Chapter Eighteen: Conflict

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This chapter will also be switching to General Hux's perspective. 

Aerolynn's pov

Pain, all I could feel was pain. It was everywhere. It was in every crevice of my body and had seeped into every corner of my brain, leaving nothing untouched by it's fingers. I wasn't sure but I think I had fallen from the air, Snoke letting his hold on me go. I glared up from where I was laying on the floor, putting as much venom as I could into the expression I was giving Kylo's master. But he only smirked.

I tried to sit up but my body was too frail and slumped back down with the effort. I let out a groan, the cold tile not doing much to cool the sizzling pain that was lacing itself throughout me.

It was the worst thing I had ever felt, I could barely manage to breathe because of all the screaming I was doing, I was sure I had burst a vein or something. I remembered Snokes voice ringing through my head.

"This is how weakness feels. How darkness feels, soak it in, feel it in your bones." He had said, but I couldn't focus on his words because I was dying. In the moment I was sure I was dying.

And now, laying on the cold floor, the pain slowly leaving my body, leaving nothing more than an angry pulse and aching muscles I was sure I was already dead. I had to be, no one endured something that bad and lived to tell the tale.

I wondered if I'd see my family once I had died, terror uncurled itself inside my chest, they wouldn't be proud of me. I had become a part of the organization that murdered innocents, women, children, it didn't matter, they killed them all.

But worst of all, I had feelings for the most feared man in the galaxy, a man I should despise.

I should have listened to Snoke's words, I should have figured out my place and remembered where I stood. That I could never bring back Kylo from the dark side. But what Snoke was doing wasn't reforming me, but motivating me. Urging me more and more to rescue him from this tyrannical man and his First Order. 

"Escort her out of here, Kylo, she's learned her place." Snoke said, but the words didn't register inside my brain. I continued to shiver on the floor, trying not to scream behind my clenched teeth as the receding agony crawled out of me.

I heard footsteps, and then something was gripping at my arm, pulling me up. I whimpered as I was taken away from the security of the floor. At least there I didn't have to deal with Snoke, or the First Order, or even Kylo. The room spun around me, and I stumbled on my feet, clutching at the man who was still gripping my arm.

I heard a sigh and then I was being swept into his arms. His hard muscles poked into my back and I assumed it was Kylo. But I was too weak to open my eyes and check.

I snuggled into Kylo's chest, resting my head on his shoulder. I breathed in his familiar scent of mint, finding comfort in it.

I was too disoriented to be mad at him right now, once I recovered my senses I would yell at him, but now it was the last thing on my mind.

"Let this be a lesson to you," Snoke said, fear poked at me and I shivered in Kylo's arms. He noticing this, pressed my closer to him, his thumb stroking my bicep. "You should forget your feelings for the girl. She cant be your downfall." Kylo stiffened. Suprise gripped at my heart, sending a jolt throughout my sore body.

Feelings? What did he mean feelings?

"Yes Supreme Leader." Kylo said, his voice automated once again, he must have put his mask on again.

Kylo didn't deny Snoke's words, leaving me confused. It couldn't be true, Kylo Ren... the Kylo Ren was my master, and I his apprentice, I thought he was incapable of fostering any emotion besides anger.

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