The day my world...

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Waking up used to be like automatic process, you suddenly woke up like a computer that was booted up again. After your processor heated up enough and ran through the diagnostics it started the usual functions, get up, shower, brush teeth, get ready, go to work or university. Same routine, same processes, same mundane day. Between the pressure of everything it was only that computer of a brain that managed to get you out the bed, the more human part of you never wanted to deal with it.

Now though, as you lay naked next to Touka, you couldn't think of a single reason to get up. The day before had been an amazing one. You'd kept to your word to Touka and official told Zodiac you'd be taking a significant time off, there had been a lot of arguing amount the others as they saw this as an important time and essentially had called for all hands on deck, but you were clear when you told them that Touka came first. You weren't going to risk loosing her again.

The extra time had allowed you to suddenly PLOW through a back log of course work, allowing you to free even more time. Suddenly the snowball kept going and you now had more time then you knew what to do with, there was a brief moment of boredom that ensued for a day. Kaneki's training was going well too, you would supervise while he fought Pieces during the afternoon trainings. This time though when Touka called you you would answer.

You'd arranged to go out on a date and had to clear up a few things before you leave to pick her up. You had to finish your shift at Anteiku running the managers position while Yoshimura was out. "Kaneki." You called him over. He ran over and seemed to be in something of a moral panic, sweat was draining off his brow.

"Yes sir?!" He panted out of breath.

"You ok?"

"Yeah it's just, uuhhmm... Nishki... He and a rowdy customer seem to have gotten into an argument and..." You groaned and got up from your seat, taking a break from paper work was always a welcome relief. It had been a while since you had to deal with an annoying customer, it would be interesting to see how well everyone reacted including yourself. It happened from time to time where some drunk would wonder in or someone would look to pick a fight because of some grievance they had either real or imagined. Then sometimes someone was just looking for a fight.

"Come on Kaneki, I'll show you how to deal with rowdy customers." You told him as you made your way downstairs, already hearing the shouting. It seems that whatever miss understand the two had were involved in had devolved into a reckless screaming match. You weren't even trying to keep track of the conversation and instead tried to indentify the customer, he didn't seem familiar but he was a human so you couldn't go crazy.

"Is there a problems sir?" You asked calmly with your fake smile which was reserved for work.

"Yeah, your belligerent employee here is being wholly inappropriate."

"Bullshit!" Nishki screamed. "This idiots been complaining over nothing."

"Nishki, please see me in my office." You told him with an angry glare. "And you sir, I've just realised that your face is familiar to me. I remember you, your the drunk that keeps harassing our female staff. Leave now sir before I call the authorities." You informed him, making a mental note to ban him.

"Hey, I'm the victim here. Your employee acted..."

"Yes no doubt Nishki took your bait a little too easily, but we reserve the right to deny service to whoever we want. So if you wouldn't mind, could you kindly get the fuck out of my bar please?"

The man seemed shocked and appalled but you weren't bluffing, he'd been asked to leave before and you were getting tired of his shit. He decided it was better to go now rather then have the authorities involved, probably the best. "Kaneki if he comes in again kick him out straight away, he'd officially on the ban list."

Arthropods (Tokyo Ghoul Male Reader x Touka) Book 2 ScorpioWhere stories live. Discover now