Chapter Ten

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//AN: Mild Sexual content featured in this chapter.

17th August Brașov, 7:57 pm- I was the first to wake up, Dexter yet again curled around me, I was definitely going to have to help him straighten his arms and legs. I took this time to watch him sleep, he seemed rather deep in his slumber, so he was not easy to disturb. I looked over his face, which was fairly close to my own. He had deep bags under his eyes, his mouth open slightly. It disturbed me a bit that he did not breathe, it felt like I was sleeping alongside a corpse, but every so often he would let out a sigh, or a soft mumble, as if carrying on a sleepy conversation. Dexter's ears would flick from time to time, lower or perk up. It was similar to watching a cat have dreams, very humorous. The way he held me this time was a bit different, his arms were wrapped around my waist, his legs pressed firmly against mine, his ankles locking my feet in between his. I closed my eyes, relishing in the fact that this felt so natural, so nice. Letting go of my worries was something I had always wanted to do, but something I feared doing all alone. I opened my eyes, wondering how Dexter would react to my family. Would he even want to meet them? Do I even want him to meet them? I mean my family was not the worst, but they certainly had their quirks. My mom sold and created essential oil body lotions, she taught classes on meditation and aligning chakras, we played with ouija boards as a family nearly every night. My father worked in small cafe he bought, they specialise in herbal teas and cleansers, he teaches a yoga class every Friday. My sister on the other hand, was a stark difference from my peaceful, hippy like parents. She was in a band, though, it wasn't like the Beatles, oh goodness no. She was in a death metal band. She and her band members scream life into the painted up crowds, their songs bordering the satanic. They were so fun to go to, they were my escape for a while. My family was supportive of what each of its members wanted to do, but I seemed to be the only one who did not follow my true passions, though I haven't a clue why. My worries were more towards the fact that Dexter's family was more of an aristocratic, quiet family, each of them seemed well mannered and smooth, their mannerisms slow and calm, unlike my rather boisterous family. I let out a sigh, shaking my head as I tried to think of a way to contact them and tell them what was going on. How was I going to convince my family to play it cool? I was giving myself a headache now. I felt Dexter squirm a bit, his eyes squinting open. He glanced at me, grumbling something incoherently. He sat still for a moment before slowly pulling away from me. I began to rub his arm, he groggily thanked me, his eyes still barely open. I laughed softly, rubbing his other arm until both were moveable. I began to rub his leg, he rubbing the other, when I noticed a scar on his upper thigh. Didn't vampires heal quickly? I ran my finger over it lightly, looking up to Dexter.
"Dexter, you have a scar? How did that happen if I may ask?" He let out a hum, rubbing the back of his head. He scratched the side of his neck, running his hand to his chin and stroking his goatee.
"Mmm, back in the day, vampire hunters were dwindling, mostly because they gave up on our existence. One stubborn mule didn't give up, not for years. I outwitted him ever time, to the point of annoyance for me. He managed to strike me with a pure, blessed silver sword made from melted down crosses from the church and infused with holy water. He called it the Silver Mary. He only got to strike my thigh before I escaped again. After that, I never saw him again. Could have been he thought that the purity alone would kill me if he landed a blow anywhere, that not being the case of course." He looked to me, I noticed he was a bit more awake now, his eyes open fully now. He leaned back, his back to the head board. He looked at me, furrowing his brow a bit. He looked away, putting his arm around me and pulling me over closer, until my cheek was pressed against his chest. He did not say anything, he seemed to be a bit rusty at affection, I was as well. Dexter turned his head back towards me and tilted his head a bit.
"Do you have any scars?" I nodded, I had quite a few, but I decided to show him my biggest. I hummed softly as I moved my hair, turning my back to him, pointing to my left shoulder. He let out an oooh sound. I shuddered when I felt a cold finger run over it.
"I was climbing a tree and fell out, a sharp piece of bark dug in and scratched all that." I turned back to face him, shaking my head to make my hair fall back in the usual position. I stretched, closing my eyes and crossing my arms.
"I don't think I will get out of bed today. It's been stressful. I think maybe, we should take time and just talk? Maybe about where this is going and such." Dexter gave a slight nod, patting the top of the blanket softly as he thought.
"Well, I want this to go as far as you will permit me. I rather like you, and wish to pursue a very long relationship with you." He was frank, I liked that. I nodded in response, leaning back against the head board.
"I like you as well, and can see myself pursuing a long term relationship with you. With your abilities, it makes this relationship much easier." Dexter smiled, his ears perking up happily. He leaned over, resting his head on top of mine. We were quiet for a moment, before I decided to ask about the most pressing issue on my mind.
"Dexter, since my phone is gone, I cannot tell my family where I am. I told them I was on vacation, but that only covers me for so long. I could send them letters, but that seems...wrong to tell them important news over that platform. I want to tell them in person. I met your parents, so I want you to meet mine as well." Dexter nodded, his eyes closing for a moment as he went over the situation.
"Well, why don't we just go there? I would be happy to meet your family." I felt like I was going to explode I was so happy he agreed. I nodded quickly, smiling happily and sitting up on my knees.
"Oh I can show you all around London! There is such lovely stores and restaurants! And it is so pretty at night, we can go on actual dates..." He chuckled, reaching over and grasping my hands, sitting on his knees as well.
"I am very excited! I will tell Elizabeth to get tickets for a train to London." I blinked, snorting softly and tilting my head.
"Train? Nono we have to fly. I don't think there's even a train to London no." Dexter looked lost for a moment, then slapping his hand against his forehead.
"An aeroplane! Of course. I am so used to flying on my own I'd forgotten what you meant." I laughed softly and leaned up, kissing his cheek gently. He was absolutely silly, it baffled me such a serious, dark looking man was capable of being so precious and kind. I pulled away just as there was a knock at the door. Elizabeth peeked her head in, walking in all the way and curtsying, smiling.
"Good evening Master. Good evening Miss Nova. I just came to see if you were awake. Would you like to eat? I can prepare a quick meal." I wasn't that hungry, I was more excited than anything. I looked up at Dexter to ask, my eyes wide, my smile never faltering. Dexter glanced at me, turning his gaze to Elizabeth.
"Perhaps in a bit. For now Elizabeth, I need you to get tickets to London. Nova and I are going to meet her parents and hopefully explain things smoothly." Elizabeth's face fell. She clenched her dress tightly, looking at me.
"Is Mademoiselle going to be back...?" She resembled a sad little animal, it broke my heart. Dexter must not have liked the look either, as he quickly added to his request.
"Nova is just going to explain things for now. You may come as well, we will need help after all." Elizabeth's face brightened immediately. She clapped and curtsied again.
"I will find Mademoiselle some clothing until she can return home and fetch her own!" I was suddenly hit with the realisation that I would have to go get my clothes, my things. I stared ahead for a moment, must have been for longer as Dexter began to nudge me. I cleared my throat, looking to Elizabeth. She got the hint, exiting quietly and closing the door. I looked down at my hands, running my finger along my palm slowly.
"That man I told you about? The one I said I had left. I left him while I was here. I was really starting to like you, and I was thinking that it was time to end things. My items are still in that apartment, at least I hope they are. I do not want to go there by myself. He is a cruel man and will likely try to keep my things to spite me." Dexter looked a bit surprised that I had stretched the truth a bit, but to be fair, he did hypnotise me in the beginning to keep me here. He moved past the surprise quickly and patted my hand.
"Do not worry about that, I will most definitely accompany you. Should he lay a hand on you, I will ensure he does not wake up to see the next day." I relaxed at that, exhaling softly and leaning back in the bed, sliding down and laying on my back. Dexter scooted down and propped himself up on his elbow, looking down at me. I turned my head to face him, reaching up and rubbing his goatee softly. He closed his eyes, seemingly enjoying the little massage. I was excited to see my family, and I hoped that they'd be happy for me.
Dexter and I chatted for quite a long time, before Elizabeth came back with a couple of sandwiches and wine. She informed us that we were to be on a flight at midnight that night, that way we could arrive in London at 3 am, get a hotel, and see my family later that night. She was kind enough to get me an outfit to wear, how she managed to keep coming up with these outfits amazed me, they looked so sweet and original. This one was especially cute, black and white with a cute collar and pants, long sleeves. Dexter looked over the outfit and nodded, noticing the pair of shoes in Elizabeth's hand. He seemed to like those as well. I took the outfit into the w.c., deciding to change in there. I turned on the water to the sink and splashed myself in the face with some nice warm water, before undressing. I noticed the bandages on my legs, reaching down and unravelling them. I smiled, the scratches from the glass were healed up, that must have been why Alexandria was pressing so hard. I got dressed, fixing the bow at my collar. It was nice to dress myself, and to be without the corset. I stepped back out into the bedroom, Elizabeth bending down and putting on my shoes. I looked around for Dexter, spotting him at the foot of the bed, putting on his shoes. I saw some luggage packed, leaning on the bed. I still wondered where the hell my clothing and phone went. I assume Constantine took them and rid of them after he thought to kill me. When it was about 8:30, Elizabeth, Dexter and I made our way to the carriage, Draven sitting in the coachmen's seat. Elizabeth sat next to him, Dexter and I sitting inside. We made ourselves comfortable, then the bumpy ride began. I leaned on Dexter's arm, hugging it and smiling. I nuzzled against his arm, sighing in content. Dexter reached down and stroked my hair, kissing the top of my head. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the ride. In about an hour, we arrived at the airport, Dexter gently shaking me to catch my attention. I sat up and stretched, cracking my back and neck. Dexter helped me out of the carriage, I caught a glimpse of Elizabeth leaning in, I think she and Draven kissed. I giggled softly, looking around. I exhaled loudly, breathing in the fresh air. I couldn't wait to see my family, I was so happy. Elizabeth soon was beside us, holding the luggage. We waved to Draven, watching him leave. We walked inside the airport, it was a bit before we got through. I let out a soft groan, shaking my head. Dexter blinked, looking ahead. The line was long. He squinted, mumbling something to the person in front of us. After a second, they turned around and insisted we go ahead. This miraculously happened until we hit the front of the line in about 5 minutes. I looked up at Dexter, snorting softly and shaking my head. Devious, but helpful. We boarded the plane short after, Dexter graciously gave me the window seat, much to my delight. I sat down, smoothing out my shorts. Dexter sat down next to me, twiddling his thumbs as he looked around at all the people. It was obvious he was not something he was used to. I reached out and grabbed his hand, rubbing the top of it with my thumb. I leaned on him, closing my eyes and smiling. Elizabeth sat in front of us, she was quiet, may have been reading. I hugged his arm again, beginning to doze off. I must have fallen asleep completely, as I felt myself being nudged once more. Dexter peeked at me, smiling and standing up.
"It is time to get off now." I nodded, grabbing onto his hand. Elizabeth looked back to us, grinning from ear to ear. We got off of the plane, going through the airport and outside. I let out a happy squeal when I saw the outside, all lit up and homey. I jumped up and down excitedly, rushing to the edge of the side walk and yelling loudly for a taxi. I caught one, Elizabeth loaded the luggage in, and we all three sat in the back. I told the taxi driver to take us to a hotel, one in the middle of town. We started off, my excitement was incredibly difficult to contain. I turned my head to face Dexter, he was looking out of the window curiously, watching people walk around. It seemed he preferred to watch from a distance, which was understandable. When the taxi squeaked to a halt, we got out, Dexter grabbing the luggage this time. We all walked inside, Elizabeth got a room, paying with what looked like very old gold coins. I raised a brow, but didn't verbally question it. She got two keys, tossing one to me. We located the elevator and stepped inside, Elizabeth pressing for floor 4. Dexter gripped his stomach when the elevator jerked up, his brows furrowed when it moved down. Once it stopped, he hurried off, shaking his head. I chuckled, patting his back and rubbing it. Elizabeth led us to our room, pointing to the one next to it.
"This one is mine. I got separate rooms. You are a couple after all, one needs their privacy." She glanced at the key card, squinting at it in confusion. I was flustered for a moment, embarrassed at that comment. I leaned over, showing her how to work the card. Elizabeth ahhhed, reaching out, grabbing her luggage from Dexter. She looked at the door, nodding and trying it for herself. She opened the door successfully, smiling triumphantly. She vanished inside, the door clicking shut. I looked back to Dexter, going to unlock the door. He held out his hand.
"Wait. May I try?" I raised my brow, handing him the card. He moved over to the lock, sliding the card in its slot. He pulled it out too quickly. He jiggled to door knob, huffing softly. He did this about 5 more times before finally unlocking the door.
"Haha!" He held open the door for me, slipping inside behind me. I ran over to the bed and hopped onto it, spreading out and letting a happy sigh escape my lips. Dexter waltzed over to the bed, sitting down and laying back, looking over to me. We made eye contact, and for that time I was entirely lost in his eyes. He took off his tinted glasses, his intense eyes keeping mine even longer. They were like an ocean of blood, twinkling in the lamplight of the room. I leaned in, Dexter following suit. I closed my eyes, tingles going through my body when our lips touched. I felt his gloved, yet still cold hand press against my cheek, my hand automatically reaching up and resting on his shoulder. It was nice to have this time alone, this time to just relax. The kiss did not break as fast as the others did, it lasted for a moment before getting deeper and more passionate. My hand rand down, resting on his chest as I moved closer, pulling away to breath. I kissed along his cheek, then along his jaw. He let out a soft chuckle, kissing my cheek, leaving a trail of them all the way down to my neck. I let out a snort and a giggle, I was ticklish there, all was innocent fun, until he bit down on my neck. Just a playful little nibble, not even sinking his fangs in. My mouth parted, a soft noise of pleasure escaping. Dexter pulled away quickly, his face starting to turn red. My face felt incredibly warm. I rubbed my cheeks, glancing at him and smiling nervously. He chuckled deeply, leaning in and pushing his face right back into my neck. I let out a loud squeak, wrapping my arms around him. What had gotten into him oh my gracious. I could barely even think straight. He bit and licked around my neck, he pulled away every now and then to make sure it was still okay. I gripped the back of his head, biting my lip. I huffed loudly, feeling his hand reach up, hooking the bow on my collar and untying it. I had no protests, to be honest, I was in a sort of dry spell anyway, this was actually quite the relief of some much built up stress. Before I even knew it, my shirt was tossed across the room, probably even by myself. I began to fumble with Dexter's clothes, grunting softly at all the damned buttons. Finally I managed to get his jacket and shirt off, my heart racing as I ran my hands along his arms and chest slowly, chuckling softly when Dexter began to make a sweet path of kisses down to my collarbone. I twitched a bit, watching him lick along the tender area. His tongue was long, snakelike. I closed my eyes and arched my back a bit, a small whimper sounding out when he began to lick in between my breasts. He pulled away, not far, but enough to look at me. He was breathing heavily, a longing look in his eyes. He leaned in, pressing his face in between my chest as he wrapped his arms around me. I slowly reached behind my back, unhooking my bra. Once he sat up again, I took it off and tossed it behind me. I was happy Elizabeth had found one of my bras in the laundry, but at the moment the thing was in the way. Dexter's ears began to wiggle, a shy smile creeping onto his face. He tilted his head, blinking, looking rather surprised. I realised what he was looking at, laughing softly.
"Are you looking at my piercings?" I pointed, smiling. I had nipple piercings, something I'd gotten along with my sister when she turned 18. Dexter reached out, glancing up at me nervously.
"Do they...hurt?" He asked softly. I shook my head, grabbing his hand and placing it on my breast. He relaxed a bit, leaning in and kissing me again, this time it was deep right when he started. I closed my eyes, kissing back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He pushed himself close to me, my grip tightening. I leaned back, pressing my back to the bed. We kissed for a while again, before Dexter pulled away,looking down at me. His voice was soft, timid and gentle.
"You're beautiful..." I blinked, looking away and smiling slightly. I gripped the blankets, letting out a little huff.
"You flatter me..." I mumbled out, cut off by another kiss before I could say anything else. I felt his hand rest on my breast, feeling around it, squeezing it softly, massaging it. He seemed to be a bit less rocky now that there was a steady flow of attention. This intensity continued for about another half hour, before Dexter pulled away. He looked down at me, raising his brow and snorting. I likely looked a mess, my hair was in knots, from him playing and grabbing it, I likely had multiple hickeys, I was sweaty and panting, looking up to him.
"W-Why'd you stop?" I asked breathlessly, to be honest I wouldn't have minded doing much more, and I wondered why he decided to stop.
"I don't want you to feel as though I am rushing things...more than I feel like is right. I want to embrace each other when I feel the time is right..." That was so sweet and it really made me realise how much Dexter seemed to care about this relationship. I gave a soft smile, sitting up on my knees and rubbing his cheek gently.
"That is so really are such a gentleman." I pecked his cheek, giving him a tight hug. I realised I never even took off my shoes, so I got a bit more comfortable, stripping down to only my pants, squirming under the blankets. Dexter followed suit, pulling me close, pressing himself against my back, his arms holding me tight. I was worn out, but in a good way this time. My eyes grew heavy as I reached over and clicked out the lamp, sighing softly as my eyes fluttered shut. I realised now that I was doing the right thing, and I was happy that I was. For once, I was genuinely, lightheartedly happy. I began to drift off, cuddling as close to Dexter as possible before I fell asleep, embraced in the arms of someone I actually really cared about.

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