Skype sex with Michael

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"Hay babe." I said, just as Michaels face lit up on the screen.

"Hay baby- holy shit are you in your bra?" He questioned, looking down a bit, not looking into the camera.

"I just got out of the shower and you called me, let me grab a shirt." I replied, leaning over a little to grab one of Michaels shirts that was sitting on the end of the bed.

"No, babe, it's okay, stay like that." He said, a smirk playing at his lips.

"Do you like it?" I questioned, pushing my arms inwards, making my breasts seem bigger.

"Fuck, Y/N." Michael moaned. I leaned further towards the camera so all that was visible was my chest and then leaned back out, moving the top half of the laptop up, so all that was now visible was my face and shoulders.

"Babe," Michael wined, dragging out the word, "don't be a tease, you know what happens."

"But I'm not getting anything in return," I wined back, "I haven't had anything since you left." I pouted at Michael.

"Fuck okay, lemme just go to my room." Michael replied, picking up the laptop and walking out of what looked like the lounge. He walked for a few seconds and then opened the door do his room.

"Calum, get out." Michael said quickly, setting the laptop on his bed whilst he was still standing, his boner prominent in his tight jeans.

"Mate you've got a raging boner, haha." Calum laughed before looking at the laptop screen, seeing me and waving.

"You alrig- ah, I see what's going on here, I'll leave you to it." Calum said, giving a small head nod before exiting the room, closing the door behind him.

"Now it's just you and me babe." Michael said, sliding his black jeans off, leaving him in his cut up band shirt and boxers.

He grabbed the laptop, placing it on his thighs before pulling down his boxers, his hard on hitting his lower stomach.

"I'm gonna need some help babe." He moaned, grabbing the tip of his dick, rubbing his thumb across it.

I moved the laptop screen back down, showing off my black lacy bra, one that Michael had brought as a valentines present last February.

"Y/N don't be such a tease." He moaned.

I slowly undid the clasp of my bra, chucking it to the side of me, Michaels moans getting progressively louder.

I slowly reached up, grabbing my left tit and toying with it.

"Fuck," Michael moaned, "Shit, keep doing that." He barely spoke, finding it hard to put words together.

It carried on like this for a few minutes until Michaels arm started banging on the wall, of course, Michael being Michael, he didn't give a shit.

"Mike, babe, did you lock the door?" I questioned, moaning slightly as I did so.

"Yea." He moaned more than said the word.

But as soon as the word, or moan, escaped his lips, the door flew open, revealing Ashton standing there.

I quickly threw my laptop to the other side of the bed, making sure Ashton hadn't seen myself exposed on the camera.

"Babe, what was that for?" Michael moaned out, still pleasuring himself, not realising Ashton was stood right behind him.

"Michael, the fuck, I thought you were trying to drum?" Ashton said, his hand covering his eyes.

Michael quickly jerked up, looking behind him. "Ashton get the fuck out." Michael said, trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah, right, have fun, remember to lock the door next time!" Ashton said, slamming the door behind him.

"The moods been killed." I said, sadly, quickly fastening my bra around my chest.

"Ugh, Y/N, really?" Michael moaned out, obviously annoyed that you were interrupted.

"Really, babe." I said, whilst grabbing his shirt and pulling it over my head.

"I-is that my shirt?" He said, stuttering at the beginning of his sentence.

"Maybe." I replied, subtly winking at him.

"Fuck, you're such a tease. I can't wait to come back and fuck you so hard." He said, pulling his boxers back up so his dick wasn't exposed anymore.

"Only one more week, Mike."

"One more week." He repeated, giving you an obvious wink

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