Luke smut

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It's rather amusing to watch your significant other squirm under your touch. To see how one gentle tap or peck could make them shake and moan your name.

Her body was always so responsive to whatever Luke did, whether it be a hug, a soft caressing of her face, a kiss to her temple or something that involved a bit more moaning; her body always reacted in such a delicious way, it drove Luke crazy.

Luke loved watched her beg and moan for him, so when he had the chance to use her responsiveness to his advantage, he didn't hesitate to start the endless torture-like teasing.

He had your arms pinned above your head, his tight grip rendering your arms useless. To your dismay, you were both still fully clothed. You preferred his clothes in a heap on the floor along with yours. You wanted to feel his skin flush against yours, not his too tight skinny jeans against your barely there shorts. You wanted to be naked and sweaty, but Luke seemed to have something else in mind.

He was taking his time, ghosting his lips along your collarbone, pressing light kisses onto your flesh. You're barely able to register the lovely feeling of his lips on your skin before he pulls away, moving on to another patch of skin. You wanted him to mark you, cover you in hickeys that would take hours to cover up in the morning but Luke was taking his sweet time with you. His touch was soft and gentle as if he was dealing with a fragile porcelain doll and frankly, you were getting quite sick of it.

"Luke." You whine, dragging out the syllables.

"Yes, princess?"

"Do something, anything, please." You can see a glimmer in his eyes and you know he's enjoying the situation at hand.

"What do you want?"

"You naked and on top of me."

"Maybe later." He says, disregarding any other whines that leave your lips, continuing with his tedious teasing.

He retracts from your neck and moves down your body, finally releasing your hands. His long fingers fiddle with the hem of your shirt, the pads of his fingers barely touched your skin. "Should I take this off, princess?"


"What was that?"

"Please take my shirt off, Luke." Thankfully, he obliges without any further discussion. Your shirt is torn off your body, leaving you in your baby blue t-shirt bra.

"Cute," He comments, eyeing your bra-clad breasts. "But it's getting in my way," He pouts, reaching around to unclasp the bra. "Arms up, princess." He orders. You lift your arms up, allowing him to take off your bra.

"Have I ever mentioned how perfect your breasts are? They're so perky and round. So pretty," He looks up at you, asking for approval. "May I?" You feverishly nod your head. He wastes no time in cupping your breasts with his large, warm hands. The sensation making you tingle. He fondles your breasts; tweaking and pulling at the nibbles, the rough callouses on his fingers adding a nice friction to the sensation.

"More, Luke, I need more."

"But I'm having so much fun," He jokes, giving your breasts one last squeeze before moving down to loop his fingers into your shorts, dragging them down your legs and tossing them on the floor. His eyes lock onto the black lace panties you chose to wear this morning. "Now those are nice," He practically groans. "Of course, I'd prefer them off."

"Take them off, no one is stopping you." You blurt out fairly quickly, earning a chuckle from Luke.

"Someone's eager. Maybe I should've teased you more." He warns, the playful look in his eyes now hard and serious.

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