Chapter 17

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The next few days were pretty boring even though it might be my last days being alive. I don't mean to be so pessimistic but, I don't want to be in denial either. There is a high chance that the Earth will be destroyed by Cell, and yet my mother is still making me do chores and homework even though the school is obviously abandoned. I literally had to beg her not to make me go to a class with no teachers and students. And it was all because she didn't want me to ruin my perfect attendance. 😐 I couldn't even go train with Gohan because I didn't clean my room. My mother has good intentions but sometimes, I wish I was just homeschooled like Gohan. At least she isn't Chi-Chi crazy. I still have way more free time than Gohan.

I haven't had anymore nightmares lately, which is good, but I still haven't had a chance to ask Piccolo about it. Tears well up in my eyes every time I think about it. All I want to know is what it means and how it felt so real. I wanted to see Gohan and make sure he was ok again, but I knew it was just a dream, no matter how real it felt.

Currently, I lay on my bed in my room, reading one of the books I got for my birthday. My mother had finally decided to give me a little time to myself since it was the day before the Cell Games. She went to Capsule Corp. to finish up the final analysis of 16 and said she would be home later on. I put my book "pages down" so that I don't lose my spot. I stand up and walk to the window and stare out at the suburban neighborhood. As much as I tried to distract myself, it was impossible to forget about the nightmare even though I knew Gohan was absolutely fine. But this shaky feeling is probably not going away anytime soon and I can't go into the Cell Games in this condition. I need to be completely focused. I need to talk to Piccolo.

As usual, I open the window and fly out even though my mom doesn't like it. Sorry mom, but doing this is much easier than going out the front door. I head to the Lookout at a slow pace since it was about noon and I want to enjoy the scenery and the sun's rays. Although, there was not much to enjoy. The once vibrant cities are now ghost towns with everyone either evacuated or a part of Cell now. My stomach churns at the fact that there are parents who lost their babies or little babies who lost their parents. Like I did; or just my dad anyway. My face grimaces and I realize that these are the people I have to fight for. The people who don't have a complete family anymore. The people who were robbed of years on their lives because of one person who wanted to take advantage.

I punch my fist into the palm of my other hand and nod to myself with a huff.

I finally reach the Lookout tower and I start to fly all the way to the top. With the wind in my face finally stopping, I reach the top. Unfortunately, I stop flying to see that Gohan is here talking with Krillin and a smaller Namekian. I narrow my eyes at the new guest. Is that Piccolo's son or something? I didn't know he had a son. Anyway, I floated back down a little before any of them could see me. For some reason, I didn't want to see Gohan. It's probably because of that stupid nightmare. I don't want him to get hurt because of me. I peek just above the Lookout floor to see if Piccolo is there. Thankfully, he is not where the others are. I fly to the other the other side to see if he is there and surely, there he is meditating as always. I peek again to make sure no one else is around before I fly onto the floor and mask my energy as I walk up to him.


"Hello Willow. What is it?", he responds.

"Can I talk to you? I had this nightmare and I would really like to know what it means?", I say, getting right to the point.

"Go ahead.", he simply says, stopping his meditation.

I proceed to tell him everything, leaving out some of the insignificant things. He nodded occasionally so I knew he was listening to everything and analyzing it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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