Chapter Fifty One: The Wayfinder

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Rey's pov
The voice breathed, fluttering around my mind like a bug. I shuddered, clutching onto the dagger under me, the handle biting into my palm as I fought off the shudders that wracked my body.
You're so close. So close to bringing me what I want. The voice said. I nodded, running my hands through my hair, tucking away stray pieces of hair that had fallen from my three buns.
That voice, the one who was speaking inside my mind had been talking to me for weeks, it started when I was lying in bed one night, it had whispered that it knew of my power, and it promised me that I could do great things. That I had the potential that he'd be able to grow into something stronger than I had ever known before. And for some reason, I had trusted it despite my subconscious telling me not to. I found comfort in the voice, it reassured me like how I imagined a parent would.
I trusted him.
You're feeling conflicted. It said, sending a tendril of pain running through my temples making me wince.
"No I'm not." I said, immediately lowering my voice realizing I had spoken out loud. Thankfully Finn was sleeping across from me, after falling asleep playing a game of holochess with him and had gotten bored and went off to be, I glanced at him, realizing he hadn't heard me. But that was close, closer than safe. I had to be cautious now, I could feel the voice getting stronger, and I could feel myself starting to lose control.
Don't be. You don't have to be worried. I'm keeping you safe, you can trust me. It said, and I nodded, looking down at the Sith dagger that I had almost fully translated thanks to his help.
I know. Thank you, master. I said, letting out a deep breath as my trust was fully restored back into the voice, into the spirit who was guiding me to where I truly belonged.
I am excited to see you soon, young Rey. To see your power truly flourish. He said, I nodded.
As am I. I said, smiling softly to myself. Once we got to Exogol he promised he'd lead me to him, he promised I'd know where to go once we got there.
And remember. Don't let Aerolynn and Ben out of your sight. Make sure they come to me as well. I chewed on my lip, jealousy flaring up inside of me at hearing that he still wanted to see Aerolynn and Ben. Why did he want to meet them? It's not like they were more powerful than I was, according to him no one was.
Sleep well apprentice, knowing that you will be training under me in just a day's time. He said, I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. A day, just a day.
I will master, thank you for your help with the translating. I said, but then the voice was gone and I was left alone, alone under the yellow light of the lamp that was illuminating the dagger under me.
A day. Just one day until everything was set right.

Ben's pov
I gasped, sitting up in bed, my heart pounding in my chest. I had felt it, just for a second, it passed like a fleeting shadow but I had felt it. Palpatine.
"Ben?" Aerolynn asked, looking up at me, her eyes wide. I glanced at the clock, I had been asleep for no more than an hour. I ran my hands through my hair, letting out a shaky breath. She was still here, she was fine. Safe.
"Why are you still awake?" I asked, brushing the hair away from her forehead, her eyes fluttered at the gesture and she smiled up at me, the dimples that I felt the urge to kiss popping up on her cheeks.
"I couldn't sleep. I have too much on my mind." She said, letting out a groan and sprawling out on the pillow. I laughed, and brought a kiss down on her head.
"I can help with that." I said, she scoffed, reaching up and touching my cheekbone, her eyes sparkling and her pupils wide.
"As strong as you are, I doubt you can stop nagging thoughts." She said, sitting up and giving me a quick peck on the lips. I savored the feeling of her mouth on mine, enjoying her warmth.
"Lean back." I said, lacing her hand with mine. She did as she was told and moved so that she was lying on her back, her brown hair sprawled out around her on the pillows like a dark halo.
"What are you planning, Solo?" She asked, her brows furrowing, but I shook my head.
"Just trust me, Solo." I said, enjoying calling her the last name I had given her, I wished I used it more often. She scrunched her nose, fighting the smile that started to upturn the corners of her mouth.
I brought my hand up to her forehead and pressed my fingers to her temples, letting out a breath. She looked up at me, clearly confused with what my plans were. But she settled back into the cushions, trusting me.
"I can relax you, through the force, if you want me to." I said, her skin was warm under my hand, and she continued to stare up at me, her eyes never leaving mine. She nodded, swallowing hard.
"Alright, now, just try to relax." I said, she did as she was told and rolled her shoulders, snuggling deeper into the cushions. I then let out a breath, letting the force flow into her body, slowly, like dripping honey.
Aerolynn sighed, her body going limp and her eyes starting to close. I brushed her cheekbone with my fingertips, feeling her smooth skin. I bent down and kissed her forehead, my thumb skimming over her soft lips.
"Sleep my love." I said, winding a piece of her hair around my fingers. I gave myself a few sheer moments of bliss in just enjoying the sight of her before I pushed the covers off of myself and stood up from bed. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, running my hands through my hair in hopes to tame it before slipping out the door.
I still felt the darkness that swirled around in the force surrounding me. I ran my hands along the walls connecting to the force to try and track the trace of darkness I still felt flickering in the air. My bare feet stuck to the cold floor as I maneuvered around the tight corridors of the Falcon, wishing that I had put on shoes before I left.
I wondered how my father spent most of his life crammed into this hunk of junk, I'd get sick of it. But then again, I didn't love flying nearly as much as he did, I mean don't get me wrong, I did love it, but I wouldn't pursue it as a career.
I rounded the corner into the center of the ship where the holochess board was, still stuck in the middle of Poe and Aerolynn's game, the pieces twitching impatiently. I remembered playing holochess with my father and chewie for hours, I missed my childhood, it was too easy to get entertained or distracted, to forget about all the stress in the outside world.
"Ben." Someone said, it was a clear voice, hinted with an accent. I turned to see Rey sitting at the table still hunched over the dagger. Sympathy ran through me wondering just how long she had been at this whole translating thing. I looked at the pilots seat to find it empty, Poe must have put the ship on autopilot and retired to bed.
"Rey." I said, clearing my throat awkwardly. "Are thinking about going to sleep soon?" I walked over to the sink and filled a cup with water, sipping at it as I joined her at the table, which was scattered with papers and books.
"I'm almost done." She said, a little bit too sharp for me not to be suspicious. She looked down, some color staining her cheeks.
"I'm sorry." She mumbled, picking up her pencil and scribbling something into her notebook, I couldn't tell what she was writing but I wondered if it was just gibberish so she could avoid my eyes.
"It's okay, no hard feelings." I said, raising my hands up in surrender and letting out a chuckle. I wished it wasn't so awkward between us seeing as she was Aerolynns best friend and my daughters godmother. But we couldn't just ignore our past. I could still remember making her go unconscious back in Takodana and then sweeping her into my arms. I could still see the sweat that gleamed on her temples as I interrogated her, or the glow of blue when she had bested me with my uncle's lightsaber. Not to mention the now faint scar that still ran across my face thanks to her.
I felt something stir inside my stomach, why had the force led me here? Rey was the most light Jedi I knew, she was like pure brightness, I doubted she ever had conflicted thoughts, or doubted her connection to the light. She was the trademark definition of everything good in the force, everything my parents wanted me to be once they found out I was force-sensitive.
"Are you alright?" I asked, noticing how her hair was messed up from probably being raked through with her hands one too many times. Something I did when I was stressed, for some reason, although we seemed to be polar opposites, I related to her in a way.
"I'm fine." She said, letting out a sigh and glancing up at me. I leaned back in my chair, lacing my hands together. I was about to hop up while I had the chance to leave this awkward interaction when I felt her hand on my arm. I flinched from her touch but didn't pull my arm away, not wanting to hurt her.
"I wanted to give you something." She said, I felt my brows furrow as I saw her reach down to her belt and unhook something from her waistband. I saw a gleam of metal and I braced myself, wondering what she was going to do, when suddenly, I saw Luke's lightsaber in her hands. Anakin's saber, the saber that was supposed to be mine if I finished my Jedi training.
"What are you doing?" I asked as she put it on the table in front of me. I didn't look at her, my eyes trained on the saber.
"It's yours. It may have called to me before but seeing as I have my own saber now, I realized I should give it back to the person who deserves it. Think of it as a redemption gift." She said, smiling smally.
I picked it up, twirling it in my hands. I felt something stir in my stomach and I smiled, a genuine true smile.
"Thank you." I said, and then looked up at her, raising a single eyebrow. "Are you sure?" She nodded, pinching her lips together. It was a strange gift to accept considering how much it meant to her, but I guess that made it that much more special.
"How can I thank you-" I started, but she interrupted me by waving her hand.
"You don't have to, you can just take it. Consider it yours, now." She said, I smiled again, feeling the urge bubble up inside of me to hug her, but then bit back on it knowing we had yet to reach that point in the progress we had made since our lightsaber duel back at Starkiller.
"Thank you again, really. I appreciate this." I said, gripping the saber and feeling a rush of light run through me. "Now, you should go to bed. It won't do us well against Palpatine if your half-conscious." She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. I couldn't help but see the shadow that drifted across her face upon my mentioning him.
"You're right. The directions to the Wayfinder are pretty much translated, so I think we'll be all set tomorrow." She said, standing up and stretching her back, resulting in multiple pops. I glanced at her, surprised at the noise, but she only shrugged.
"Goodnight Ben." She said, going off to her room where Poe was snoring loudly, everyone had to pair up considering how there was a limited amount of rooms on this ship, and since Rose and Finn and Aerolynn and I were a couple, Poe and Rey were grouped together. I almost felt bad for her.
"Goodnight Rey." I said, giving her a small wave before going off and back to my room, continuing to twirl the lightsaber in my hand, enjoying how it felt.
I opened the door to my room, where Aerolynn was still slumbering away happily thanks to me, her face pressed to the pillow and her hair scattered around her. I smiled at the sight and ran my hand over her hair before stripping down to just my boxers and joining her in bed. I wrapped my waist around her and pulled her close to me before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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