Calum smut

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It's been almost a month since you saw Calum. He was on tour and you decided it was time to surprise him. You were in the cab watching as the city passed by. Soon enough you were dropped off at the foot of the hotel they were staying at. You paid the cabbie and grabbed your luggage.

You texted Michael to help you surprise Calum. As you put your suitcases in the room Michael informed you that Calum was in the shower. Michael gave you his key card and went over to Luke and Ashton's room.

While becoming impatient waiting for Calum to be done showering you went to get coffee from the hotel shop in the lobby. You drank your coffee slowly hoping by the time you went back Calum would finally be done in the shower and you could make up for the time you missed him.

The elevator ride back up to the fourteenth floor was long. It seemed like the hallway was longer than before also. You swiped the key card through it's slot and opened the door. The shower was still running, but this time you could hear moaning. Being the detective you are, you go and see what he is doing. As you crack the door open you can hear him moaning your name.

"OH y/n!" He moans loudly. You walk in completely and quickly strip down.

You peak your head into the shower and clear your throat. You step into the shower as Calum is in complete shock that you are there. You get on your knees slowly to an already erected Calum. Your hands wrap around it and you slowly begin to stroke his length. He throws his head back and moans louder than before. You take him in your mouth and suck on him. He moans and thrusts softly into your mouth. You pull his member from your mouth after feeling it begin to twitch a little.

Calum pulls you up and kisses your lips roughly but with passion. He pushes you back against the shower wall and lifts you up. He kisses your neck and then begins to suck leaving love bites everywhere. You feel him line his self with your entrance and run the tip along your slit. You let out a small moan. Calum pushes inside you and thrusts roughly.

"Fuck, Calum." You moan out in pleasure. He continues and soon enough you feel yourself begin to tighten around him.

He moans loudly as you approach your high. "Baby, cum for me." He moans into your neck.

You nod and cum around him. He releases inside you and continues through your high. He lets you down and you get out of the shower drying off. The shower turns off and you put on your clothes as Calum steps out. You look at him with a smile and he wraps a towel around his waist.

"That's one way to surprise me on tour." He winked and pulled you close. You laugh and kiss his lips softly as he holds you close to him. He dries off and gets dressed. After you decided to go out for dinner.

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