Chapter 6: Photophobia

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Photophobia- Fear of light
~Harry got use to the dark, in all the time he had spent in it he didn't want to leave again, Voldemort came and the light came in, and Harry wasn't sure what to expect. Voldemort didn't either.

-Rating: Explicit
-Relationships: Lord Voldemort/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Canon Universe, Kidnapping, Captive, Rape/Non-Con, Violence, Hallucinations, Finger Nail Trauma (idk why I added since its one of my worst fears), Torture, rough sex.


Yellow, Orange, Red, Purple, Blue, Green, White. He could see the colors when he closed his eyes hard enough, and he knew if he saw them in the light he would know what they were. It was simply his mind tricking him, he knew it but he let himself hope still.
Black was all he saw now, his eyes held no sight, he was sure his pupils would be permanently wide, though when he finally saw light again it might be enough to blind him. Shuffling slowly across his space, Harry slid his hands on the floor till he found the mattress laid out, sighing he let himself fall into it. There was no clock, and even if there was he wouldn't be able to read it, but inside his head he felt it was about time for bed. Worming himself into his covers and locating his pillow he waited. Every night it would appear and he was patiently waiting for it now.

Before it could appear however he heard something. This he knew wasn't his mind. The creaking got louder and he heard the door to his space open. He screamed in shock as he noticed light flood the room. The corner wasn't far enough back to get away, throwing the blanket over his head and closing his eyes he hoped it would stop. From the light he had seen his head was pounding. Tears were streaming down his face, but he knew it was from the light and not actual sadness. The blanket protecting him was ripped off and he squeaked as he turned to hide his face. Hands gripped his face and a soft hissing voice came, it was gentle but still hurt his head.

"Look at me Harry, open your eyes."

Pulling himself away Harry screamed louder and tried to hide in on himself, hoping whatever it was would go away. The voice grew louder and louder till it was yelling, causing Harry to sob in pain.


Pushing and shoving Harry hoped it would end soon, that it was a nightmare and the dark would come back. The voice stopped and he felt himself be brought forward. Something soft and cold was touching his lips, pressing against him. Soon after a slimy and strong feeling was added. Realizing he was being kissed he tried to get away, but only hit the wall hard. The mouth was back and he was being kissed deeply, he knew the only way to stop it was to open his eyes but it hurt so much. Slowly, his eyelids pulled up, fluttering and twitching as he squinted. The voice sighed and kissed both his eyes, having him close them for half a second.

The world formed around him. Color took over, though the only one besides the dull brown of the room was a bright red in the eyes of his captor. His situation came back, the pain in his head pressing back in. With a shout he pulled away and went to the other side of the room, he heard a deep annoyed sigh before he felt his ankle grabbed in a death grip. His voice came out violently as he was pulled from the room, tearing his throat. Fingers clawed at anything they could latch onto, and the pain from his head was out weighed by the trauma of his fingernails ripping off his left hand, he gripped it to his chest as his other arm lashed out. He saw the bloody, red streaks trailing after him. The pain of his nails being left in the wooden paneling behind him wasn't enough to stop him from fighting the light from the open door.

When his whole form was covered in the light, he tricked the man by not moving and simply shivering violently. The man moved with a shuffling of his feet, and that was Harry's que. With every last drop of strength and bravery he had, Harry flipped onto his stomach, pushing up he pulled his body as fast as he could towards the dark room. Before he was even half way there everything shifted as something grabbed around his stomach and heaved him up. When a soft mattress gave way under him, he pushed against the man, pulling the covers he knew were there over him and hiding his head under the down sheets. The light came again along with a slap across his face.

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