Chapter 1

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I open my eyes and tilt my head slightly to see that I smashed yet another alarm clock while trying to turn it off. I groan loudly, frustrated that sometimes I don't know my own strength.

Mom rushes into my room after hearing the startling sound. "Willow! What was that?!", she says before looking at my nightstand and seeing my alarm clock in pieces.

She glares at me. "Another one Willow!?"

"Sorry mom.", I say as sit up in my bed and twiddle my thumbs embarrassed.

Mom sighs, "You need to learn to control your strength better."

"I know mom. I'm really trying to but Goku says that it will be a little difficult since I'm human and really young." I looked down thinking about how I will probably never be able as strong or as capable as a Saiyan. I know I'm only 10 but with these Androids that Goku told me were coming, I want to be as strong as possible. I know that Goku wants the best for me because not only is he my teacher but he treats me like his very own daughter. He was like the father I never had since mine was killed when I was only 1 years old.


My mother and I met Goku and his family 6 years ago when we were walking in a meadow. We walked through the same meadow almost everyday because it was summer vacation and I loved making flower crowns. One day we went a little further than we usually went because I insisted on finding other colored flowers and we saw another family up ahead of us. My mom, being my mom, of course wanted to go talk to them. As we approached them, I hid behind my mother's leg, obviously not enthusiastic about talking to strangers.

My mom greets them saying, "Hello there. Are you all from around here? I haven't seen you before." I took this chance to examine the people in front of me. There was a tall man with very spiky black hair. He was very muscular so assumed he worked out a lot. He had a nice friendly smile on his face that said that even though he was strong, he meant no harm. Next, there was woman about my mother's age who had her black hair in a painfully tight bun. She wore a friendly smile as well but I could tell she was a powerful woman who didn't play around when it came to certain things. I assumed that she was the man's wife. Which brings me to her son. Like me, he was hiding behind his parent's leg and was trying to examine me and my mother's faces. Although he wasn't quite looking at my mother too much. He was staring straight at me. As soon as I realized, I hid completely behind my mother as she made conversation with the boy's parents. The boy had spiky hair like his father. It wasn't as spiky but it was still up there. He was probably the same age as me and he had the most adorable face I had ever seen. He looked so innocent, but then again, we were probably both 4. Innocence was the only thing on our face at this age. After I thought about him for a few more seconds, the adults had reached the point in their conversation where it was time to introduce their children. My mom tried to get me out of my hiding place by telling me that they were nice people and there was no need to be shy.

I slowly came out but with my head down and eyes staring at my feet. I heard the other woman saying the same thing my mother told me to the boy and he came out from behind his father's leg. I decided to look up finally when my mother introduced herself to the boy so that I could properly say hello. "H-Hi. My name is Willow". The woman and the man both said hello and introduced themselves.

"Hello there. My name is Chi-Chi and this is my husband Goku." The woman said with a smile. "Hiya." Goku said. "And this is our son Gohan." I finally look at the boy again after a while and he was still staring at me with that dreamy look on his face. I blush and he does too once he realizes that he's been staring. Chi-Chi and my mother chuckle lightly at our behavior and they both start pushing their respective child forwards, trying to get them to talk to one another. "H-Hi Gohan.", I say as I look into his seemingly black eyes. He was slightly taller than me so I had to look a little upwards at him. "H-Hi Willow.", he says, still flustered that he was staring at you this whole time. After we greeted each other, my mother suggested that I go and play with him. We ran off and as we got farther away, we heard Chi-Chi yell, "Don't go too far you two."

We stopped running and I turned to Gohan. "So what do you want to play?", I said with a smile, trying to be friendly. "How about hide and seek?", Gohan said smiling back at you. "Ok! I call hiding first!", I said running away. I hid in my favorite hiding place from when my mother and I played which was in a tree branch. I climb as fast as my 4 year old limbs will take me and I eventually made it up the tree just as Gohan says, "Ready or not, here I come!" I was confident in my hiding abilities and thought that there was no way he would find me. As shy as I was, I was very adventurous which is why I made this place my favorite hiding spot. Gohan walks around looking in patches of flowers searching for me. Soon he was right underneath the tree that I was in and I was looking down right at him. I hear him say to himself, "Hmmm, I wonder where she is." I had to cover my mouth to not accidentally laugh at how clueless he looked. After a while, I heard him yell to no where in particular, "Ok Willow. I give up. You can come out now." I stand up on the branch, keeping my balance and declaring my victory. "Haha Gohan you couldn't find me. I was up here the whole time." I stated mockingly. Gohan jumped when he heard this and turned towards the direction of my voice. "Wow you were up there? That was a great hiding place Willow.", he yelled since he was a little ways away from me. All of a sudden, the tree branch started to crack like it was going to break and I screamed for dear life as I started to fall.

I closed my eyes and braced for impact but it never came as I felt someone's arms underneath me. I peeked one eye open to see who saved me and I see a pair of black eyes filled with concern staring at me. Immediately, Gohan threw a barrage of questions at me. "Willow are you ok?! Are you hurt!? Should I get your mom?!" I stopped him and said, "No, no I'm ok. Thank you so much for saving me.", I say gratefully. Then I realize that he was pretty far away so how could he have possibly gotten to me? "Gohan, how did you move so fast that you were able to get to me in time?", I asked still in his safe arms. "I don't know, but I'm really glad I did.", he said with a smile.

The rest of the day was just him and I just playing different games and having fun. Most of them were games that I wanted to play since Gohan insisted that I should get to choose after that traumatic experience. At the end of the day, I had gotten a new nickname from Gohan: Lolo. I really liked the sound of it, especially coming from him. Our parents eventually came to get us to go home and we both were upset that we couldn't see each other again, but our parents told us that we can see each other again very soon. Our parents said their goodbyes and so did Gohan and I.

"Willow!", I heard as I walked away with my mom. I turned around and saw Gohan running towards me. When he reached me he pulled me into a big hug. I was surprised at first but I quickly put my arms around him. "Thanks again for saving me today.", you whispered to him. "You're welcome. See you soon.", he whispered back as he pulled away and ran back to his parents.

That day sparked the beginning of a friendship with Goku and his family that would last forever. Maybe even something more with a certain someone one day.

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