Chapter Eight: Guilt

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Kylos pov
I had my arms wrapped securely around Aerolynn, I knew it probably wasn't necessary but I enjoyed how rosy her cheeks got when I surprised her with it. The main scientist/doctor guy came up to us, he acknowledged me first with a simple nod followed by, "Kylo Ren." He then looked down at Aerolynn, who pressed herself into me subconsciously to try and get away from him. I felt myself stiffen as I saw him look her body up and down, almost... greedily. "Hello Aerolynn Edina." He said, hearing her name roll of his lips made my stomach twist. "My, my, I have heard quite a bit about you... Are you ready to begin your testing?" He asked, looking down at her, a small grin poking at the corner of his mouth. I had the impulse to pull Aerolynn in closer towards me and away from this creep but I didnt, knowing she probably didnt want me to.

"Kylo Ren, you can take Aerolynn and put her on the table." The doctor said, gesturing to the small metal table. I nodded, and started to walk towards it. Aerolynn started to give me some resistance, though, she dug her feet into the ground and tried to pry my arms away from her body. But she was weak and it didn't take much for me to lift her gracefully upwards and then slam her down and into the table, her eyes widened in pain, and she wheezed for air, the wind getting knocked out of her.

The scientists then took over and pulled leather straps across her chest and legs so that she couldn't move. She struggled against them, her face red with the effort. "You are all disgusting." She spat out at us, I couldn't help but smirk.

"Your insults are pointless, Aerolynn." I said, looking down at her. Her expression stiffened at the sound of my voice, fear evident in her eyes. I felt pride swell in my chest, I had finally gotten to evoke some type of submission inside of her. She may have been incredibly stubborn, but at least know she knew not to aggravate me.

"Kylo Ren, sir, if you could go back behind the glass where the other scientists are, we'd like to limit the amount of people who are in here." He said. I nodded before turning sharply on my heel and waltzing off to where that pervert of a scientist told me to go. I walked into the control room and everyone in there froze, they must not have been expecting me. I waved them off with my hand, to motion for them to get back to work. And they did, most of them taking the time to glance up at me every five seconds. I could sense the fear that resonated so deeply within them and it made me grin.
"What are they going to do to her?" I asked one of the scientist who was busily scrawling something into his notepad.
"He's going to inject her with something that will paralyze her. Dr. Mannick will then proceed to remove a bit of her powers, it will probably be very painful for Ms. Edina." He said, I nodded, glancing out the pan of glass in front of me eagerly.
Dr. Mannick walked up to Aerolynn who was still struggling aimlessly against her bindings, her face red with the effort. "What are you doing?" Aerolynn asked, not that I could hear it, I just read her lips. One of the scientists pressed a button on the wall and suddenly we could hear what they were saying.
"Don't worry, my dear, it won't hurt." He said, tapping the syringe with his fingernail, making Aerolynn shiver. "Much." He then added before plunging the syringe into her neck. Aerolynn let out a scream before going limp, her head tilting to one side.
Dr. Mannick then took a pair of metal scissors and started to cut at the material of her shirt. He slowly slid her shirt off of her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. His eyes roamed over her body, which thankfully was still covered with a bra.
Aerolynns eyes were wide and fearful, her eyebrows drawn in, making a crease appear between her golden brown eyes. I felt myself stiffen and anger stir inside the out of my stomach. I wanted nothing more than to take out my lightsaber and sever off the head of that scientist, whose hand was now trailing down her exposed stomach.
Dr. Mannick remover his hand which had left goosebumps on her skin, and pulled a device from the tray next to him. It was circular and metallic with silver spikes at the bottom, it looked painful just looking at it.
"Take a deep breath, love." He said to her before stabbing the device into the center of her chest. Aerolynn let out a grunt, unable to scream. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks, she closed her eyes, sobbing now.
There was a small clear dome on top of the device that you could see small blue sparks starting to collect in. "It's working. I can't believe it's working." The scientist on my right said, shaking his head.
Blue electricity started to crackle inside the dome, collecting rapidly. Dr. Mannick stared down at his creation and his victim, pride evident in his devilish grin. He moved his hand clumsily over Aerolynn's dark hair that tumbled across the table. She shivered under his touch but couldn't move away from him.
Just then the dome cracked and exploded, pieces going everywhere. Some came towards the glass, bouncing haphazardly off of it.
Dr. Mannick has ducked and was now looking cautiously up from behind the table. I couldn't help but let a smile grow on my lips as I saw how scared he got from Aerolynns small act of defiance.
"That was uncalled for." He said, before standing up and wiping off his lab coat. Without hesitating he ripped the device off of Aerolynn chest making her flinch in pain and let out what I assumed was in between a grunt and a scream. Blood dripped down from her puncture wounds and more tears were evident in her eyes.
"Prepare her for the next test." He said before walking out of the room. A few other scientist busied themselves with injecting her with another serum, and soon she was able to wiggle her fingers and toes.
Another scientist removed her straps and helped her stand. She stumbled forward and nearly tripped. I involuntarily leaned forward itching to reach out and catch her. But instead all I could do was sit back and watch as a dorky scientist with a receding hairline wrapped his hand around her waist, his face a peculiar shade of red.
He helped her up to the strange white circle and put her feet up on the stand and raised her arms up above her head, connecting them to the handcuffs that were on the upper arch of the circle.
"What is this going to do?" Aerolynn asked, letting the cuffs catch her weight as she leaned forward, her legs unable to support her weight anymore.
"This experiment will test just how powerful you powers are. And how long you can hold them for." He said. Aerolynn looked up at him then at me. I felt my breath catch in my throat and myself stiffen.
She held my gaze for a few long moments, I tilted my head towards her, discreetly reaching into her mind. I saw pain and anger so much anger. Towards the scientists, towardsDr. Mannick, and then towards me, so much towards me. She wanted me dead, and she was the one who wanted to do it.
Just then the door opened and Dr. Mannick came strutting in. I broke the hold I had on her and focused on him. His once disheveled hair was now combed and smoothed over, and his glasses that had become cracked during the whole ordeal were now replaced.
I felt anger rise in my chest just upon the sight of him. "Why, hello there Aerolynn." He said, tapping something that was on the tablet next to her. She didn't respond to him, but sneered at him instead.
"I assure you that that expression will be wiped off of your face as soon as I start this machine." He said, Aerolynn pursed her lips, staying strong.
"Very well, then." He said, before tapping another button and taking a step back. The giant circle started up, and began spinning around her slowly at first and then more rapid.
Blue energy started to collect in a haze around her and as the circle got faster, bolts of electricity started to dart out from her body. Dr. Mannick grinned, chuckling slightly.
Aeorlynn let out a scream as blue energy erupted from her getting lost in the orbit of the circle. Aerolynn's veins were growing blue and her breathing was labored.
"Stop." I said, too quiet for anyone to hear me. "Stop." I said again, this time loud enough it broke the silence that had settled over the room. "Stop the circle."
"But sir-" One of the scientist says, but I interrupted him by slamming my fist against the table. The scientist punched one of the buttons on the dashboard with his thumb, and the circle ceased motion. The energy around Aerolynn also stopped , but I could still see a blue tint to her skin.
I walked out of the control room letting the door slam behind me as I walked into the testing room.
"Kylo Ren, what do you think your doing?" Dr. Mannick asked, walking up to me but I didn't let him get that far because I shot my hand out and he flew backwards and hit the south wall with a sickening crunch. I knew I had killed him, and I was glad.
I quickly walk up to Aerolynn who's limp body was still hanging painfully on the cuffs. Her head was bent down and her hair was flowing down in dark curls blocking her face.
Using my strength I crushed the restraints so that she was forced to fall forward. I caught her and picked her up, putting one arm behind her back and the other behind her thighs, so that her legs were dangling aimlessly in the air. I held her trembling and still slightly hot body against my chest.
I then stormed out of the room, leaving the gaping doctors behind me. I went down the hallway, ignoring the strange looks I got by the storm troopers. It's not like they normally see the commander of the Knights of Ren carrying an unconscious girl in his arms.
I carried her down and into my room, unlocking the door and walking in. I carefully laid her down on my bed and pulled the covers over her. She muttered something in her sleep, biting at her lip. I looked down at her sleeping form, clenching my hands at my sides.
She's nothing to you. Nothing, Ben. I reassured myself.
My hand reached out to touch her face, I wanted nothing more than to just take my gloves off and wind my fingers through her soft hair. I let my hand fall, knowing that if I didn't leave now I wouldn't be able to refrain myself. I let out a sigh before walking out of the room, stealing one last glance at her and then letting the door close behind me.

Oof. That chapter took me a while to write I'm sorry guys. Buut guess who got a new personal record at the track meet!! Gaaaah. I got a 7:03 mile time and I don't even know what I got for the 800 but I know I also pr'd for that too. So wish me luck since I have another one tomorrow!! Until next time, friends. :)
(And omg 130 reads, I can't literally cant!!)

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