I said get up!

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You threw the bag over to Kaneki as you walked into the warehouse under the zodiacs control, it was empty and never used for anything other then storage for emergency supplies. It was damp and abandoned other then a basement where everything was sealed. There was few if any indications the warehouse was in use, it had deliberately been left to rot and make the appearance of  a crappy run down warehouse.

"What is this place?" He asked as he caught the bag, opening it up to see several bottles of water, wondering what was going on.

"It's a warehouse owned by zodiac, we keep it hidden by using shell accounts and offshore banking. Gemini handles all that kinda stuff and Leo handles the money, course... Nevermind, I'm getting off topic."

"Are you alright?" Kaneki asked nervously. Cautious about annoying you.

"I'm fine. You on the other need to concentrate, your a ghoul now and thus have superior senses."

"What's the water for?"

"It's important to stay hydrated. Now, close your eyes." Kaneki did so, standing straight and took a deep breath. "Concentrate, sound, smell, touch and even taste. These senses can alert you to almost any danger and threat." Kaneki was clearly concentrating until he was suddenly sent flying, a punch to the side knocking him into the wall and clearly knocking the wind out of him. "That particular threat is called Pisces."

A dirty blonde man of twenty years old stood with a grin on his face as he rolled his arm in shoulder. "Sorry lad." He said to Kaneki as he grinned.

"Pisces here will be your sparring partner, feel free to try your best."

"Wha!!!" Kaneki gasped in horror, having being told to fight the Pisces ghoul of zodiac. This was the first time he'd have a one to one meeting with any of the alpha members of zodiac other then yourself. "I don't need to spar since I won't be fighting! And even if I did shouldn't I be training with someone closer to my skill level?"

"Because then you wouldn't be trained, you'd learn bad habits. Pisces here will make sure you don't, and if you do get a lucky shot or two in he'll not complain to much."

"I can take it lad." Pisces grinned excitedly. "You don't have to worry about hurting me, just come at me at everything you got."

"And with that I declare the first round." You announced unceremoniously, walking to the side and pulling up a chair.

"Wha..." That was as far as Kaneki got before yet again he was smashed by Pisces against the wall. You didn't pay any attention and instead pulled out your phone, researching a few things. University required attention too, though these days it was hard to do so.

What time are you gonna be home?

The phone buzzed as the text message appeared st the top of your phone. Later. You responded sending the text to her, before quickly getting back to work.



When is later?!

Your eyes narrowed as you read the message, what the hell did she mean when is later? Later obviously meant not now but sometime before tomorrow. How were you to know when exactly you'd be back? It was a dumb question, touka should know that you'd been working your ass off.


That was all you responded with, just one word. You looked up and say Kaneki getting ruined by Pisces. The chimera sent a uppercut into the hybrid and knocked him into the air, then jumped up to grab his shirt and throw him into a wall.

Arthropods (Tokyo Ghoul Male Reader x Touka) Book 2 ScorpioWhere stories live. Discover now