now leaned against the couch, looking like he was sinking in. He did not want to be there. I closed my eyes, sighing.
"I was assigned to a meeting in Romania, I would be meeting Dexter and Draven Lucard. I got there, and I had a lot of fun! I felt so happy there after a bit, and I made lovely friends. I ended up breaking up with Damien, and went for someone else." I motioned to Dexter.
"Mom, Dad, Natasha, this is Dexter Lucard. Dexter, this is my mother Poppy, my father Sage, and my sister Natasha. Dexter is my boyfriend." Dexter looked at me, his face lighting up when I used the label. It was silent, before Natasha spoke up.
"He's sort of boring looking but anyone is better than that dickhole Damien." I snorted, my parents nodding in agreement. There was small talk after that, and I decided to tell them the rest. I told them I came to say hello because I lost my phone, they understood, they were happy I didn't let them worry more. Dexter coughed softly, drawing attention to himself.
"Nova left out a small detail. I do not want you all to worry, as I am very responsible, but I do not wish to keep secrets. My family are a clan of vampires." I nearly choked, I did not expect him to just say his secret so nonchalantly. My sister immediately sat up.
"I love him, that's great." My parents gave a look of annoyance, so I brushed Dexter's hair behind his ears, and he opened his mouth, letting his tongue stick out to show. Elizabeth waved nervously, pointing to her teeth. My mother gave a look of shock, my father a look of fear, and my sister, from what I could see, a look of excitement. There was a moment of silence, then an explosion of questions, mostly for my wellbeing. I assured them I was fine, after a few glares from my father to Dexter, things seemed to calm down. I sat back down, grabbing Dexter's hand. My mother looked to me and squinted.
"Does this mean I am not getting grandchildren?" My face flourished red, an unexpected question. My father laughed, my sister holding back her chuckles. Dexter shook his head,
"Not at all. A vampire can still produce a child with a human, but a private birth is necessary, as the child will have no vitals. Purebred vampiric DNA such as mine tramples that of a human so the offspring will be a vampire." He did not seem embarrassed by the question, in fact, he seemed proud to answer. My mother clapped and pointed at me.
"You heard that missy get to work! I want to spoil some grandbabies." My sister slapped her hand on her knee and laughed.
"Nova the day you get laid is the day I run a marathon." I squinted at her, she knew how awkward I was in the past, and she saw I did not let Damien do much to me, sure I was shy, and I did have a bit of a struggle going past being shirtless, but I was going to prove her wrong. Eventually. My father was silent, but I knew he wanted grandchildren, and Natasha was far too crazy to settle down. Elizabeth seemed ecstatic at the idea of a child, but something told me, maybe the look in her eye, that she wanted one of her own. There was a twinkle, a dreamy look that one couldn't miss. I smiled, closing my eyes, then standing up.
"I am going to show Dexter and Elizabeth around town, is it alright if we spend a few nights?" They all welcomed us with glee, I knew they would. My mother tossed me the car keys, and I led them out to the driveway, getting into the drivers seat and buckling up. Dexter sat in the front beside me, and Elizabeth sat in the back, already looking out of the window longingly. I pulled out of the driveway, my eyes narrowing.
"First, I'm getting my shit back." Dexter looked at me, surprised, maybe because I did not swear much. I drove into town, parking in front of the apartment building and glaring at it. I felt uneasy but I couldn't let that show. I unbuckled, opening the door and storming into the building. I heard Dexter yell for me, Elizabeth as well, but I had tunnel vision. I pounded my fist against the door, and after a few moments, a girl answered. I asked for Damien, and she said he was inside. I pushed my way past her, going into my room, seeing Damien laid out on the bed, watching god knows what on his phone. He glanced at me, doing a double take and sitting up.
"What the hell are you doing here you fat bitch? If you're looking to come back home you're way too late. Get the fuck out before I call the cops." I sneered, putting my hands on my hips.
"I came to get my things. I'm not coming back, I'm leaving." I walked to the kitchen and reached under the sink, grabbing a large black trash bag and gathering up all my things. In a matter of ten minutes, I was out of there. He did not fight me, he did not even talk to me, and for that I was glad. He someone else's problem now. I rushed down the steps, when I felt a hand grab my hair, yanking me back. I let out an angry yell, dropping the bag and squirming. I yanked away, falling down at least ten steps. I looked up, huffing loudly and grabbing the bag, looking to the steps to see Damien walking down them. I rushed outside, Dexter immediately meeting me outside. He grabbed my shoulders, staring down at me.
"Don't ever do that again! Do you know how dangerous that was? He could have hurt you! You should have waited for us to come with you!" He looked so worried, I did not even realise what I had done. I frowned, reaching up and rubbing his cheek softly.
"Oh Dexter, I am so sorry,.. I did not realise how much that was going to worry you. I won't do anything like that again, I promise..." he relaxed a bit, kissing the palm of my hand. I urged the both of them to go to the car, but it was too late. Damien came rushing out, much to my dismay. He ran right at me, he was obviously drunk. Dexter looked enraged, clenching fist and clocking Damien right in the face. He went down, twitching. I was stunned for a moment, looking to Dexter, my eyes wide. I couldn't believe he just punched someone's lights out. I was about to say something, but before I could, Elizabeth herded us to the car. We gathered back into the car and I sat there for a moment, before heading to a clothing store, I showed Elizabeth the clothes and she seemed enthralled, Dexter looked at the shoes, and I sat down. Dexter seemed completely unbothered by what just happened. We went to a handful of stores, roaming around for about 3 hours, before things started to close for the night. I drove them back to my home, where they helped unload the car, and we all made our way inside. I was wide awake, Dexter seemed to be as well. I showed Elizabeth the guest room, going up to my room, Dexter following me close behind. I opened my door, smiling softly. Everything looked exactly the same, in order. My desk was polished and cleared off, my bed made and my heavy curtains drawn. I clicked on my lamp, moving over to the bed and sitting down. Dexter shut and locked the door, moving over and sitting next to me. It was silent, before I thought of two questions.
"Why did you punch him?" I mumbled softly. He blinked, as if surprised by the question. He sat his hand on top of mine, rubbing it gently.
"Because, he was going to hurt you. He was coming right at you. I would punch him again too. I will always protect you, no matter what." I felt my heart melt a bit, putting my free hand over my chest, closing my eyes and smiling.
"And...When my mother asked about...children, why did that not send surprise to you? You looked so awkward before, but you almost seemed to calm when asked that." He looked away now, giving a nervous laugh before falling straight faced. He looked back down to me, before handing his head and closing his eyes as his ears lowered. He looked pitiful, sad.
"I have wanted a family for a long time. It is my dream to be a father, and the thought makes me happy. I was calm about the question because if she asked, it showed she approved. You said you wanted to settle down as well, so it made me feel all the more happy with the question." I looked over him, he was timid when he spoke about this which made it all the more precious. I reached over, putting my hand on his cheek and turning his head to face me, pressing a tender kiss to his lips. I pulled away and smiled
"You are very sweet..." I mumbled softly, kissing him again. Dexter kissed back, placing his hand on my side. I parted, looking up at him and hugging him tightly. I leaned against the head board, Dexter sitting beside me. I asked him when he wanted children.
"Oh, well, you would be doing most of the hard work...with the carrying and birthing and all. The time should be your choice." I snorted, nodding and tapping my chin, smirking slightly. I wanted to see how he would react.
"How about right now?" His ears perked up, then flattened, his cheeks becoming a bright, rosey red. He sat up quickly, his eyes widening.
"O-Oh um I-ah-if you want I don't want to push or anything, we still have t-time..." I laughed softly, patting his leg and rubbing it gently.
"I am kidding I am kidding. Look, I am not going to rush things, but if you want to have children, you have to be sure you really want to stay with me." Dexter wrapped his arms around me and leaned back onto the bed, kissing all over my cheeks and forehead. He earned quite a lot of giggles from me, and I began to squirm.
"I do want to stay with you. I like you, not to mention I have tasted your blood, so that just adds to my feelings for accept me and warm me up so very much." He knew just the way to get to my heart. He started to kiss along my neck, earning mumbles of delight. I closed my eyes, the feeling of his fangs dragging along my neck made me quiver, gripping the back of his shirt. He pulled away, clearing his throat and pushing up his glasses.
"I must stop myself before things get a little too passionate." I raised my brow. He seemed a bit slow moving with physical things, not that that was something bad.
"You? Get too passionate? You must be joking. A straight-laced gentleman such as yourself?" He gave a nervous grin, wringing his hands and looking off to the side.
"Laugh if you must but vampires are not as docile as they put themselves forth to be. We are very passionate and needy creatures, physical intimacy is what we all crave at some point or another, I myself have not had it in a very very long time, and it is hard to suppress certain urges. Trust me, I would have done certain things a while ago had you permitted me." I closed my eyes, rubbing my chin slowly. I kept this in mind, sighing in content when he pulled me back into my arms. I sat there for a moment, before getting up and digging in the trash bag full of clothes, pulling out a soft blue nightdress. I took my dress off, along with my gloves and shoes, I felt no more shyness around Dexter oddly enough. I put on my pyjamas, looking behind me and seeing Dexter undressing as well. When he was comfortable, he sat on the bed and I followed suit. I cuddled closely to him, resting my head on the pillow next to him, resting my hand on his chest. I must have been tired, because I fell asleep rather quickly, not really sure when I did. I slept easy in my bed, it was nice, but a part of me missed the mansion. I slept soundly, my mind empty of any pressing thoughts.

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