Chapter Forty Seven: A Truth Revealed

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Aerolynns pov

I awoke to the sound of a baby crying.

My eyes shot open and I clutched at the sheets around me, wait, sheets? I started to sit up, but winced in pain and sat back down.

"Please, sweetheart, your mother is sleeping." Someone said, I recognized that voice. It was a voice that heated my core and made a warmth rush through my body, I had complete adoration for that person that inhabited that voice.

"Ben." I whispered, my voice muffled by the mask that covered the lower half of my face, reaching up I yanked it off and finally sucked in real air, not that artificial oxygen they were pumping into me.

"Aerolynn?" Ben asked I turned to look up at him, and then down at our small baby girl who was being cradled in his large arms. It was strange to see Ben, such a strong and dangerous man, someone who was known for damaging and breaking things, to be carrying such a small and delicate thing.

"Aurelia." I breathed, tears filling my eyes. Seeing her made the foggy memories of my childbirth flood back. I remembered the pain, the pressure in my head as I screamed and screamed almost endlessely until my throat ached and my head spun. I remembered holding Aurelia to my chest, the feeling of her warm little body against my own, and then: darkness. Nothing.

"Where are we?" I asked, trying to sit up again, and then being rudely reminded of my sore abdomen. I looked down at my stomach, it wasn't completely flat, it would take a while before it'd return back to normal, for all my organs to shift back into place, but it did look a lot smaller.

"The Resistance." Ben said, something flickering in his hazel eyes. I felt my mouth open and I felt I stiffened.

"How did we get here. What happened to the base? Vera..." I said, suddenly remembering being taken to that awful cell and then the fight in the throne room, and then Ben searing Tiberius through the middle, although I tried to press that last memory from my mind.

"She's still at the base, I had managed to bring us to an escape pod while she was unconscious, and as of right now, I dont think were associated with the First Order anymore." He said.

"Aurelia." I said, nearly desperate to change the subject, "can I hold her?" Ben nodded, and slowly brought the sleeping girl away from his chest and down to my arms. I cradled her small body in my arms, pressing a small kiss to her forehead that made her slowly open her eyes.

She stared up at me intently, curiously, as if she was trying to soak in all of my features. Aurelia smiled and reached up for me, her tiny hand grazing my chin as she giggled.

"Hi precious girl." I said, running my hand over her cheek. "How is she, is she healthy?" I looked up at Ben who was smiling down at Aurelia and me.

"She's completely healthy, ten fingers and ten toes, all her limbs in check. She's perfect." Ben said, reaching out and taking her hand in his giving it a small squeeze before putting his hand on my face, his thumb skimming over my cheekbone.

"How long was I out for?" I asked, returning my gaze back to my daughter, it was almost like I couldn't stop looking at her, like I couldn't get enough of her. I wondered if this was what all of motherhood was going to be like, never wanting to part with her, always wanting to keep her in a bubble strong enough to keep her safe from all the dangers of the outside world.

"Nearly a week." Ben said, I gaped up at him, my mouth drifting open. It hadn't felt like a week, it felt like I had just closed my eyes and suddenly I was here, tubes connected to my forearms, and a harsh fluorescent light glaring down at me.

Guilt stirred in my sore stomach, I had been away from my daughter for a week, away from Ben, I had left the task of caring for our daughter solely to him. I wondered how he handled it, was he scared, stressed, overwhelmed. He surely didn't feel like it, through our bond he felt awfully calm, which was the complete opposite of what I was feeling. I mean, the First Order was overrun by a tyrannical twin who tried to kill us both and Eli and Hux.

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